
  • 网络overhead;system overhead;system cost;run-time overhead
  1. 此系统开销并不太大,但WS响应模板显然并不是在所有情况下都有效。

    This overhead is not excessive , but WS response template is obviously not as effective in all cases .

  2. 但是,在处理更复杂的应用程序时,同样的系统开销看上去则成为合理的支出。

    But that same overhead should seem like a well-spent expense when dealing with more complicated applications .

  3. 最小ID算法思想是尽量减少系统开销。

    The Lowest-ID algorithm maintains the network group-dividing fast .

  4. 因此,DA通常会降低运行updatestatistics的频率来避免系统开销。

    So , DBAs tend to reduce the frequency of running update statistics to avoid the overhead .

  5. 目前有关Java程序的动态切片技术的研究较少,本文针对动态切片系统开销大的问题,提出了一种基于方法执行路径的计算Java程序动态切片的方法。

    This paper presents a Java program dynamic slicing based-on method execution trace which aim at the lager overhead of dynamic slicing .

  6. 由于通常通过使用某些Java编程之下的本机库提供I/O,因此会有一定的缺省系统开销。

    Since the I / O is usually provided through the use of some native library layered beneath Java programming , there is some default overhead incurred .

  7. 额外系统开销:WS响应模板解决方案不会带来额外的系统开销。

    Extra Overhead : The WS response template solutions does have some extra overhead .

  8. SPF计算;调度算法;路由稳定性;系统开销;可靠性;

    SPF Calculation , Schedule Algorithm , Stability of Routing , System Overhead , Reliability , Robustness .

  9. CPC方法需要收集所有通信链路的信道信息,系统开销大。

    The CPC approach needs to collect channel information of all communication links in the system , which costs much system overhead .

  10. 然而,B细胞在变异和自我复制的过程中,多数变化会导致更弱或者非功能性抗体,使免疫系统开销增大,效率降低。

    However , in the process of mutation and copy , most changes will make the new B-cells become more weak or produce non-functionality antibody , then the system will be huge spending and inefficient .

  11. 刚刚提到的失误将导致服务间频繁通信,从而导致系统开销增加,所带来的性能损失将对SOA采用造成极大的阻碍。

    The malpractice just mentioned will result in chatty services with increased system overhead and a performance penalty that can be a significant setback to the adoption of SOA .

  12. 本论文围绕OFDM技术展开,力图节省系统开销,从整体上优化系统性能,降低计算复杂度,提高系统容量。主要针对OFDM系统的信道估计及系统容量的提高进行了深入的研究。

    This thesis centers on the OFDM technology , try to save system overhead , optimize the performance of system and improve the capacity of system .

  13. 建议将RPT调度执行组件的日志级别设置为WARNING,以减少系统开销。

    It is recommended that you set logging levels of the RPT schedule execution components to " WARNING " to reduce overhead .

  14. VMWare的性能测试指出,系统开销在8-12个百分点之间。

    VMware performance tests suggest that the overhead is in the8 to12 percent range .

  15. UMTS中切换的系统开销

    System overhead of handover in UMTS

  16. 并且采用不同于ITU-T的粗粒度对象模型,减少了系统开销;

    We use the coarse grain object model which is differ from the ITU-T model and it can reduce system spending .

  17. 在那种情况下,因为池管理器预先在启动时创建连接对象,所以,J2EE组件可以使用连接对象,而不会导致数据库资源管理器上的系统开销。

    In that situation , a J2EE component can use connection objects without causing overheads on the database resource manager , since a pool manager creates the connection objects up front , at startup .

  18. 通过在每一个发送天线上使用相移导频序列并经过合理的设计处理,这种基于DCT的信道估计算法可以取得高效、准确的信道估计结果,而没有牺牲太多的系统开销。

    With reasonable design and phase shifted pilot sequences for each transmitter antenna , the DCT-based channel estimation method can achieve highly efficient and accurate estimation without sacrificing much system overhead .

