
  • 网络dc load
  1. 一种切换高压直流负载继电器设计方案

    A Relay Design Proposal of Switching High-voltage DC Load

  2. 该文通过最基本的晶闸管整流装置控制的直流负载的仿真,来介绍仿真技术的基本原理,基本方法,同时介绍了FC+TCR电路的基本原理和公式。

    This paper introduces the basic principle and method of computer simulation for reactive power compensation by giving an example of simulation on DC load of thyristor rectifier device , at the same time , introduces the basic principle and formula of FC + TCR circuit .

  3. AUV中直流负载故障诊断方法的研究

    Research on the DC Load Fault Diagnosis Method in AUV

  4. 利用VC的网络编程技术突出实现了服务器对多台交流负载可靠性检测装置和直流负载可靠性检测装置的集中控制。

    Using the VC internet programming technique realized the focus control for several those AC reliability testing device and the DC reliability testing device .

  5. 这种类型的终端电阻明显地要加重系统的直流负载,和导致RS-232转RS-485转换器的供电口过载。

    This type of termination clearly adds heavy DC loading to a system and may overload port powered RS-232 to RS-485 converters .

  6. 在舰船上可利用三相同步发电机同时向交流负载和直流负载供电。

    Three-phase synchronous generators are used for supplying simultaneous AC and rectified DC loads in ships .

  7. 交流接触器可分断直流负载

    AC Contactors for Breaking DC Loads

  8. 在直流负载特性的基础上,进一步分析了脉冲电源作用下的负载特征。

    The load characteristics of clearing wastewater by electrocoagulation with the pulse power supply was also analyzed .

  9. 分析了导致不带平衡电抗器的整流机组直流负载拐点电流超出许可范围的成因;

    The cause that transition current of DC-load in rectifier unit without balance reactor exceeds the range of permission is discussed .

  10. 本文对交流负载可靠性检测装置和直流负载可靠性检测装置的软硬件设计进行了比较全面的论述。

    This paper gives a full-scale discuss to the software and hardware design of the AC reliability testing device and the DC reliability testing device .

  11. 其中整流绕组经整流桥向直流负载供电,而励磁绕组提供无功功率,以保持负载时整流绕组端电压不变。

    And the other , termed the 3-phase compensating winding , provides reactive current to maintain the output voltage of the DC winding terminals varied with load .

  12. 本文建立了带直流电动机负载的PWMboost变换器系统连续模态下的状态方程;

    The paper established state equations of CCM of PWM boost converter with DC motor load system .

  13. AgNi系列触头材料在直流灯负载下的电侵蚀特点

    Electric Erosion Characteristics of AgNi Series Contact Materials under DC Lamp Load

  14. CH8700程控直流电子负载系列可广泛运用于电源变压器,充电器,开关电源,蓄电池等行业的在线测试与实验室等试验领域。

    CH8700 program DC electronic load series can be widely applied in on-line test and lab of power transformer , charger , switch power , storage battery industries .

  15. 三相同步发电机供交直流混合负载时交流电压波形的畸变

    AC Voltage Harmonic Distortion of Three-Phase Synchronous Generator with AC and Rectified DC Load

  16. 实时调节型直流电子负载的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of real-time regulation electronic load

  17. 带直流电机负载的变换器混沌现象研究

    Study on Chaos Phenomena of the System of PWM Buck Converter with DC Motor Load

  18. 直流电子负载不确定度分析

    Uncertainty Analysis of DC Electronic Loads

  19. 直流电动机负载则可以表示为一个直流电压与一个电感和电阻串联。

    A dc-motor load ( the other application of these converter ) can be represented by a dc voltage in series with the motor winding resistance and inductance .

  20. 馈能式直流电子负载系统包含数字控制器、主功率电路、驱动模块、CAN通信模块、人机交互模块和辅助供电模块。

    The system of DC energy-feedback electric load concludes digital controller , the main power circuit , driver module , CAN bus communication module , HCI-module and auxiliary power supply module .

  21. 在分析潜艇驱动电机负载特性仿真原理的基础上,建立了异步电动机&直流发电机负载仿真机组,并详细分析了机组的机械运动、电磁数学模型。

    Based on analyzing drive motor load characteristic simulation principle , it sets up asynchronous-direct current dynamo unit and expatiates mechanical movement and electromagnetic mathematic model of the unit . The main current of dynamic load simulation system has been designed .

  22. 本文首先分析了馈能式直流电子负载的工作原理,然后通过比较现有的设计方案,给出本文的系统设计思路。

    It also explains the design of DC feedback electric load based on the phase-shifted full bridge . Firstly , this paper analyses the working principle of DC feedback electric load and gives the method of this system by comparing various design proposals .

  23. 仿真结果表明:准谐振PFC实现了零电流开关,动态特性好,负载范围宽,满足了直流屏电源负载的要求。

    The results of simulation indicate that quasi resonant PFC has good dynamic performance and wide load range when the IGBT operates with zero current switching . It makes PFC well suited for the transformer substation DC power supply .

  24. 论述单片机与交直流大功率负载间的开关接口电路。

    This paper discusses switching interface circuit between one chip microcomputer and high power AC-DC load .

  25. 即小功率直流电动机为负载时,继电器闭合与分断时电压与电流的条件。

    In other words , the condition of voltage and loop current of relay operating and closing when load is low powered DC motor .

  26. 本文对几种常用整流波形进行分析,并就整流直流电源对负载(包括线圈)影响进行了分析。

    This paper analyzed several kinds of rectifier waveform , and the influence analysis of rectification DC power supply to load ( coil ) were given .

  27. 由于煤矿系统无功补偿和谐波污染问题日趋严重,设计了以矿井直流提升机为负载的TCR无功补偿系统。

    Due to the problem of reactive power compensation and harmonic pollution becoming serious in mine system , TCR reactive compensation system for load of mine DC elevator was designed .

  28. 文章最后用一直流电动机带动固定负载代替经纬仪与跟踪架作为被控对象,对这套控制器进行了实验性的测试,并给出测试结果。

    In the end of this paper , a DC motor with fixed load replacing theodolite as controlled object , a set of controller based on DSP is tested in laboratory , and the results are shown .

  29. 针对滑模变结构直流调速系统在负载扰动作用下存在静态误差这一问题,本文设计了负载状态观测器,对滑模变结构控制器输出进行补偿,消除了静态误差。

    In order to eliminate the static error of DC speed regulation system with sliding mode variable structure control , which result from the load , a disturbance observer is designed and used to compensate the output of controller with sliding mode in this paper .