
yōu xiān
  • first;take precedence;prior;have priority;underlying
优先 [yōu xiān]
  • [have priority;take precedence] 放在他人或他事之前。多指在待遇上占先

  • 军人优先

优先[yōu xiān]
  1. 在本例中,要严格遵守规范,要求优先考虑HTTP报头的值。

    In this case , strict specification conformance requires that the value from the HTTP header take precedence .

  2. 当两个行为发生冲突时,一个中央仲裁器(arbitrator)决定哪个行为应该优先。

    When two behaviors conflict , a central arbitrator decides which should take precedence .

  3. 要优先处理所有标星号的部分。

    Treat all the sections that have been starred as priority .

  4. 这没有列入她最优先考虑办理的事项。

    It did not figure high on her list of priorities .

  5. 政府优先致力于税制改革。

    The government has given top priority to reforming the tax system .

  6. 新一届政府将教育放在了高度优先的地位。

    Education has been given a high-priority rating by the new administration .

  7. 这所大学的毕业生会获得优先考虑。

    Preference will be given to graduates of this university .

  8. 这个机构是为优先满足老年人的需要而成立的。

    The organization was formed to prioritize the needs of older people .

  9. 这里谁有优先通行权?

    Whose right of way is it ?

  10. 在这个路口,公共汽车有优先通行权。

    Buses have priority at this junction .

  11. 人们认为政府没有优先考虑教育,这是不难理解的。

    You could be pardoned for thinking that education is not the government 's priority .

  12. 现有股东将有优先购买权。

    Existing shareholders will have pre-emption rights .

  13. 如果你决定出售这辆车,给我优先购买权好吗?

    Will you give me first refusal on the car , if you decide to sell it ?

  14. 工党尚未将该问题列为优先考虑的事项。

    The Labour Party has not made the issue a high priority

  15. 将要做的事情列出来,然后决定其优先顺序。

    Make lists of what to do and prioritize your tasks .

  16. 美国国防部将会优先考虑那些能够进行电子商务的公司。

    The Pentagon will give preference to companies which do business electronically .

  17. 早申请者将获优先考虑。

    Priority will be given to those who apply early .

  18. 这些乱七八糟的需优先考虑的事项没有什么可惊讶的。

    These jumbled priorities should be no cause for surprise

  19. 下图是我们优先考虑的10个选择。

    The chart below shows our top 10 choices .

  20. 我们有一个迫在眉睫、需要优先处理的公共卫生问题。

    We have an urgent front-burner public health problem .

  21. 美国最优先考虑的是帮助各国自卫防御。

    America 's priority is to help nations defend themselves

  22. 这些提议值得拥护,因为它们优先考虑了儿童的需求。

    The proposals deserve support as they give priority to the needs of children .

  23. 单亲父母在申请住房时享有优先权。

    Single parents got priority in the housing queue

  24. 我不赞成经济发展应优先于环境保护这个前提。

    I disagree with the premise that economic development has priority over the environment .

  25. 他说确定优先顺序是至关重要的。

    He says setting priorities is of critical importance

  26. 舒适公寓中的单间,带屋顶阳台,不抽烟的职业人士,女士优先。

    Single room in lovely flat , roof terrace , non-smoking prof. , woman pref.

  27. (按照优先次序)写下你想具有的品质。

    Write down ( in order of priority ) the qualities you 'd like to have

  28. 政府将优先投资服务行业,而非工业和生产行业。

    The government is prioritising the service sector , rather than investing in industry and production .

  29. 若房产要出售,承租人可以有优先购买权。

    A tenant may have a right of first refusal if a property is offered for sale .

  30. 将事情按优先顺序排列能有效地避免把精力浪费在无意义的工作上。

    Getting your priorities in order is a good way to not waste energy on meaningless pursuits .