
  • 网络interrupt mechanism;IRQ
  1. 磁盘阵列环境下Linux中断机制的改进与测量

    Improvement and Measurement of Linux Interrupt Mechanism in RAID

  2. NET的中断机制、驱动模型及其实现以及测控系统中关键功能模块的设计与实现。

    The interrupt mechanism , device driver models , and the important function modules in the system were deeply studied and implemented .

  3. NET下的中断机制与驱动程序的开发,重点阐述了定时器驱动程序的开发以及该驱动程序在实时插补控制中的应用。

    The mechanism of real-time interpolation control and its application are discussed in detail .

  4. 文章将在分析中断机制的基础上提出一种改进Linux内核实时性能的方案。

    The paper addresses one scheme to improve Linux kernel 's real-time performance .

  5. Linux平台下的中断机制

    The Relization of Interruption Based on Linux Platform

  6. 您可以用Java平台提供的协作中断机制来构造灵活的取消策略。

    You can use the cooperative interruption mechanism provided by the Java platform to construct flexible cancellation policies .

  7. ARM向量中断机制在uClinux下的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Vector Interrupt Mechanism for ARM under uClinux

  8. 由Thread提供并受Thread.sleep()和Object.wait()支持的中断机制就是一种取消机制;

    The interruption mechanism provided by Thread and supported by Thread . sleep () and Object . wait ()

  9. 阐述了μC/OS-II多任务操作系统通信机制和中断机制,详细分析了在DSP实时模式下CAN总线驱动的实现过程。

    The communication mechanism and the ISR treatment mechanism among multi-tasks based on μ C / OS-II were discussed in detail .

  10. PCI中断机制分析

    Analysis of PCI interrupt mechanism system

  11. 基于PCI总线的中断机制研究

    Research of PCI-based interruption mechanism

  12. 对于虚拟机的中断机制来说,现有的interrupted中断机制并不能完全解决已经出现的问题。

    To interrupted mechanism , current interrupted mechanism can not resolve all the problem they already have .

  13. VXI模块中断机制的软硬件实现

    The Software and Hardware Realization of the VXI Module Interrupt Mechanism

  14. 实验结果表明,改进的中断机制的中断响应速度为传统Linux中断机制响应速度的1.7倍,而中断处理的时间开销则减少为原来的47%-50%。

    Experiment result shows that the new mechanism is 1.7 times faster than the standard Linux interrupt mechanism , while its interrupt handle time is only 47 % - 50 % of the traditional way .

  15. 通过中断机制,实现数据的可靠传输,在DSPEVM板环境下,对算法程序进行优化和比较,完成算法仿真测试,实现软件无缝移植和硬件的结构化设计。

    The whole algorithm is simulated and optimized on DSP EVM board and CCS environment , which contribute to a seamless software transplant and hardware structure design .

  16. 然后对本课题的一些相关技术基础进行介绍,包括分布式路由管理模型、tasklet中断机制和C/S模式等知识。

    And then it describes some of the issues related to technology infrastructure .

  17. 基于IPIF的实时信号处理SoPC中断机制研究与实现

    Mechanism and Implementation of Interrupt for System on Programmable Chip ( SoPC ) of Real-Time Signal Processing

  18. 分析Windows的消息机制和中断机制,结合DPMI接口给出一种在Windows操作系统下中断程序的设计方法。

    This article analyzes message and interrupt mechanism under Windows operating system , puts forward a method that interrupt program is designed under Windows operating system combined with DPMI interface .

  19. 这种中断机制不是强制性的,不是所有的JOLAP提供程序都支持。

    This interruption mechanism is not mandatory and may not be supported by all JOLAP providers .

  20. 接着研究了Linux环境下的设备驱动程序,深入了解设备模型和设备驱动程序开发框架以及并发、内存、中断机制,从而熟悉字符设备、块设备、网络设备驱动开发的一般方法。

    Then research device driver under the Linux environment , acquaintance device model and the mechanism of concurrency , memory , interupt deeply . And then be familiar with driver development methods of char device , bulk device , net device .

  21. 通过软中断机制来调度微线程,当机器处于严重软件中断负荷之下时,可通过ksoftirqd(一种每CPU内核线程)软中断来调度。

    Tasklets are scheduled through the softirq mechanism , sometimes through ksoftirqd ( a per-CPU kernel thread ), when the machine is under heavy soft-interrupt load .

  22. 其次,对Windows2000系统结构,中断机制,线程调度机制,及其异步过程调用和LPC机制进行了分析,从而得到在Windows2000中完成实时性任务可用的一些方法。

    Second , The system structure , Interrupt Request Level , Thread Scheduler , Asynchronous Procedure Call and Local Process Call of Windows 2000 are analyzed , and some methods are produced .

  23. 但是,由于Linux在中断机制、定时器和进程调度等方面的特点,使其在实时性方面存在很多问题,对Linux进行实时性改造是嵌入式Linux设计中的一个相当重要的问题。

    However , Linux has many problems in real-time performance , caused by some properties of Linux , such as interrupt , timer and process scheduler . Therefore , it is one of the most important tasks to improve the real-time capability of embedded Linux .

  24. 风险投资契约中的中断机制安排

    The Arrangement of Discontinuance Mechanism in One Venture Capital Contract

  25. 实时数据采集系统的中断机制设计与研究

    The design and research of interrupt mechanism in the data acquisition system

  26. 在软件设计过程当中多处采用中断机制,即降低了系统的功耗又提高了系统的执行效率。

    There are several interruptions during programming design , which cuts down the system consume efficiently .

  27. 对多处理器任务之间的通信和同步采用了中断机制来实现,同时保证事例片段组装时的顺序以及事例数据上传时的保序问题。

    An interrupt mechanism was developed to handle the inter-task communications and the synchronization of the multiple processors .

  28. 对操作系统的中断机制做了修改,解决了操作系统中断存在的一些问题。

    Did the modification to the interruption mechanism of the operate system , resolved some problem in the interruption mechanism .

  29. 为满足测控任务对网络通讯的实时性要求,通讯过程中使用了中断机制。

    The communication process also relates to interruption mechanism to meet the real-time requirement of the measurement and control task .

  30. 其次从分析操作系统的任务调度和中断机制入手,通过修改特定的参数解决了影响系统数据吞吐率和稳定性的时钟中断问题。

    Secondly , we proceed with analysis on scheduling and interrupt handling of operating system . Modifying specific parameters solves the problem pertaining to timer interrupt that has great effect on throughput and stability .