
jì bó fú tǒnɡ
  • mooring buoy
  1. 多锚链系泊浮筒非线性漂移运动的时域模拟

    The nonlinear drift motion simulation of multi-chain mooring buoy in time domain

  2. 本文对多锚链系泊浮筒漂移运动的非线性效应进行了讨论。

    This paper deals with the nonlinear effect of the drift motion of multi-chain mooring buoy .

  3. 阿特拉津在饱和砂质壤土中非平衡运移的模拟多锚链系泊浮筒非线性漂移运动的时域模拟

    Simulation of nonequilibrium transport of atrazine in saturated sandy loam unde r steady-state water flow condition the nonlinear drift motion simulation of multi-chain mooring buoy in time domain

  4. 计算了规则波和波群中系泊浮筒漂移运动的时间历程,讨论了其运动与波高、频差的关系。

    The time history of drift motion of mooring buoy in regular wave and wave group is calculated . The relation between drift motion and wave height or difference of frequency is discussed .

  5. 根据拉格朗日方程.导出了单点系泊系统(多点系泊浮筒-单点系泊缆-油轮)的运动方程式;

    According to Lagrange equation , the expression of motion for SPMS ( multi-point mooring buoy , single point mooring line and oil tanker ) is derived .