
  • 网络total cost
  1. 企业投资高速公路的总造价控制

    Total Cost Control of Investing Money in Express Highway by Enterprise

  2. 此时,距离亚运会开幕式仅有一年多的时间,项目总造价约23.6亿。

    At this point , just from the Asian Games opening ceremony more than one year , the total cost is about 23.6 million .

  3. 位于亚特兰大的美国南方电力公司(SouthernCompany)是进展最顺利的,美国政府已承诺为其拨付80亿美元,用于其在乔治亚州建造总造价达140亿美元的核电厂。

    Atlanta-based Southern Company ( so , Fortune 500 ) is the farthest along and has been promised $ 8 billion by the government for the construction of a $ 14 billion plant Georgia .

  4. 烟气从300℃左右冷却到200℃,流量为12000kg/h的水从5℃被加热到60℃该换热器具有较大的传热系数、结构紧凑、总造价低等优点。

    While flue-gases are cooled from about 300 ℃ to 200 ℃, a quantity of 12000 kg / h water at 5 ℃ is heated up to 60 ℃ . The fin and tube heat exchanger has several advantages . Larger heat-transfer coefficients ;

  5. 她和另外四名机器人的总造价为1000万日元(约合9.3万美元),不过目前只有Junco小姐——还是该叫她地平小姐?——

    She and four other androids cost ¥ 10 million ( about $ 93000 ) to produce , but only Ms. Junco - Chihira ? -

  6. 浅谈现代建筑装饰工程的预算成本和工程总造价

    Statement of budget and engineering cost of modern building decorating engineering

  7. 上述方法降低了项目总造价。

    This approach yields lower project costs overall .

  8. 子费用模糊估算的水电工程总造价概率估计

    Probability estimation of total construction cost for hydropower project with fuzzy estimation of sub construction cost

  9. 一个建筑物中,楼盖约占土建总造价的20%~30%;

    Floors take up as much as 20 % ~ 30 % of the cost of a building ;

  10. 基础工程的设计与施工对高层建筑本身及其周围环境的安全至关重要,其造价与工期对高层建筑总造价与总工期有举足轻重的影响。

    Designing and engaging in construction of foundation were very important to tall buildings and the environment they situated ;

  11. 由于钢纤维喷混凝土施工简便、施工速度快、工程总造价低,在土建工程中得到了广泛应用。

    Steel fiber shotcrete is widely used in civil works attributed to its convenience , rapid construction and low cost .

  12. 电力通信工程建设承包存在工程项目总造价、通信工程质量和施工阶段造价等关键性问题。

    In contracting of power communication projects , there exist such key problems as total price , construction quality and phase prices .

  13. 在经济上,随着公路等级的提高,桥梁的造价占公路总造价的比例越来越高。

    The average cost of highway-bridge occupies a larger and larger proportion of the total costs economically with the improvement of the highway grades .

  14. 实践证明,该方法具有显著的技术经济效益,可节约工程总造价的60%以上。

    The practice has proved that this method can save 60 % or more of total cost of construction , possessing obvious technical and economic benefits .

  15. 然后通过不同工况下换热量的校核并结合总造价等因素的影响,确定出最优设计方案。

    Then through checking heat exchange amount in various working conditions and combined the effects of total cost , we can determine the optimal design scheme .

  16. 长压力管管材选取和管径的确定,关系着电站工程的合理性和总造价。

    Determination for the materials and diameter of a long pressure pipe plays an important role in the reasonableness and total cost of the power station .

  17. 住房部长莫斯达•玛德布理在沙姆沙伊赫(的一个经济发展会议上声称,建设新首都的总造价预计将达到450亿美元。

    The total cost is estimated at U.S. $ 45 billion , Minister of Housing Mostafa Madbouly announced at an economic development conference in Sharm el-Sheikh 。

  18. 全局优化的目标函数包括系统的总造价和总损失期望,优化变量是各结构的最优设防烈度,约束条件符合现行抗震结构设计规范的原则和规定,特别是考虑了抗震结构的三级设防准则。

    The variables of optimization are the optimal fortification intensities of structures in the engineering system . The multi-failure criterions for aseismic structures are considered in the determination of the loss expectation .

