
  • 网络system topology;system structure chart
  1. 介绍了一种改进的基于XML的数据集成方案,给出了集成系统结构图以及实现系统所需要的相关技术。

    This paper introduces an XML-based data integration scheme , presents the system structure chart and discusses its main technologies .

  2. 详细说明了ihome家庭网络系统的需求、系统结构图、接口设计和具体的实现。并给出了系统的运行实例。

    The writer then explains and analyzes the OSGi structure by illustrating in detail the requirement of ihome network system , system structure chart , interface design and its realization and providing examples of how the system runs .

  3. 给出了系统结构图和PCI接口的内部结构图。

    The system structure diagram and the internal structure of PCI interface are given .

  4. 介绍了嵌入式MP3播放器的设计,并给出了系统结构图、硬件电路图、软件流程图以及软件程序的编写。

    This paper completes the design of embedded MP3 player , provide the system structure figure , the circuit diagram of the hardware , software flow chart and compile programme .

  5. 其次,设计并实现了基于OFDM技术的LTE上行链路的一个仿真平台,分析了LTE上行链路的基本原理;给出了上行链路仿真平台的系统结构图、各主要模块的实现原理以及设计流程图。

    Secondly , the design and implement of the simulation platform for OFDM-based LTE uplink was introduced , the structure of simulation platform as well as part of module principle and plan flow chart were given .

  6. 提出了一种计算机化多值仪器系统结构图,介绍了其双CPU系统的性能指标和硬件设计思想及软件实现方法。

    A kind of structural picture of computerized multiple-valued instrument is given , and the performance index of the duplex CPU system and the design thought for the hardware are introduced . At the same time the method how to use software to realize it is also introduced .

  7. 提出了一种具有程控延时功能的新型多通道波形发生器的设计方案,给出了基于FPGA来实现的原理以及系统结构图,并通过QUARTUSⅡ仿真得到了程控延时波形的仿真实验结果。

    A design scheme of a new waveform generator with multi-channel programmable delay waveform output is proposed . The principle of realization and system diagram based on FPGA are given . The simulation result of delay waveform output is educed by QUARTUS ⅱ .

  8. 给出了演绎对象数据库SD-DOOD的系统结构图,然后对系统图中涉及到的每一个模块的功能进行了详细的解释。

    The central work of the thesis is as follows : 1.Provide the system structure figure of deductive object-oriented database SD-DOOD and specifically explain the function of each module in it .

  9. 在总体设计部分,本文给出了CAC-HRMIS功能模块结构总图以及7个子系统结构图,规定了各个模块的功能,同时对主控模块以及子系统中8个模块的设计进行了具体的说明;

    In the part of overall design , the functional model and seven sub-system structured charts are given , in which the functions of each model are defined and specific descriptions are given out for the overall and eight sub-system models .

  10. 含非线性环节的连续系统结构图法数字仿真研究

    Digital Emulation of the Continuous System Architecture Diagram With Non-linear Units

  11. 一种实用的管理信息系统结构图设计方法

    A Practical Method for the Design of MIS Structure Charts

  12. 面向系统结构图数字仿真的一种通用算法

    A General Digital Simulation Algorithm Fit For System Block Diagram

  13. 关于线性离散系统结构图化简方法的讨论

    Discussion on the Simplification of the Linear Discrete System

  14. 文中推导了系统结构图和状态方程之间变换的数学表达式。

    The mathematical expression of transforming linear block diagram into state equation is derived .

  15. 面向系统结构图的数字仿真

    Digital simulation based on system structural drawing simulate

  16. 控制系统结构图串行计算法的数字仿真

    Digital simulation of the series calculating method of the structure chart for control system

  17. 首先,提出了总体结构优化的设计,重新定义了原有的彩铃业务管理系统结构图。

    First , we give the overall design of system architecture , which redefines our CRBT service management system architecture .

