
This paper applies the improved grey GM ( 1,1 ) model to the research of the present development trend of an oil field 's general water percentage .
The results show that , when used to predict the present general water percentage of the oil-field , the improved grey GM ( 1,1 ) model can achieve a satisfactory result , whose error is relatively small .
Composite water cut decreased 7.0 % , daily oil production increased 117t and cumulative incremental oil production is 2.2 × 10 4t in edge ? corner wells .
After six years of performance , the water cut is decreased by 4 % , the cumulative increase of oil production is 4.2 × 10 4t , and the recovery is increased by 2.5 % .
Oil production increases from 407 t / d to 720 t / d , composite water cut decreases from 93.2 % to 82.7 % , cumulative incremental oil has been 5 8 × 10 4t .
Mathematic Model of Predicting Annual Water Percentage of Water-injected Oil-fields
Prediction of the economical limits of water cut in oil field development
Oil production technology of zone replacement is studied aiming at the problems of high water cut and serious interference between layers .
In major producing blocks , 85.0 % of recoverable reserve has been produced , and its composite water cut is 85.56 % .
The water-cut of six oil fields including Daqing has reached more than 90 % , these oil fields have entered high water-cut developing bear stage .
As oil and gas field development entering mid-later period , total water cut of oil well is increased , oilfield development is becoming more difficult .
The effect of stabilizing oil production by water control was achieved in 1999 with 17.6 % natural decline rate and 48.4 % composite water cut .
With water-flooding development passed through more than ten years , Qiuling oilfield has entered into high water-cut stage and the integral water content is close to60 % .
In light oil water injection blocks of Liaohe oil field , 65.95 % of recoverable reserve has been produced , and composite water cut is 78.35 % .
The integral block profile control technique is one of the important measures for inhibiting the integrate water cut increasing and enhancing the stage recovery percent in a block .
Blocked oil reservoir WM-1 in Zhongyuan is characterized by formation temperature 80 ℃, composite water cut 85.53 % , and rather a large exponential decline of oil production .
Most oil fields in china are at the latter stage of high water-cut or at the stage of ultrahigh water cut , having the water-cut up to80 % .
After 20 years development , Pucheng Oilfield has been in the high water cut stage , whose production is in descending stage and the water cut is 92 % .
With the continued development of oil and gas fields , Integrated liquid water content oil output rising , wastewater re-injection has become the primary means of oil field water injection .
PuCheng oil field is one of the most important oil regions of ZhongYuan oil field . It was developed in 1987 and the water cut increased to 85 % in 1999 .
It becomes more and more difficult to determine residual oil saturation of flooded formation from conventional resistivity logging data due to the high watercut and the salinity variations of formation water .
With the aging of the oil well , the water content in crude oil increases constantly , which may be as high 90 % and even 95 % in some cases .
Up to now , the recovery is only 76.6 % of the reserves while the comprehensive water cut has reached 92.9 % as a result of commingled production in the past years .
Field experiment indicates that , periodic polymer flooding with separate quality obtains daily 1.3 times of incremental oil of single well , water cut decreases 5.7 % , oil recovery increases 10.23 % .
The Eastern Area in Fuyu Oilfield is an old Oilfield that has been developed for more than 30 years . Its oil yield decreases rapidly and the overall water content reaches 88 % .
By the end of 2002 , the overall water cut for the oilfield is up to 87 % , and water cut for the main pay zone has reached 90 ~ 95 % .
This paper presents a new method for evaluation of oilfield development effectiveness by waterflooding , that is directly using the ratio of instantaneous composite water cut vs corresponding recovery percent to do it .
The oil recovery of periodic water flooding is better than that of conventional water flooding when it is carried out in the integrated water cut of 40 % , 70 % and 90 % .
At present , the problems existing in the reservoir development involve the high total water-cut , low ratio of total oil produced to OOIP and large amount of unproduced oil remaining in the matrix .
Because most of the oil Wells is daqing oilfield co-layer development , oil-reservoir water flooding level is very serious , and water-oil relations are very complex , oilfield comprehensive high water-bearing , Oilfield stable production difficult .