
  1. 提出了一种经由基于DVB的直播电视卫星实现因特网接入的方案,并对系统结构、会话建立、协议栈、IP分组的封装和传送作了详细的描述。

    A scheme for Internet access via DVB based direct broadcast satellite is proposed , and the system architecture , session establishment , protocol stack and IP packet encapsulation and delivering are illustrated .

  2. 介绍一种时刻比对用直播电视卫星简易接收机

    Introduce A Direct TV Satellite Simple Receiver For The Time Comparison

  3. 利用直播电视卫星进行时间比对的一种方法

    A Method of Time Comparison Via TV Broadcasting Satellite

  4. 可用的第三方电磁波信号包括地面广播电台、电视台、通信台站、直播电视卫星和导航定位卫星系统等发射的信号。

    The illuminating sources available include signals transmitted by local broadcast station , television station , communication station , satellite for living broadcast television , satellite for navigation and position and so on .