
yōu xiù yùn dònɡ yuán
  • Excellent athletes;rank player;top-line performer
  1. 他们都是优秀运动员,而她更是其中的佼佼者。

    They 're all good players , but she 's the best of all .

  2. 该报每周刊登一篇关于一个优秀运动员的简介。

    The newspaper publishes a profile of a leading sportsman every week .

  3. 其中小腿长A/下肢长B×100指标可以作为竞技能力中的敏感指标用于优秀运动员的选材。

    The length of calf A / the length of lower limbs B × 100 could be used as an standard when an athlete will be chosen .

  4. 结论:一些在优秀运动员群体中频繁出现的Dloop多态变异型很可能与人体有氧耐力及对耐力训练的反应性有关

    Conclusion : The sequence variation of D loop region of mtDNA in the elite endurance athletes may contribute to the individual difference in aerobic performance and trainability . Group Dates

  5. 中、外女子100m跑优秀运动员成绩演变及技术特征的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis Between Results Evolvement and Skill Characteristic Women 100-Meter Running Elite Athletes at Home and Abroad

  6. 采用摄影测量的方法,对我国12名撑竿跳高优秀运动员在力量作用时期技术动作的完成情况进行了分析,提出了影响H2和H3的一些技术要素。

    The study , using the cinematographic method , analysed the movements of twelve Chinese top vaulters in the phase of force action . Major factors that affect the H_2 and H_3 were revealed .

  7. 研究结果表明:100m跑优秀运动员具有理想的身体形态、超人的专项素质、合理的技术特点和良好的心理素质,这些是创造优异成绩的保证。

    The result shows that hectometer excellence athletes have ideal body configuration and superman specialty diathesis and reasonable technique and good psychology , which are pledge of excellent performance .

  8. 间接判定运动员滥用人生长激素的指标的可行性研究.Ⅱ.优秀运动员安静时血清GH、IGF-Ⅰ水平的分析

    Washout Study for Selection of Indirect and Potential Markers in Detection of Exogenous Growth Hormone Abuse in Athletes ⅱ : A Study on the Serum Levels of hGH and IGF - ⅰ in the Elite Athletes

  9. 本文在多元回归分析的基础上,建立了世界水平百米跑成绩的控制系统,为世界100m跑优秀运动员的训练决策,提供了科学定量的依据。

    Based on the multivariate regression analysis the control system of world level 100m sprint result was established . It provided a scientific and quantitative basis for the training decision of the world level elite 100m sprinters .

  10. 论优秀运动员文化教育体系的改造与重构

    On the Reconstruction of Elite Athletes ′ Education System of Culture

  11. 优秀运动员素质教育探索

    An Exploration on the Quality Education of Outstanding Athletes and Players

  12. 优秀运动员职业心理特征现状研究

    Research on Present Condition of the Occupational Mental Characteristic Of Excellent Athlete

  13. 上海体育学院优秀运动员班学习现状的研究

    The Study of Learning Actuality of Excellent Class in Shanghai Physical Academy

  14. 优秀运动员所遇竞技信息的类型和表现形式

    The Types of Athletics Information and Its Behavior for Elites

  15. 运动员三部曲之二从普通运动员到优秀运动员:成绩资本的作用

    From Athlete to Elite : The Function of Achievement Capital

  16. 不同项群优秀运动员细胞体液免疫机能状态的评定

    Evaluation of immune function of athletes engaged in different athletics

  17. 浅析优秀运动员心理稳定性的形成

    On the Formation of the Psychological Stableness of Excellent Athletes

  18. 广西优秀运动员社会角色评价体系研究

    The Society Role Evaluation System Research on Excellent Athlete in Guang Xi

  19. 并不是所有的优秀运动员现在都还在参加比赛。

    Not all of the great athletes are playing now .

  20. 优秀运动员大负荷训练评价的心理认知干预效应

    Evaluation on Mental Cognition Intervention of Elite Athletes with Intensive Training Load

  21. 我们知道他是一名优秀运动员。

    We know him to be a good player .

  22. 我国优秀运动员自信心诊断与评价方法的研究

    On the Method of Diagnosing and Evaluating of Chinese Elite Athletes ′ Self confidence

  23. 优秀运动员平台抑制现象的成因与突破

    The Formation Causes for the Terrace Inhibition Phenomenon of Top Athletes and the Breakthrough

  24. 我国优秀运动员硒营养状况的初步研究

    Investigation on Se Status of National Elite Athletes

  25. 优秀运动员社会责任有着深厚的法理基础,存在道德和法律上的依据。

    It has a strong law science basis , the moral and legal basis .

  26. 炎热气候下优秀运动员无机盐补充后血清电解质变化

    Changes of Serum Electrolyte Concentration after Suppling Inorganic Elements in Elite Athletes under Hot Environment

  27. 杭州陈经纶体校频出游泳优秀运动员的探究

    Discussion on Reason of Developing Elite Swimmers in CHEN Jing-lun Amateur Sports School in Hangzhou

  28. 我国优秀运动员社会福利制度的研究

    The social great A study on the social welfare system for the Chinese top athletes

  29. 成绩资本和地位获得&我国优秀运动员群体社会流动的研究

    Performance Capital and Professional Status Attainment - Sport and Social Mobility Among Chinese Elite Athletes

  30. 但是,高尔夫不仅仅是那些优秀运动员在全球各地进行比赛。

    But it goes beyond just those accomplished athletes competing in tournaments spanning the globe .