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  1. 著名经济学家海曼明斯基(hymanminsky)曾解释道,这是凯恩斯新古典综合学派理论的固有缺陷之一。

    Renowned economist Hyman Minsky explained that this was one of the inherent flaws of the Keynesian neo-classical synthesis .

  2. 当代西方宏观经济学是指新古典综合学派衰落之后的西方宏观经济学。

    Modern western macroeconomics is the macroeconomics after the decline of Neo-classic Synthesis School .

  3. 研究企业知识管理的学者可以分为三个学派:行为学派、技术学派和综合学派。

    There are three schools among the researchers for enterprise knowledge management : namely , the Behavior School , the Technology School and the Integrated School .

  4. 两种价值判断与改革目标选择&论新马克思经济学综合创新学派和新自由主义经济学派

    Values and Goals of Reform & A Review on Two Schools of Marxism Economics On the Principles of New Marxist Economy

  5. 综合评述哈尔滨泛函学派在近15年里关于Orlicz空间几何学的研究工作。

    The work of research of geometry of Orlicz spaces done by Harbin School of Functional Analysis in recent years is presented .

  6. 综合创新要求的提出既是文艺理论发展的必然结果,也受到欧、美文学理论界相关研究特别是原苏联文艺创作综合研究学派的启示。

    The discussion is the unavoidable result of theoretical developments of literature and art , and is influenced by relevant studies in European and American theoretical circles as well . It is especially inspired by Russian school of comprehensive researches of literary and art creation .