
zhōng duàn
  • interrupt;stop;discontinue;suspend;severance;sever;cut off;break off;cessation;break down (off);pulls the plug on;dry up;come to stop
中断 [zhōng duàn]
  • [interrupt;discontinue;suspend;come to stop;break down (off)] 半中间发生阻隔、停顿或故障而断开

  • 交通中断

  • 比赛中断

中断[zhōng duàn]
  1. 他因病不得不暂时中断实验。

    He was compelled by illness to suspend his experiment .

  2. 相位跃变干扰了Stokes光的相位,减小了相干长度,增加了光谱宽度。相位跃变的产生中断了SBS的相位共轭过程,造成SBS的相位共轭度下降。

    Phase jumps disrupt the phase of the Stokes beam generated by SBS , therefore tend to decrease the coherence length , increase the spectral width of the Stokes signal , suspend the phase conjugation process and decrease the fidelity of phase conjugation .

  3. 他的事业随着他死于癌症而中断。

    His career was cut short when he succumbed to cancer .

  4. 那次讲座被突然鸣响的火警中断了。

    The lecture was curtailed by the fire alarm going off .

  5. 大雪使得与外界的通信联系中断了三天。

    Snow has prevented communication with the outside world for three days .

  6. 尽管供电中断,医院继续照常运作。

    Despite the power cuts , the hospital continued to function normally .

  7. 比赛因下雨中断了几次。

    The game was interrupted several times by rain .

  8. 她儿子的出生对她的事业造成一个小小的中断。

    The birth of her son was a minor interruption to her career .

  9. 平静的河水突然中断,开始奔腾直泻而下。

    The calm water ends there and the river begins a headlong plunge .

  10. 比赛中断后不久又继续进行。

    Play resumed quickly after the stoppage .

  11. 在中断了大约20分钟后,比赛又重新开始了。

    The race was restarted after a break of around 20 minutes

  12. 这两个西非国家两年前已经中断了外交关系。

    The two West African states had broken off relations two years ago

  13. 救援人员因风浪太大而被迫中断工作。

    The rescuers were beaten back by strong winds and currents

  14. 风暴造成整个华盛顿地区电力供应中断。

    A windstorm in Washington is causing power outages throughout the region .

  15. 未经医嘱不得中断治疗。

    Do not discontinue the treatment without consulting your doctor .

  16. 投资可能会中断,而这会引起经济衰退。

    Investment could dry up and that could cause the economy to falter

  17. 为寻求解决方案而进行的外交谈判在中断了两周之后于今天重新开始。

    Diplomatic efforts to reach a settlement resume today after a two-week hiatus

  18. 预计罢工将导致英国航班的延误和中断。

    The strike is expected to cause delays and disruption to flights from Britain

  19. 只要一割断电缆,电路就中断。

    Any attempts to cut through the cabling will break the electrical circuit .

  20. 他的演艺生涯曾一度中断。

    There was a hiatus in his acting life .

  21. 她本打算悄悄进去,但谈话却突然中断了。

    She had meant to make a discreet entrance , but conversation stopped dead

  22. 线路中断了,惠特洛克把听筒放回原处。

    The line went dead . Whitlock replaced the receiver

  23. 这所学校是专门为那些因患病而导致学业中断的孩子们开办的。

    The school is specially for children whose schooling has been disrupted by illness .

  24. 我们中断节目,插播一条重要新闻。

    We interrupt our programmes for a newsflash .

  25. 他的听力尚佳,因此他与外界的联系没有中断。

    His hearing remained good , so that his contact with the world was uninterrupted .

  26. 为什么中断资金的供应?

    Why cut the money off ?

  27. 三个火车站发生了火灾,两条通勤线路的服务被迫中断数小时。

    Fires broke out at three railway stations , halting service on two commuter lines for several hours

  28. 如果你被解雇,你的医疗和养老保险金不会自动中断。

    If you should be fired , your health and pension benefits will not be automatically cut off

  29. 一旦石油供应被中断,美国的石油进口额就会大幅度增加。

    If oil supplies were ever disrupted , it would send U.S. oil-import bills into the stratosphere .

  30. 为阻止苏格兰北部沿海一艘油轮的原油泄漏所进行的堵漏工作因风暴天气而告中断。

    Efforts to staunch the spill of crude oil from a tanker off the north coast of Scotland are being held up by gale force winds .