
  • 网络system engineer;MCSE;Linux
  1. 有了RationalSystemsDeveloper中的UML建模支持,您(作为系统工程师)可以开始利用UML进行高层设计。

    With UML modeling support in Rational Systems Developer , you ( as a system engineer ) can start with very high-level design using UML .

  2. 但是对于控制逻辑部分的设计,目前还没有比较高效的辅助工具来完成系统工程师和IC工程师之间的交接。

    But , for the part of control logic design , there is no efficient enough tool to build a bridge between system engineer and IC engineer .

  3. 为此,嵌入式系统工程师必须为嵌入式软件开发者提供使用方便、高效率的集成开发环境(IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment),集成开发环境将各种先进的开发工具,集成在统一的操作环境下。

    Therefore , embedded system engineers must provide embedded system software developers convenient and efficient integrated development environment , which are integrated with many advanced developing tools to form a uniformed operating environment .

  4. 罗曼提毕业于美国西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity),拥有计算机科学和电子工程学的学位,于1981年作为系统工程师加入了IBM。

    Rometty earned a computer science and electrical engineering degree from Northwestern University , and joined IBM in1981 as a systems engineer .

  5. 毕业后,他在IBM公司担任大型计算机系统工程师。2000年加入南方周末后,他以“风端”为笔名,担任文化版编辑。

    In2000 , he worked as editor for the cultural column of Southern Weekly with the pseudonym of Feng Duan ( to the wind ) .

  6. EricFinnegan是这次NASA“信使号”任务的系统工程师。

    Eric Finnegan is systems engineer for NASA 's Messenger Mission .

  7. 在Eclipse环境下工作,能使系统工程师充分利用Eclipse带来的便利之处,例如使用RationalTeamConcert执行团队协作功能。

    Working within the Eclipse environment helps enable systems engineers to take advantage of capabilities of Eclipse , such as being able to perform team collaboration using Rational Team Concert .

  8. RationalRhapsody包含的一些更新使系统工程师能够使用最新的标准更轻松地分析、验证和指定系统。

    Rational Rhapsody includes updates to make it easier for systems engineers to analyze , validate , and specify systems , using the latest standards .

  9. 通过RhapsodyDesignManager,系统工程师能够以更自然的方式工作,使用ActiveManagedMode直接在基于Jazz™的存储库中管理他们的设计资产。

    Through Rhapsody Design Manager , systems engineers can work in a more natural fashion by using Active Managed Mode to manage their design assets directly in a Jazz ™ - based repository .

  10. 您能使用RSSfeed来浏览最近的文档,以便经理、系统工程师、系统架构师和潜在客户进行分组讨论。

    You can use RSS feeds to browse through the most recent documents for group discussions between managers , systems engineers , systems architects , and potential customers .

  11. 在加入Lotus之前,Lori是IBM的顾问,为专注于决策支持应用程序的企业客户提供咨询服务,并且还是保险盒电信客户的系统工程师。

    Before joining Lotus , Lori worked at IBM as a consultant for enterprise customers focusing on decision support applications and as a systems engineer for insurance and telecommunications customers .

  12. JudithM.Myerson是一位系统工程师兼架构师。

    Judith M. Myerson is a systems architect and engineer .

  13. 为了解决自动化系统工程师任职资格问题,需要大力开展自动化系统工程师资格认证(ASEA)工作。

    The work about Automation System Engineer Accreditation ( ASEA ) must be vigorously developed in order to solve the problem of automation system engineer qualifications .

  14. 您需要构建一个IaaS云服务角色、经理、业务分析师和系统工程师团队,使得他们能够更轻松地执行使用SDN优化IaaS的作业。

    You need to build a team of IaaS cloud service players , managers , business analysts , and system engineers and make it easier for them to do their job of optimizing IaaS with SDN.

  15. 借助基于OSLC链接的新的、简化的工作流,系统工程师和软件开发人员看使用一个共享的服务器端存储库来分析和跟踪需求,避免了数据重复。

    With the new , simplified workflow based on OSLC linking , system engineers and software developers can analyze and trace to requirements , by using a shared , server-side repository that avoids duplication of data .

  16. 2004年,中国自动化学会策划开展了自动化系统工程师资格认证(ASEA)工作,极大推动了我国自动化技术人才成长和学科发展,促进了工程师资格的国际互认。

    Automation Chinese Association of Automation ( CAA ) brings out " Automation System Engineer Accreditation ( ASEA ) ", promotes the development of Automation Engineer and accelerates the building of Automation Sciences .

  17. 赵隽琪,思博伦通信,高级系统工程师。

    Zhao Junqi , Senior System Engineer , Spirent Communications .

  18. 中小型集散控制系统工程师站组态软件设计

    The Design of Configuration Software for Engineer Station Based on Mini-median DCS

  19. 为控制系统工程师提供性能变化的一些原因,用于系统维护。

    Some reasons of the performance change are obtained for control engineers .

  20. 这可以帮助系统工程师去决定最优的系统结构与规格。

    This helps systems engineers determine the optimum system architecture and specification .

  21. 经验的IT系统工程师和管理员。

    Experience as an IT Systems Engineer and Administrator .

  22. 这意味着系统工程师可以使用一种更简单、更高级的语言来工作。

    This means that systems engineers can work in a simpler , higher-level language .

  23. 作为系统工程师您必须给自己做出的工作产品进行验证。

    As systems engineer you must make work products that lend themselves to verification .

  24. 但是本文只回答了系统工程师提出的监视问题。

    But this article has only answered the monitoring question the system engineer posed .

  25. 许多系统工程师很难理解他们自己的工作量或者工作特性。

    Many system engineers have a hard time understanding their own workload or job behavior .

  26. 他将由一名有经验的系统工程师专家和具体的工程专业专家支持。

    He will be supported by an experienced Systems Engineering specialists and specific engineering discipline specialists .

  27. 电厂分散控制系统工程师站人机界面的设计与实现

    Design and development of man machine interface for engineer station of distributed power plant control system

  28. 对系统工程师的模型驱动的测试支持

    Model-driven testing support for systems engineering

  29. 计算机系统工程师,技术培训指导也可以与搭档分享工作负担。

    Computer systems engineers , technical-training instructors can also split their work load with a partner .

  30. 我已经获得了微软系统工程师认证。

    I have got MCSE certified .