
  • 网络priority inheritance;priority inheritance protocol
  1. 非独占锁的优先级继承协议及其在Linux下的实现

    Priority Inheritance Protocol of Non-Exclusive Mutex and Its Implementation Under Linux

  2. 优先级继承协议在Linux中的实现

    Implementation of priority inheritance protocol in Linux

  3. 标准的Linux版本支持单个的默认策略,而RTLinux版本还支持优先级继承锁定策略。

    Standard Linux versions support a single default policy , whereas RT Linux versions also support the priority inheritance locking policy .

  4. 存在锁争用时,POSIX锁定和解锁操作将触发Linux内核优先级继承支持。

    With contention , a POSIX lock and unlock operation would trigger Linux kernel priority inheritance support to occur .

  5. WebSphereVM使用POSIX锁定API来实现我们先前所描述的用于支持优先级继承的核心Java语言同步原语。

    The WebSphere VM uses the POSIX locking APIs to implement the core Java language synchronization primitives we described earlier and for priority-inheritance support .

  6. 用于创建pthreadmutex的POSIXAPI使用互斥锁来实现优先级继承协议。

    A POSIX API for creating a pthread_mutex lets the mutex implement the priority-inheritance protocol .

  7. 经过测试证明,采用优先级继承协议的抢占式Linux内核能够解决优先级逆转的问题,满足系统的实时要求。

    By testing , it is proved that preemptive linux kernel which adopts priority inheritance protocol can solve the problem of priority inversion , and satisfies real-time demand of system .

  8. 由于优先级继承的原因,RTSJ需要使用优先级调整。

    Because of priority inheritance , priority adjustments are required by the RTSJ .

  9. 优先级继承协议和天花板优先级协议都可在一定程度上解决实时系统(RTOS)中的优先级倒置。

    Both priority inheritance protocol and priority ceiling protocol are common solutions to priority inversion in real-time system ( RTOS ) .

  10. 这些更改提供了完全抢占式内核、线程中断处理程序、高分辨率计时器、优先级继承和健壮的互斥锁(mutex)。

    These changes provide a fully preemptible kernel , threaded interrupt handlers , high-resolution timers , priority inheritance , and robust mutexes .

  11. 它运用优先级继承协议解决了RT-Linux的优先级逆转问题。

    It uses Priority inherit agreement to solve the problems of revering of RT - Linux .

  12. 同样,rt-mutexes对优先级继承协议扩展了健壮的互斥锁,后者允许RTJVM通过pthread库依赖优先级继承行为。

    Also , rt-mutexes extend the priority-inheritance protocol to robust mutexes , which allows the RT JVM to rely on priority-inheritance behaviour via the pthread library .

  13. 通过对RT-Linux源代码的分析,应用基本优先级继承协议对RT-Linux进行了改进,消除了优先级反向,改善了RT-Linux的实时性能。

    In this paper , the writers analyze the source code of RT-Linux and apply the basic priority inheritance protocol to eliminate the priority reverse phenomenon . As a result , the real time performance of RT-Linux was improved .

  14. 本文首先对实时系统理论及设计问题进行了全面的阐述,并运用这些理论对RT-Linux进行了详细的理论分析,最后运用优先级继承协议解决了RT-Linux的优先级逆转问题。

    This paper first generally discussed the theory and the design problem of real time system ; then applied the theory to analyze the RT-Linux in details ; at last applied priority inheritance protocol to solve the priority reverse problem in RT-Linux .

  15. 在这些情况下优先级继承支持生效。

    These are the points where priority-inheritance support takes effect .

  16. 改进的优先级继承协议在μC/OS中的实现

    Implementation of an Improved Priority Inheritance Protocol under μ C / OS

  17. 优先级继承是一种用于避免优先级反转的技术。

    Priority inheritance is a technique for avoiding priority inversion .

  18. 优先级继承技术可以避免常见的优先级反转问题。

    Priority inheritance is a technique for avoiding the classic priority inversion problem .

  19. 优先级继承协议可解决实时系统中优先级反转。

    The priority inversion in real-time system is solved with priority inheritance protocol .

  20. 一个基于多线程的优先级继承协议锁的算法研究

    A multi-threaded mutex algorithm based on priority inheritance protocol

  21. 优先级继承可以指提高和降低一组线程的优先级。

    Priority inheritance can mean the boosting and deboosting of a group of threads .

  22. 这些锁基于优先级继承并且其持有时间较短。

    These locks are based on priority inheritance and are held for short time intervals .

  23. 第一种是优先级继承。

    The first is priority inheritance .

  24. 就是说,优先级继承需要对一组线程进行优先级提高和降低。

    That is , priority inheritance could require priority boosting and deboosting of a group of threads .

  25. 我们将在本文的同步概述一节对优先级继承策略作更详细的描述。

    We 'll describe the priority inheritance policy in more detail in this article 's Synchronization overview section .

  26. 优先级继承确保了在高优先级线程需要的资源被低优先级线程占用时,避免发生优先级反转。

    Priority inheritance ensures that priority inversion is avoided when a higher-priority thread needs a resource held by a lower-priority thread .

  27. 另一个例子是优先级继承,它是一种锁定策略,定义了锁竞争时如何管理锁同步。

    Another example is priority inheritance , a locking policy that defines how lock synchronization is managed when a lock is contested .

  28. 基于优先级继承协议,提出了一个防止优先级反转的互斥算法。

    Based on priority inheritance protocol , a muti thread mutex algorithm is presented , which can prevent deadlock and priority inversion .

  29. 多数支持优先级继承的嵌入式实时操作系统,要求释放资源的顺序与获得资源的顺序相反。

    Most of the embedded real-time operation systems supported the priority inheritance require that the order of releasing resource is mutually inversed with the order of acquiring resource .

  30. 主要有优先级继承,高优先级夭折,优先级顶,避免优先级反转的多版本协议,基于优先级的时标排序及一些求精的算法。

    The solutions mainly include : priority inherit , high priority abort , priority ceiling , multi-version protocol avoiding priority inversion , priority-based timestamp-ordering protocol and other refined algorithm .