
  1. 我们的在线书店使用LotusQuickr来管理图书信息。

    Our online book store uses Lotus Quickr to manage book information .

  2. 他表示:2006年,英国管理图书市场增长了25%。

    The UK market for these titles was up 25 per cent in 2006 , he says .

  3. 知识经济时代,图书馆的职能正在发生新的变革,由收集管理图书转为新知识、新信息的发布中心和集散地。

    The function of library is experiencing a transformation from collecting and supervising books to the center of releasing and distributing the new information .

  4. 本文对计算机管理图书流通工作中的系统软件设备和数据质量问题加以分析,提出了相应解决措施。

    This paper analyses the problems in books circulation , which are caused by the system software equipments and the quality data and proposes the countermeasures to solve them .

  5. 但是,这些图书数据只是简单地存储在数据库中,并没有充分利用这些图书数据来挖掘出有用的决策信息,以便帮助图书馆管理员更加合理有效的管理图书。

    However , these data was simply stored in the database not to be fully used to mine useful information for decision-making in order to help librarians manage more the book the more rational and effective .

  6. 在管理图书信息方面使用计算机技术具有查找快速、操作简便、安全可靠、信息存储量大、寿命长、成本低等人工所无法达到的效果。

    Books in the management of information using computer technology has to find quick , simple , safe and reliable , the information storage capacity , long life , low cost labor can not be achieved .

  7. 他还写过多本管理类图书,其中包括畅销书《只有偏执狂才能生存》(Onlytheparanoidsurvive)和《高产出管理》(Highoutputmanagement)。《只有偏执狂才能生存》描写的是如何对企业面临的危机加以利用。

    He also wrote management books including the bestseller Only the paranoid survive - about how to exploit crises at companies - and High output management .

  8. 除非版权所有者选择不参与该计划,否则由出版商和作者的代表管理的图书版权登记处(bookrightsregistry)将有权把美国境内绝版图书的电子版权授给谷歌。

    Unless copyright owners opt out of the plan , a Book Rights registry to be run by representatives of the publishers and authors will have the power to license digital rights for all out-of-print books in the us to Google .

  9. 在此基础上,结合Spring架构,阐述该系统的总体设计以及图书检索、图书借阅管理、图书管理、读者续借图书、预约和挂失等核心模块详细设计过程。

    Based on this , it is elaborated about this system overall design as well as the books retrieval , the books borrowing management , the books management , the reader renewal books , making an appointment and reporting a loss and so on nucleus module detailed design processes .

  10. 正如管理学图书作家吉姆•柯林斯(JimCollins)向《成为史蒂夫•乔布斯》一书的作者所说的那样,乔布斯的第三阶段——从55岁到75岁——“本来会极其精彩……但是我们没机会看到了”。

    As Jim Collins , the management writer , tells the authors of Becoming Steve Jobs , his third phase - from age 55 to 75 - " would have been fascinating   .   .   .   But we don 't get to see that . "

  11. 开架管理下图书分类和排架的思考

    Thought of Book Classification and Stack Arrangement Under Open Shelf Management

  12. 知识管理与图书情报学研究创新探讨

    Innovation Research on the Knowledge Management and Library and Information Science

  13. 掌握图书管理和图书安全系统软件的操作。

    Knowledgeable of library management software and library security systems .

  14. 知识管理在图书情报机构中的应用

    Application of knowledge management in library and information institutions

  15. 知识管理时代图书情报学的理论基础研究

    Study on the Theoretical Basis of Library and Information Science in Knowledge Management Time

  16. 基于知识管理的图书情报学教育变革

    Changes in Educational Changes of Library and Information Science on the Basis of Knowledge Management

  17. 这本极为畅销的图书让管理类图书焕发出了一种更为傲慢和自信的色彩。

    This huge bestseller encouraged management writing to adopt a brasher and more assertive voice .

  18. 和生活中其它事物一样,商业和管理类图书也极易受到其黄金时代神话的影响。

    Business and management books are as susceptible to golden age mythologising as any other aspect of life .

  19. 的确,没有人声称自己是商业书籍的热心读者。大多数商业书籍被定义为管理类图书。

    True , nobody claimed to be an avid reader of business books , which most defined as books about management .

  20. 月毕业于武汉大学信息管理学院图书情报专业。

    I will graduate this July from the School of Information Management , Wuhan University with concentration on Library and Intelligence .

  21. 本系统包括车辆管理、图书管理、办公用品管理,满足学院办公资源管理上的迫切需求。

    This system includes the vehicle management , library management , office supplies management , satisfy office resource management institute of the urgent needs .

  22. 在系统实现部分,主要介绍了系统首页、系统登录、管理员设置、图书管理、图书借还等模块的具体实现过程。

    In the implementation section , the implementation processes of some modules , such as system home page , system registry , administrator setting , library management , book circulation etc. are introduced .

  23. 完成了系统的整个开发实现后,能很好解决购物车管理和图书信息管理等功能,和以往普通工作方式相比,大大提高了对数据处理的效率。

    After finished the system , it solves the problems well which are about shopping cart management , book information management . Compared with normal analysis method , it is fast and efficient .

  24. 因此,基于知识管理的图书情报学教育课程设置可以模块化,即将课程分成必修的核心课程模块与选修课程模块,以培养复合型人才。

    On the basis of knowledge management , the paper conceives the curricula setting in library and information science , i. e. to unite compulsory-core-course module with elective modules so as to cultivate compound professionals .

  25. 海峡两岸图书情报院系交流合作回顾我即将于今年7月毕业于武汉大学信息管理学院图书情报专业。

    Review of the Communication and Cooperation Between the Cross-straits Library and Information Science Department I will graduate this July from the School of Information Management , Wuhan University with concentration on Library and Intelligence .

  26. 在这个小节中,您将从头开始创建一个RESTWeb服务来管理一个图书资源集合。

    In this section , you develop from scratch a REST Web service for managing a collection of book resources .

  27. 图书管理系统中图书编号的自动生成

    Create the serial number of book in the book management system automatically

  28. 质量管理:现代图书服务机构的新型管理理念

    Quality Management : A New Management Idea in Contemporary Libraries

  29. 信息集成管理系统在图书管理中的应用

    Application of books information integrated manage system in books management

  30. 自动化管理系统下图书剔旧的实践

    The Practices of Book Obsolete with the Automatic Management System in the Libraries