
  • 网络good design
  1. 这款LED灯泡获得了今年日本优良设计奖的金奖。

    The LED bulb obtained this year Japanese good design award gold medal .

  2. 优良设计奖是在评委的建议指导和理解掌握下进行运作的,这些评委都是在工业和文化界等领域拥有很高的教育背景并深刻掌握产业知识。

    The Good Design Award project is operated on the advice and understanding of judges who are highly educated and knowledgeable in industry , culture and other areas .

  3. 基于文献[1]关于假设检验的优良设计理论,提出了一个合理的回归模型,并找出了在这一模型下利用ASP方法进行基因连锁分析的一个最优抽样方案。

    Based on the theory of the optimal design for hypothesis test proposed by references [ 1 ] , this paper suggests a reasonable regression model , and gets an optimal sample for genetic linkage analysis with ASP methods .

  4. 优良设计的程式,能避免漏付件或引致损坏。

    Well designed process to avoid missing accessories & induced defective .

  5. 然而,具有深厚文化底蕴的中国,优良设计的缺乏,“制造大国”的称号令中国工业设计处于分外尴尬的境地。

    However , although China has a deep culture of grangeur and the title of manufacturing power , and its lack of outstanding design works put the industrial design into an embarrassing position .

  6. 本文深信,只有依托于中国社会实际,中国的工业设计教育才能真正满足中国工业设计发展的需求,才能真正出现属于中国的优良设计。

    The thesis considers that industrial design education in China can meet the requirements of the development of industrial design only when it takes into consideration the social reality of China . Only then will appear Good Design which truly belongs to China .

  7. 持久层框架封装了JDBC动作,它们以优良的设计大大提高了数据库访问层的开发效率,并且通过对数据访问中各种资源和数据的缓存调度,实现了更佳的性能。

    The persistence frameworks which are well-designed and encapsulate JDBC acts enhance the efficiency of data access and get much better performance by cache mechanism .

  8. 优良的设计功能使更长的使用寿命比同类产品。

    Superior design features enable a much longer service life than competitive products .

  9. 呼吸富氧气体能够简化减压程序。优良的设计可简化程序的调试。

    Breathing nitrox can reduce your decompression stress . good planning simplifies program debug .

  10. 优良的设计可简化程序的调试。简化技巧-程序验证中的

    Good planning simplifies program debug . simplification technique

  11. 我发现有些展品质量优良,设计美观。

    I find some of the exhibit fine in quality and beautiful in design .

  12. 我们追求设计锐意创新,服务信守承诺,通过优良的设计为您创造价值!

    Our pursuit of design innovation , service to keep its promise , through good design create value for you !

  13. 在设计中,技术和艺术是矛盾的统一体,两者完美结合,造就了优良的设计;

    In the design , technology and art are contradictory entities , the two combine perfectly , have brought up the fine design ;

  14. 为了使军用发动机系统的性能更优良,设计效率更高,本文对某军用发动机主要零部件组合结构进行了动态特性的研究。

    In order to enhance the performance and design efficiency of military engine system , dynamic features of combined structure of military engine main parts are researched .

  15. 陕西省燃气设计院将以优良的设计质量、合理的设计收费、便捷快速的服务方式,竭诚为您服务。

    Shanxi Institute of Gas Design will provide excellent service for you by relying on good design quality , reasonable design fee , fast and convenient method .

  16. 结合光纤的优良特性设计了基于位移-光强度调制型光纤温度传感器。

    Combined with good characteristic of optical fiber , optical fiber temperature sensor is designed based on displace-intensity modulated , which has advantage with simple structure and system .

  17. 通过分析基于响应面的并行子空间优化算法的特点指出并行子空间优化算法学科级优化的作用在于向系统级优化响应面提供性能优良的设计点。

    After the analysis of Concurrent Subspace Optimization ( CSSO ) process , this paper points out that the function of disciplinary optimization of CSSO is to offer experiment points of response surface of system optimization .

