
yǔn xǔ zhōng duàn
  • Allow interruptions;interrupts were enabled
  1. 证明了具有共同完工时间允许中断的非限制模型的ET问题可以转化为不允许中断的问题来考虑;

    In the unrestricted model , problem can be transformed into the E / T problem without preemption penalty .

  2. bottom-half处理过程在内核上下文完成,这意味着允许中断操作。

    The bottom-half processing is performed in the kernel context , which means that interrupts are enabled .

  3. 成功钩挂后,还可调用PhysicalUnmark成员函数,确保允许中断处理。

    After hooking , the Physical Unmark member function was called to make sure the interrupt process .

  4. 此契约管理允许GC中断应用程序执行工作的频率。

    This contract governs how frequently the GC is allowed to interrupt the application to perform its work .

  5. 早期的NFS挂载选项intr可以帮助解决NFS客户机进程中断并等待某些事件的问题,但它允许所有中断,而不仅仅是通过致命信号(如TASKKILLABLE)。

    The earlier NFS mount option intr was a way out of interrupting NFS client processes waiting for some event , but it allowed all interruptions , not just one by deadly signals ( like TASK_KILLABLE ) .

  6. 中断允许与中断禁止

    Interrupt enable and disable

  7. 对于调试来说,它是很有价值的,它允许调试器中断操作系统代码、并检查硬件寄存器。

    It is useful for debugging purposes by letting the debugger break into operating system code and examining the hardware registers .

  8. 中央处理机的一种基本特性,在下一条指令执行完毕前允许屏蔽中断请求。

    Basically , a feature of the CPU that permits the machine to mask an interrupt request until the following instruction has been completed .

  9. 此时需要服务适配器,允许不可中断流程使用Invoke活动来接收应答。

    However , this requires a service adapter that can allow the non-interruptible process to use an Invoke activity to receive the reply .

  10. 例如,在列表中的一个项目上使用unset将打乱所有后续项目的索引,索引集中不允许存在任何中断。

    For example , unset on an item in a list will cause the indices of all subsequent items to be shuffled up ; there are no holes allowed in the set of indices .

  11. 虽然它有多种用途,但在执行计划停机时使用它是最合适的,它允许在不中断服务的情况下进行系统的维护。

    While it has several purposes , it is best used when performing scheduling outages , which allows for system maintenance to occur with no downtime .

  12. 呼叫保持补充业务能允许一个用户中断一个已经存在的呼叫的通信,随后在要求时仍可重建通信。

    The Call Hold ( HOLD ) supplementary service , allows a user to interrupt communications on an existing call and then subsequently , if desired , re-establish communications .