  19. 并且永远不要忘记:要在生产服务器中禁用Xdebug,因为启用它总会增加系统开销。

    And never forget : Disable Xdebug on production servers , as it always adds overhead when enabled .

  20. 本文详述了如何通过对不同的BP算法进行神经网络的训练和测试,分析对比实验结果,如何采用动态调用预测功能,增加预报的灵活性,并且减小系统开销。

    How to pass on a different BP algorithm for neural network training and testing , comparative analysis of the experimental results , how to adopt the dynamic invocation prediction function , increase flexibility and reduce the forecast , the system overhead .

  21. 然而,LSF算法造成任务之间的频繁切换或严重的颠簸现象,增大了系统开销,并限制了其应用。

    However , LSF may frequently cause switching or serious thrashing among tasks , which augments the overhead of a system and restricts its application .

  22. 实验结果表明该环状层次的簇模型提高了资源定位的效率,减轻了系统开销,并且拥有较好的路由性能,在非结构化的P2P网络模型中值得推广应用。

    Experiment results indicate that the multi-layer loop architecture improves resource orientation and relieves system expense . And the architecture has quite good routing function and higher performance . So it is worth popularizing and applying in unstructured P2P network .

  23. AES-CCM模式使用的计数器方式应用简单,系统开销小,可以提高加密方的效率。

    AES-CCM mode use counter mode application simple , systematic expense little , may raise the efficiency of encryption .

  24. 该方法在保持环境访问效率的前提下,具有较小的系统开销,为GHC的高效实现提供了可能。

    Under the premise of maintaining the efficiency of environment access , the method needs less system overhead and provides the possibility of efficiently implementing GHC .

  25. 虽然基于ICC的色彩管理提供了色彩复制与传递机制,但是这些技术仍存在增加系统开销、设备特性信息传递困难、不同色彩管理系统难以混合等问题。

    Although the ICC based color management techniques can provide the color reproducing and transmitting mechanism , limitations still exist : prone to increase the system overhead , inconvenient to deliver the color devices characteristic and difficult to combine different color management systems .

  26. 在另一个方面,建立一个PreparedStatement对象会带来一定量的系统开销。所以,在理想情况下,这条语句的生命周期应该足够长,以补偿它所带来的系统开销。

    On the other hand , creating a PreparedStatement object introduces a certain amount of overhead , so , ideally , the statement 's lifetime will be sufficiently long to compensate for this overhead .

  27. 业务管理模型的资源子代理通过进度计划,能自觉请求检索新度量和计算SLA参数,无需外部客户触发,使模型的SLA监视和管理功能自动地执行,有效地降低了系统开销。

    Through the schedules of the service management model , a resource subagent retrieves autonomously metric values from managed resources and calculates SLA parameters without being triggered by an external client The model can executed automatically the monitor and management functionality of SLA and thus reduces the overhead significantly .

  28. 为了降低因频繁产生和频繁释放服务器工作线程所引起的系统开销,设计了工作任务线程池用于产生和管理TSS的服务工作线程,并给出了线程池维护管理算法的设计与实现。

    In order to decrease the cost of creating and releasing threads frequently , the thread pool is used to create and manage TSS ' task server threads . Finally , the algorithm of managing TSS task thread pool is presented and implemented .

  29. ARTs-OS采用的基于线程的优先级驱动可抢占调度模型是ARTs-EDB事务调度的基础,它负责选择优先级最高的线程使之获得CPU,这种调度模型系统开销小,执行效率高,具有一定的可预报性。

    The priority-driven preemptable scheduling module in ARTs-OS , which is responsible for choosing the thread with highest priority to get CPU , is the foundation of transaction scheduling in ARTs-EDB . It is low system spending , predictable , and high efficient .

  30. 通常的办法是在开始扫描前把一页版面的点阵信息(约73M位)全部存储在磁盘上,这种做法使系统开销增加和速度降低。

    Conventional schemes put the dot information of an entire page ( about 73M bits ) onto the disc before the scanning begins and this will inevitably increase system overhead and limit the typesetting speed .