  18. 而国外医疗器械企业非常注重人类工效学在医疗器械设计中的应用,生产出来的医疗器械无不是透过产品优良的设计品质来传达出企业对用户和患者的这种关爱。

    However , foreign companies which produce medical device have attached great importance to the applications of ergonomics in the design of medical devices ; their products have shown great care about the users and the patients .

  19. 具备优良的设计创作及表现能力,具有团队领导和协作能力,组织管理沟通能力强,客户服务意识强,具有完善的中英文语言口头和书面表达能力,熟知中国建筑规范和建筑施工操作惯例。

    Requirements include graphic representation , team leadership , coordination , and management skill , client service and communication skill , and strong Chinese Mandarin and English verbal and written language skills , and strong knowledge of Chinese building codes and construction practices .

  20. 维护的关键是认真的计划,完整的文档资料和优良的程序设计。

    The keys to maintenance are careful planning , good documentation , and good program design .

  21. 针对水下声信道的独特环境,利用扩频通信技术的抗多途、抗干扰、低信噪比检测等优良性能,设计并实现了一个水声扩频通信系统。

    An UWA spread-spectrum communication system was designed and realized by using the good performances of anti-multipath , anti-jamming and low SNR diction of spread-spectrum communication technology .

  22. 高邦设计服务于不同行业的客户,为客户提供最新的设计理念,优良的专业设计、制作、印刷服务。

    Gaobrand design services to customers of different industries , to provide customers with the latest design concepts , excellent professional design , production , printing services .

  23. 其优良的性能设计和基于坚固完整的零部件,更能灵活的符合在商用和公共交通运输两方的需要。

    Its superior performance design , the firm and integrated spares and parts can more flexibly conform with the bilateral needs from both the commercial and public traffic & transportation .

  24. 众所周知,中国的桌布以其优良品质、设计精妙、精巧手艺闻名,并在欧洲市场广受欢迎。

    It 's known to all that Chinese table-cloths are renowned for their good quality , attractive designs and fine workmanship . They have enjoyed great popularity in the European market .

  25. 多载频相位编码信号作为一种新型的高距离分辨信号以其信号特性优良,参数设计灵活,处理简单越来越引起人们的关注。

    As a new kind of high-resolution signal , multicarrier phase coded radar signal has drawn attention due to a lot of advantage , such as perfect autocorrelation , flexible designing and easy processing .

  26. 最终测试结果表明,系统工作稳定,性能优良,所设计的数字量采集模块能完成预期的各项工作,且各项指标均达到了预期的设计要求。

    The final test result shows that the system is stable , good performance , the design of digital signal collecting module is expected to complete the work , and the each indicator has reached the desired design requirements .

  27. 卖方保证其提供的合同设备是全新的,工艺是先进的,质量是优良的,设计无任何缺陷,原材料和工艺均能稳定运行和满足本合同的目的。

    The Seller guarantees that the contract equipment shall be completely new , advanced in technology and superior in quality , free from any defect in design , material and workmanship suitable for the use and purpose under the contract .

  28. 结果表明,该压气机在全工况下达到或超过设计要求,具有优良的非设计工况性能和较强的抗径向畸变能力。

    The experimental results demonstrate the performance characteristics of the compressor has reached or exceeded the design requirements at all operation conditions . Eventually , it has reasonable performances at off design condition and enough surge margins against radial distortion .

  29. 对某型飞机结构疲劳危险部位进行了系统的抗疲劳细节设计和疲劳试验研究,探索出提高结构疲劳强度的有效设计措施和分析方法,为飞机的定型提供了优良的结构设计方案。

    This paper systematically fulfilled the research of anti fatigue detailed designs and fatigue tests for the fatigue critical regions of some new aircraft structure . Effective design and analysis methods were developed for raising structure fatigue strength , and excellent design schemes were given for the structure .

  30. 证券监管和解机制是一项优良的制度设计,是证券监管创新规律中涌现的新型执法方式,主要由法律授权、和解原则、启动、谈判、决策、公开、效力和监督几大部分组成。

    Securities regulatory settlement mechanism is an excellent system design , a new enforcement approach in emerging way of securities regulatory development , which mainly consists of legal authorization , reconciliation principles , startup , negotiation , decision-making , publicly , supervision , legal validity and several major components .