
yōu róng
  • treat with leniency
优容 [yōu róng]
  • [treat with leniency] 优厚宽容

优容[yōu róng]
  1. 2-连通图上构成最优容错路由选择的一种新方法

    A New Method for Constructing Optimal Fault-Tolerant Routing for Biconnected Graphs

  2. 试析汉文帝优容诸侯王的真正原因

    An Analysis of the Reasons for Emperor HAN wen-di 's tolerance over Feudal Princes

  3. 最优容错控制与开关控制相结合的再热机组快关控制

    A New Fast Valving Scheme for Reheat Turbine-The Coordination of Switch Control and Fault-Tolerant Optimal Control

  4. 将此结果应用于容错多总线系统的最优设计,提出了两类最优容错设计,推广了己有结果;

    Further two classes of fault tolerant multibus systems are proposed ; As a result , the previous results are generalized ;

  5. 同时研究地方政府对民间士人力量以优容为主、限制为辅的治理措施。

    Meanwhile , we study how the local government managed this folk force by the measure of polite treatment and certain limitation .

  6. 提出了一种满足二次型性能指标的动态的最优容错控制的方法,并解决了最优容错控制的物理不可实现问题。

    An optimal fault-tolerant control is proposed which meets the quadratic performance index , and the physically unrealizable problem of the optimal fault-tolerant control is solved . 6 .

  7. 有的部分对新起的武装的许多严重现象,以及由于收编土蒋土匪而引起的群众不满,采取忽视优容的态度;

    Some adopted a negligent , tolerant attitude towards many serious problems that emerged in the newly organized army units and towards the discontent among the masses over our incorporating local Chiang Kai-shek forces and bandits into our army ;

  8. 蒙古统治者接受以汉法治理天下的政治理念,尊崇儒学,同时又优容各种宗教,建立了版图空前广阔的多民族的统一的大元王朝。

    The Mongolian rulers accepted the traditional Chinese political policy to rule over the country , together they respected the Confucian scholarship as well as all kinds of religions and finally they established the largest kingdom - the Yuan Dynasty .

  9. 众所周知,我军的政策一向是优容俘虏。问:宽待俘虏的政策,在日本军队的纪律下未必有效吧?

    As known to all , the policy of our armed forces is always to treat captives with leniency . Question : Japanese army discipline being what it is , will not your policy of giving lenient treatment to prisoners of war prove ineffective ?