
zhōnɡ duàn diǎn
  • Breakpoint;point where sth. discontinues/breaks
  1. 在一个已经存在的Java项目中设置中断点。

    Set some breakpoints in an existing Java project .

  2. 因此,当加载一个进程时,它会得到一个取决于某个称为系统中断点(systembreak)的特定地址的初始内存分配。

    Therefore , when a process loads , it gets an initial allocation of memory up to a certain address , called the system break .

  3. 可以在Modules视图中右击一个条目来创建这种类型的中断点。

    This breakpoint type can be created by right clicking on an entry in the Modules view .

  4. AIX工具的IBM调试器提供了以下的中断点类型。

    The IBM Debugger for AIX tool provides the following breakpoint types .

  5. 现在您可以通过双击相应行左栏来在该Java代码中设置中断点。

    You can now set a breakpoint in that Java code by double-clicking on the left column on the appropriate line .

  6. TeamDebug特性存储并共享了中断点、源位置创建以及操控台输入/输出特性。

    The Team Debug feature stores and shares breakpoints , source location set up , and console input / output streams for a debug session .

  7. 在您感兴趣的点上简单地设置一个中断点,您只须点击Restartprogram按钮,并运行程序,直到达到中断点为止。

    Simply set a breakpoint on your point of interest , hit the Restart program button , and run the program until your breakpoint is hit .

  8. 可以通过Breakpoints视图中断点的弹出菜单启用或禁用断点。

    Breakpoints can be enabled and disabled via their context menus in the Breakpoints view .

  9. 如果您将程序指向Run(F8),执行会一直继续下去,直到达到了某一个中断点为止,或者程序终止为止。

    If you direct the program to Run ( F8 ), execution will resume until either a breakpoint is hit , or the program terminates .

  10. 如果您已经有了一个存在的中断点,那么您的中断点与导入的中断点将会在Breakpoint视图中得到单独的分组。

    If you have existing breakpoints , your breakpoints and the imported breakpoints will be grouped separately in the Breakpoint view .

  11. 在运用ADX调试器时如何设置中断点和观察变量,熟悉每个功能键。

    ADX debugger in the use of the process and how to set up breakpoint in the observation of variables , each familiar with the function keys .

  12. sbrk根据参数中给出的字节数移动当前系统中断点,然后返回新的系统中断点。

    Sbrk moves the current system break by the number of bytes in its argument , and then returns the new system break .

  13. 中断点视图是控制中断点的中心位置。

    The breakpoints view is the central location for controlling breakpoints .

  14. 通过禁止可以暂时性地将中断点置于非激活状态。

    Breakpoints can be temporarily made inactive by disabling them .

  15. 所有中断点都可以从中断点视图内容菜单中得到创建。

    All breakpoints can be created from the breakpoints view context menu .

  16. 在档案中指定行设定中断点(内定为现用档案)。

    Set breakpoint at given line in file ( default current file ) .

  17. 调试会话将会向您提供导入或者覆盖中断点的选项。

    Debugging the session will provide the option to import or overwrite breakpoints .

  18. 此时就是中断点向导的状况页面大有用武之地的地方了。

    This is where the conditional page of the breakpoint wizards is very useful .

  19. 右击视图中的函数元素来设置中断点。

    Set entry breakpoints by right clicking on the function elements in the view .

  20. 您还可以在源编辑器中直接运行调试器之前设置中断点。

    You can also set breakpoints before running the debugger directly in the source editor .

  21. 分布式系统中断点释放算法

    Checkpoint release algorithm in Distributed Systems

  22. 其他的用户还会有导入或者覆盖中断点的选项。

    The other user will also have the option to import or overwrite breakpoints with yours .

  23. 不管何时触动了该中断点,您都可以决定i是奇数的还是偶数的。

    Whenever the breakpoint is hit , you can determine whether I is even or odd .

  24. 对此数据库重新启动联机碎片整理时,它会从中断点继续。

    When online defragmentation is restarted on this database , it will resume from the point of interruption .

  25. 还记得系统中断点吗?该位置是进程映射的内存边界。

    Remember the system break , the location that is the edge of mapped memory for the process ?

  26. 当您从单独或者混合模式下的源视图中设置一个中断点,也可以创建一个中断点类型。

    This breakpoint type is also created when you set a breakpoint from the source view in disassembly or mixed modes .

  27. 坦卡德说:但这只是黄金产量下降趋势的一个中断点,而不是要转变为长期上升趋势。

    Mr Tankard said : But that is just an interruption to a downward trend , not a secular shift back to growth .

  28. 最后,测试团队将把应用程序尽可能接近地推向中断点,以发现潜在的错误。

    Finally , the testing team will work to push applications as close as possible to the breaking point to find latent bugs .

  29. 在同一位置处您还可能拥有多个状况性的中断点;它们可以从中断点视图中得到轻松激活或者禁止。

    You may also have multiple conditional breakpoints at the same location ; they can be easily enabled and disabled from the breakpoints view .

  30. 如前所述,被映射的内存的边界(最后一个有效地址)常被称为系统中断点或者当前中断点。

    As mentioned above , the edge of mapped memory last valid address is often known as the system break or the current break .