
  • 网络Contractor;general contractor;EPC;prime contractor
  1. 国际工程总承包商的选择原则与程序

    Principles and Procedure for Selecting EPC Turnkey Contractor for International Works

  2. 本文从总承包商的角度,对国际电站EPC项目设备的全过程管理进行研究。

    This paper described the whole process management of EPC Project from the perspective of contractor .

  3. AHP在总承包商选择项目中的应用探析

    Application of the AHP in Selecting Construction Project

  4. 利用Matlab数理统计软件对选择工程总承包商的典型案例进行了实证分析和演示。

    It also carrys out application analysis and demonstration on typical cases for the choice of engineering contractors by using Matlab software .

  5. EPC总承包商、设计分包商、供应商和施工分包商构成项目实施组织系统。

    General contractor , engineering subcontractors , supplier and construction subcontractors form the project implementing organization system .

  6. BMP业务管理被看作是建筑师和总承包商的联合体。

    Think of the BPM engagement manager as a combination of the architect and general contractor .

  7. 但在EPC的成本管理方面,我国总承包商仍存在问题。

    However , the general contractors of China still have some problems in cost management in EPC-contracted project .

  8. 并针对以勘察设计单位为主体的总承包商和以施工单位为主体的总承包商,分别提出了EPC项目的设计管理策略,并提出了设计管理的优化方案。

    The thesis also puts forward EPC design management strategies separately for design-main general contractor and construction-main contractor .

  9. 然而,在固定总价合同下承担绝大多数风险,对于水电EPC总承包商来说是一个巨大挑战。

    However , it is a great challenge for EPC contractor to take the all or most risks with the fixed price .

  10. 对总承包商而言,EPC模式使得在利润、合同权力得以加强的同时,承担的风险也随之增大。

    In terms of the general contractor , EPC mode makes the profits , contracts , while the power is enhanced , the risk increases .

  11. 对总承包商而言,风险管理问题是非常重要的,而风险的识别与评价是风险管理的基础,因此,对EPC模式下承包商风险评价的研究是有现实意义的。

    Therefore , the risk management is very important for the general contractor , while the identification and the evaluation of risk is the basis of risk management .

  12. EPC项目模式已经成为国际市场的主流承包模式,在此运行模式下国际和国内总承包商凭借自身管理与技术优势从中获取了丰厚的利润回报。

    EPC project model has become the mainstream of the international market contracting model , the international general contractor with their own management and technical advantages derived profitable returns .

  13. 而EPC工程项目的特点是集设计、施工和采购于一体,在建造绿色EPC工程项目,总承包商扮演中重要的角色。

    However , the characteristic of EPC model is that which gathers the design , construction and purchase as a whole . The general contractor plays an important role in the process of building green EPC project .

  14. 咨询员应协助gtcl评估总承包商收到的方案。

    The consultant shall assist gtcl to evaluate proposals received for engagement of turn key contractor .

  15. 基于EPC模式的特点,对EPC项目实施的各个阶段进行风险分析,并提出一些建议,有助于总承包商控制和防范风险。

    Based on the characters of EPC model , this paper analyses the specific risks during different phases of the implementation of EPC projects , then bring some advices to help the general contractors control and keep away the risks .

  16. 论文通过对EPC模式下电网项目造价控制研究,丰富了电网EPC项目造价控制理论,为总承包商进行电网EPC项目造价控制提供一套切实可行的控制方法和措施。

    Through researching on cost control of grid project under the mode of EPC , this paper enriches theory of cost control of EPC grid project , a practicable control method and measure presented for EPC general contractor controlling construction cost of EPC grid project .

  17. EPC总承包商需发挥设计优势,承担项目的主要设计任务和采购任务,把辅助设计工作、施工任务分包出去,通过整合自身及各分包商的资源,完成整个项目任务。

    It can give play to the advantage of engineering , take over the chief engineering and procurement tasks , and subcontracts the secondary engineering tasks and all construction tasks . By integrating resources of itself and subcontractors , the general contractor finishes the entire project task .

  18. 工程总承包商的利益分配及纵向一体化研究

    Study on Division of Profit and Vertical Integration of General Contractor

  19. 施工总承包商投标报价决策机制的研究

    The Study of Decision Mechanism of Contractors on Tendering Quotation

  20. 备选工程总承包商类别选择决策研究

    Decision making of types of general contractors in alternative projects

  21. 选择合格的加油站工程总承包商及供应商参加招标;

    Confirm qualified general contractors and suppliers to attend TSF 's tender ;

  22. 只具有设计能力工程总承包商的纵向一体化研究

    Study on the Vertical Integration of General Contractors That Only Have Designing Ability

  23. 我们的客户包括发展商、建筑师、工程总承包商和幕墙分包商。

    Our clients are included developers , architects , main contractors and facade sub-contractors .

  24. 制定适宜评标办法是确保择优选择总承包商的关键

    Appropriate tender evaluation method is the key factor securing right selection of general contractor

  25. 加油站工程潜在总承包商及供应商的预评估;

    Pre-evaluation for potential general contractors and suppliers ;

  26. 总承包商的选择分为资格预审阶段和评标阶段,本文系统的分析了绿色理念下,资格预审和评标阶段的指标和模型。

    The selection of general contractor is including the pre-qualification phase and the evaluation phase .

  27. 工程总承包商的内部转移定价问题探讨

    Internal transfer pricing of general contractors

  28. 凯西:我们现在万事俱备,只差征求总承包商的竞标,你不觉得是这样吗?

    Kathy : We 're ready now to solicit bids from general contractors , don 't you think ?

  29. 但在此之前,你决定将自己的总承包商,你要知道的。

    But before you decide to be your own general contractor , you need to know what 's involved .

  30. 然而,对于全国(指美国)的大总承包商们而言,此时此刻。复苏好像更多的只是希望,而非现实。

    However , for the nation 's largest general contractors , recovery seems more hope than reality at this point .