
  1. 任免由总经理提名报董事会聘任的高级管理人员、决定上述人员的工资和生活福利待遇;

    Inviting and dismissing the senior administrative personnel who shall be recommended by general manager , and deciding their salary and welfare ;

  2. 用于RAPD分析的树莓基因组总DNA提取初报

    Preliminary report of DNA extraction for RAPD an analysis in raspberry

  3. 经总经理提名,报董事长批准,宁传军同志为岱银美国国际贸易公司总经理。

    Nominated by general manager , submitted to and approved by board chairman , Ni Chuanjun is general manager of d & y US international trade company .

  4. 保险公司更换董事长、总经理,应当报经金融监督管理部门审查其任职资格。

    An insurance company shall report any changes of its chairman and general manager to the financial supervision and regulation department for examination of their qualifications for the positions .

  5. 同时,《保险法》还规定,保险公司更换董事长、总经理,应当报经金融监督治理部门审查其任职资格。

    In the meantime ," insurance law " return a regulation , insurance company changes president , general manager , ought to sign up for classics finance to supervise management department to examine its to hold a post qualification .