  18. 本文对陀螺平台罗经的基本理论和误差作了初步分析,并给出了三轴陀螺平台罗经的系统结构图。

    In this paper the basic theory and error analysis oi the platform-gyrocompass have been made , and the systematic block diagram of a 3-axis-platform-gyrocompass is presented .

  19. 关于何时、以及如何高效地在系统结构图中使用数据类型和接口的完整讨论,不在本文的讨论范围之内。

    A complete discussion of when and how to use data types and interfaces effectively in a system 's structure diagrams is beyond the scope of this article .

  20. 最后给出系统结构图和程序流程简图,并将模糊控制运行曲线与前馈-反馈控制运行曲线进行了比较。

    The diagram of system structure and the simplified program flowchart are given . In addition , the operational curves of both fuzzy control and feedforward feedback control are compared .

  21. 设计了面向控制系统结构图的可视化模化平台,实现了图形方式下的控制系统可视化建模,并采用离散相似法对所建立的控制系统数学模型进行求解。

    In order to model the control system conveniently , a block diagram-oriented visual modeling platform is designed . And the Discrete Similarity Method is used to calculate the control system models .

  22. 根据大量监测资料,研究了矿区岩溶管道和溶孔、溶隙流对降雨的不同响应特征,并概化出本区的岩溶地下水系统结构图。

    According to monitoring data , this paper studies different response features of pipe flow and diffuse flow to precipitation and summarizes the hydrogeological structure of ground water system of mine area .

  23. 通过对可视化的电力系统结构图进行拓扑形成、拓扑分析及系统设备状态分析完成图形化知识到计算推理所用知识的转化,从而得到既适合数值计算又适合智能推理的通用网络模型。

    It is fitted to the intelligence inference and numerical value calculation . Through topology form , topology analysis and system equipment state analysis , the graphic knowledge can be translated into inferable knowledge .

  24. 再次,我们通过系统结构图和流程图对帮助系统的典型功能模块进行了详细的分析,并且对模块功能和帮助系统数据库表进行了设计。

    Again , we through the system structure and the flow chart of the typical function module system helps to carry on the detailed analysis and take a design for module function and database tables .

  25. 设计了隧道代理系统结构图,并对各组成部分,即访问策略库、访问控制服务器、系统日志、隧道信息数据库、隧道代理服务器的功能进行了划分。

    A framework of tunnel proxy system is presented and several components in this system are defined , such as access policy database , access control server , system log , tunnel information database and tunnel proxy server .

  26. 考虑舵回路后,利用增广的模型矩阵,通过特征值配置求出了输出反馈控制律,进而与指令模型、机械通道传动比一起构成解耦控制的系统结构图。

    In consideration of rudder loops , the matrix augmentation model is used to obtain the output feedback control rule through eigenvalue assignment . And the structure diagram of decoupling control system is made with the command model and the transmission coefficient of mechanization channel .

  27. 通过对信号流图和梅森公式的分析,提出了一种新的单输入单输出系统结构图求传递函数的计算机求解算法,完成了相关公式的推导和传递函数的离散化处理等工作。

    Through exploring the signal flow chart and Mason equation , this paper proposes a new computer solution about how to get the transfer function of SISO control system by block diagram and accomplishes the deduction of the formula and the discretization of the transfer function and so on .

  28. 其中,采用系统结构图对系统所包含的模块进行了描述,在描述中,加入了一些关键模块的代码及效果图,以便能更好将整个系统所采用的语言及功能表达出来。

    Among them , using a system structured diagram of the system contains modules described in the description of system implementation , by adding a number of key modules of code and effect maps in order to better the whole system and functions of the language used to express them .

  29. 文中给出了前端系统结构示意图和基于关键帧DC图象的快速浏览实例。

    The system diagram and a real example of rapid browsing prototype based on DC image of key-frame are offered in the last of the paper .

  30. 以某40吨加热炉为对象,介绍了系统的结构图、控制方法及基于MCGS的组态画面。

    This paper takes 40 ton heating furnace for example , introduces the system 's structure drawing , control methods and the configuration based on the MCGS .