
yì shú
  • dichogamous
异熟[yì shú]
  1. 核桃雌雄异熟性研究

    Studies on the Dichogamy of Walnut Q & A on Sex

  2. 雌花数、雌雄异熟对产量的影响最大。

    Different term for female and male flowers have a big influence .

  3. 棉花雌雄异熟两系法育种研究与展望

    Research and Prospect of Dichogamy - two-line Breeding in Cotton

  4. 芍药花为雌雄异熟,雌蕊先熟。

    The flower of peony is dichogamy and protogyny .

  5. 核桃雌雄异熟性的花芽分化进程

    The Process of Flower Differentiation on Dichogamy of Walnut

  6. 具有明显的雌雄花异熟现象,尚未看到雌雄同熟品种;

    An apparent phenomenon of dichogamy is present and no monochogamy cultivars were identified .

  7. 建议把核桃的雌雄异熟性作为一重要性状在育种及栽培中予以重视。

    So as an important character , the dichogamy of walnut should be paid attention in breeding and cultivation .

  8. 综合以上结果表明,在这四个物种中比较发达的雌雄异位能比雌雄异熟能更有效的降低性别干扰。

    These results indicate that well-developed herkogamy is more effective compared to dichogamy in avoiding self-interference in the four species .

  9. 雌花数、雌雄异熟、果枝是最后入选的影响板栗单株产量的三个最主要生物学特性因子。

    Sum of female-flower , flowering in different term for female and male flowers and fruit branch become the most main there factors to affect the yield .

  10. 蜜蜂的访花行为和一些花部特征相结合,比如雌雄异位和雌雄异熟,对于探讨蜜蜂对植物的传粉系统和生殖成功具有重要的生态学意义。

    Pollination behavior of honeybees combined with some floral traits ( e.g. herkogamy or / and dichogamy ) is important to explore the ecological impact of honeybees on pollination system and reproductive success in plant species .