  19. 这意味着把大桥的总造价里拿出一部分就够买下伦敦所有的地产,并且还剩下足够多的钱把这些地产一块一块全部海运到纽约。

    This means that for less than the cost of our bridge , we could buy all the property in London and ship it , piece by piece , to New York .

  20. 换句话说,美国大使馆将从有50年历史的梅菲尔大厦,搬到位于巴特西一栋新的未来主义立方体建筑,总造价预料将达10亿美元。

    In other words , the US embassy is moving from its Mayfair mansion of50 years to a new futuristic cube in Battersea , a project that is expected to cost a billion dollars .

  21. 此方法以坝体混凝土总造价为目标函数,采用弹塑性有限元方法计算坝体的应力,并且在准弹性稳定法则的基础上提出了有限元计算碾压混凝土重力坝应力的控制标准。

    Stresses of dam are calculated by elasticity plastic FEM , THe control criteria is put forward for stress calculation of RCC gravity dams adopting elasticity plastic FEM based on similarity elasticity stability criteria .

  22. 介绍了X120钢级发展方案的概况,包括大规模的试验和环缝焊接,同时讨论了X120级管线钢实际应用的方案,在这些方案中管道承压较高,管径较小,最终工程总造价可节约5%~15%。

    These saving resulted from cost reduction root in discussed and among these schemes pipeline undertake higher pressure , pipe diameter is smaller and final project total cost can save 5 % ~ 15 % .

  23. 1月份,总造价35亿美元、从瑞士穿越阿尔卑斯山的22英里隧道宣布贯通,从而使瑞士境内及瑞士与意大利之间的行程缩短了45-75分钟。

    Switzerland in January saw the opening of a $ 3.5 billion , 22-mile tunnel that passes through the Alps , cutting travel time by45 to75 minutes within the country and between Switzerland and Italy .

  24. 变电站自动化技术的广泛采用,提高了电网建设的现代化水平,增强了输配电和电网调度的能力,降低了变电站建设的总造价。

    The widely adoption of substation automation technology increases the level of modernization of power grid building , improves the dispatching ability of power grid and of transmission and distribution and decreases the total cost of substation .

  25. 马斯克表示,这段完工隧道的总造价约为1000万美元,其中包括挖掘、内部基础设施、照明、通风、安全系统、通讯和轨道的成本。

    Musk put the total price tag for the finished segment at about $ 10 million , including the cost of excavation , internal infrastructure , lighting , ventilation , safety systems , communications and a track .

  26. 文中列举了八个实例,经过复形法优化后的柱子总造价可比原设计节省2%~23%。

    Eight examples were given in this paper , indicating that the total cost of all columns after optimization by using the complex method will be decreased by 2 % - 23 % as compared with the original designs .

  27. 经过结构优化和截面调整以后,节省结构总造价16%,结构位移角等指标均控制在规范限值之内,优化效果明显。

    Through structural optimization and section adjustment , 16 % of the total cost is saved , the structure indices refers to all the control within the specification limits , such as drifts of , and the optimization effect is obvious .

  28. 根据相关数据统计,建筑工程消耗的材料价值约占工程总造价的60%以上,建筑企业拥有的建筑机械、设备的数量和质量是评价建筑企业资质水平和生产能力的重要指标。

    According to relevant statistical data , the material cost of every project has more than 60 % of the total . The quantity and quality of construction equipments owned by construction enterprises is an important standard to evaluate their producing abilities .

  29. 铁路路基建设投资大,建造技术要求高,其造价占铁路工程建设总造价的很大比重,是铁路工程建设的重点之一。

    Since the large railway subgrade construction investment requires high technology on construction and the cost of construction of railway projects accounts for a large proportion of the total cost , the large railway subgrade construction is one of the major railway constructions .

  30. 本文提出以油罐总造价最低为目标函数,求得大型浮顶油罐高度和直径的最佳比例,概念比较清晰,还考虑了所用钢板的实际宽度和厚度。

    Aiming to get the lowest total cost of tank , this paper introduces a new method to determine the best ratio of height to diameter for large floating-roof oil tank . Its concept is rather clear , and the actual width and thickness of steel plate are also considered .