
  1. 相同的政策问题适用于项目-执行者流的接口。

    The same policy questions apply at the project-to-practitioner stream interface .

  2. 对该应用程序的需求将从业务利益相关者流到执行操作的开发团队。

    The requirements for the application will flow from the business stakeholders to the development team for implementation .

  3. 提示小儿病理性GER以卧位时明显,伴有食管裂孔疝者返流更为严重。

    Pathological GER in children was more serious at lying position , especially in patients with HH .

  4. [方法]对120例慢性乙肝病毒携带者和60例健康者应用流式细胞仪直接免疫荧光法检测外周血T淋巴细胞亚群百分率,并进行比较;

    Methods : T-cell subsets were examined by direct immunofluorescence using flow cytometry in 120 chronic HBV carriers and 60 health control .

  5. 图片上他的眼泪为那些质疑者而流,欣慰地紧握其右手臂的父亲让他变得更好。

    The tears were for all of the doubters . And the reassuring grip on his right arm from his father makes it even better .

  6. 食管pH监测胃食管酸反流阳性或胃镜检查存在反流性食管炎(RE)者为反流组,食管pH值监测胃食管酸反流阴性者为非反流组。

    Patients with GER diagnosed by esophageal pH monitor or reflux esophagitis ( RE ) by endoscopy were regarded as the reflux group , others as the non-reflux group .

  7. PPT讲课视频作为e-learning中主要的课件形式,由于投影设备和光照条件的影响,一般比较模糊,为解决这一问题,基于视频、讲稿和索引标题三者同步的流媒体课件制作系统应运而生。

    As the primary form of e-learning courseware , PPT video is generally ambiguous because of the coarse projective equipment and poor light . In order to solve the problem , the streaming courseware creating system on the synchronization of video , source document and navigation is developed .

  8. 在不同码率和不同路径长度的模拟环境下测试了解码视频流的质量,研究、对比了二者在视频流传输中的性能。

    Under different video stream rates and path lengths , the decoded video stream qualities are measured to compare and analyze the performance of Bluetooth and802.11b .

  9. 来自承租者的现金流比来自股票的更稳定,后者的价值日复一日地曲折前行,而且红利可能突然就被管理方中止。

    The cashflow from tenants is more stable than that from equities , where values zigzag day by day and dividends can suddenly be suspended by the management .

  10. 评论家们质疑这个计划是否具备刺激经济的潜力,到必要的时候,借款者得资金流像滚雪球般的越滚越大,必然会以拥有抵押贷款的投资者们的利益为牺牲。

    Critics question the programme 's potential to stimulate the economy , when the increased cashflow of borrowers will come at the expense of the investors who own the mortgages .

  11. 螺旋流在工业方面有广泛的应用,如在射流技术、燃烧技术、气力输送、旋风分离、内燃机等方面均应用了螺旋流,各国研究者对螺旋流进行了广泛的研究。

    Spiral flow is widely used in industry , e.g. in jet technology , combustion technology , pneumatic transportation , cyclone separators . Researchers have done a lot of investigations about spiral flow .

  12. 在中国,银行家表示,考虑到借款者缺乏现金流证明和抵押品,利率必须达到一定水平才有理由发放贷款,但相关法规禁止中国的银行这样做。

    In China , regulations bar Chinese banks from lending money to these borrowers at interest rates that bankers say would justify the loans , given the lack of proven cash flows and collateral .

  13. 关于系统教育结束后中国英语学习者英语语言能力流损研究的必要性

    On the Study of Language Attrition of English Learners after College Education

  14. 多普勒超声心动图评价健康志顾者的瓣膜返流

    Doppler echocardiographic evaluation of valve regurgitation in healthy volunteers

  15. 正常受检者股静脉返流彩色多普勒检测探讨

    A CDFI Research of Normal Femoral Vein Reflux

  16. 典型酸反流症状者中混合反流占51.4%,即发生反流者中有一半为酸和胆汁反流同时存在。

    In patients with typical reflux , 51.4 % presented with mixture reflux of acid and duodenal liquid .

  17. 这一过程建立在生态系统与经济系统相似性的基础之上:二者均为物质流与能量流的流转过程。

    The derivation is based on an analogy between ecological and economic systems : both systems are characterized by flows of material and energy .

  18. 比较健康志愿者、酸反流者、胆汁反流者及混合反流者食管下端括约肌压力、一氧化氮及血管活性肠肽含量的变化。

    The changes of the LES pressure , NO and VIP were compared in healthy volunteers , acids reflux , bile reflux , and mixed reflux patients .

  19. 顺应性减低者膀胱输尿管返流发生率67%(14/21),明显高于顺应性正常者(7%,1/15,P<0.01)。

    The incidence ( 67 % ) of bladder ureteral reflux in patients with low compliance was significantly higher than those ( 7 % ) with normal compliance .

  20. 信息需求流是利益相关者获得相应利益的过程,而信息供给流是其行使相应权力的过程,供给流是主要利益相关者对需求流的反应。

    Flow of information demand corresponded interests of the stakeholders in the process , and information flow supplied which is the response to the demand flow the exercise of power to the process .

  21. 所有骑车者都把汽车、卡车和公交车当作天敌,但有些骑车者却敌视其他骑车者,在自行车流中使劲往前挤,这些人只适合单独工作。

    All cyclists view cars , lorries and buses as natural enemies , but the cyclist who is hostile to his own kind , and who squeezes past others on the inside is suitable only for solitary working .