
zhí dá
  • Direct;through;nonstop
直达 [zhí dá]
  • [through;nonstop] 中途不必换车、换船等而直接到达;车、船、飞机等中途不停靠而直接到达

  • 下一班火车直达天津

直达[zhí dá]
  1. 那村庄坐落在一条繁忙的直达公路上。

    The village lies on a busy through road .

  2. 这列火车直达约克。

    This train goes straight through to York .

  3. 10:40这班火车直达利兹。

    The 10.40 goes direct to Leeds .

  4. 山谷的那边是直达山顶的陡坡。

    At the other side of the valley was a steep ascent to the top of the hill .

  5. 铁轨跨过这条河直达矿井口。

    Across the river the railway track ran up to the pithead .

  6. 美国很多城市现在都有直达阿斯彭的航班。

    Many US cities now have non-stop flights to Aspen .

  7. 她居住在纽约东村一幢公寓楼5层的一间没有电梯直达的狭小公寓里。

    She lives in a tiny fifth floor walk-up in New York 's East Village .

  8. 你能为我订购一张直达那不勒斯的车票吗?

    Can you book me a ticket through to naples ?

  9. 我们沿着那条新的直达公路行驶。

    We drove over the new throughway .

  10. 这辆火车是直达的,你不必换车。

    This train is direct , you do not have to change .

  11. 会议指出,实施财政资金直达机制是创新宏观调控的重大举措。

    The system of direct fiscal fund allocation is a major macro-control innovation , according to the meeting .

  12. 应用单台垂向记录进行区域地震事件实时检测和直达P波初动自动识别

    Real-time detection of regional events and automatic P-phase identification from the vertical component of a single station record

  13. 压制式干扰是对抗星载SAR的重要手段,目前对星载SAR实施压制式干扰的方法可分为直达波压制干扰和间接波压制干扰。

    The oppressive jamming that includes direct-wave jamming and indirect wave jamming is an important countermeasure against space-borne SAR .

  14. 首先引入直达矩阵(T矩阵)和最小换乘矩阵(Q矩阵),讨论公交网络节点间换乘问题,得出最少换乘算法。

    T matrix and Q matrix are introduced to discuss the path-planning problem and the least transfer algorithm is obtained .

  15. 我更推荐B线,但是还是得看你要去哪,也许公交可以直达免去你转地铁的烦恼哦。

    I prefer the RER , but depending on where youre going , the bus might be more direct as you may not have to transfer to a local metro .

  16. 非直达波条件下的TDD高精度移动定位算法

    A Non-Line-Of-Sight High-Resolution Location Algorithm Based on TDD for Mobile Station

  17. 利用VSP直达波资料反演粘弹介质的相速度及品质因子

    Inversion of phase velocity and quality factor from direct waves in vertical seismic profile data

  18. 然后给出了在频率选择性信道衰落情况下,两跳非并行双AF型中继系统中,考虑直达径时的最优功率分配算法。

    Then this thesis gives optimal power allocation scheme for dual-hop two amplify-and-forward relay system in which the direct path has been taken into consideration .

  19. Duchenne型肌营养不良,假肥大型肌营养不良万吨级江海直达肥大型散货船线型优化设计

    Duchenne muscular dystrophy Optimum Design for Line Form of River-to-sea Chubby Bulk Carrier Above 10,000 Tons Level

  20. 由于整箱货物配送客户唯一,配送方式为直达式运输,本文采用Dijkstra算法。

    Because of the customer to be only in FCL , this paper uses Dijkstra Algorithm to apply for this direct transportation .

  21. 文中推导了采用AR模型和MA模型对多径信道建模的正则方程,提出了采用混合模型消除直达波与杂波的迭代算法。

    In this paper the regular equations of AR and MA models built for multipath channels are derived , and an iterative algorithm of direct signal and multipath clutter cancellation is proposed .

  22. 长江素有黄金水道之称,长江干支流通航总里程长达8万Km,三峡工程建成后,库区航道将有较大的改善,万吨级船队可直达重庆。

    The Yangtze River has been called the " golden waterway " . after the completion of the Xian Xia Project reservoir will have a larger waterway improvement , ten thousand-ton vessels can reach Chongqing .

  23. 1500t级超浅吃水江海直达货船的总体设计

    Design of a 1500t class Extreme - Shallow Draft River-Sea Through Cargo Ship

  24. 他要有决心前传(downfield)直达,但在任何指定的时刻,他可能需要横传(sideway)甚至后传(backward)才能到达。

    He 's determined to get downfield , but at any given moment he may need to go sideways or even backwards to get there .

  25. 针对PGPR回波中直达波的特性,尝试用二维滤波、模板滤波和水平高通滤波去除PGPR直达波并分析各个方法的利弊。

    According to characteristic of direct wave in PGPR echo , 2D filtering , matrix filtering and horizontal high pass filtering are tried to remove direct wave in PGPR echo .

  26. PRT交通技术是一种安全、节能、节地、环保、快速、方便、直达、无须驾驶的轨道交通技术。

    PRT is the very kind of transportation technology , with the characters of safety , energy-saving , economical , land-saving , environmental protection , fast , convenient , nonstop , unmanned .

  27. 不,不,还是不。这一定是LG自2009年以来最粗心的用词不当,那年他们发布了一款“无边框”电视——按说应该是画面直达屏幕边缘。

    No , no and thrice no. This must be LG 's ditsyest linguistic error since 2009 , when they announced a " borderless " TV - supposedly with a picture going right to the screen 's edge .

  28. 本文首先对基于FM广播辐射源的双基地雷达中的直达波干扰进行了分析,然后提出基于自适应分数延迟估计直达波干扰抑制算法,最后给出基于FM广播照射源的一个双基地实验系统。

    This paper first analyzes the direct path interference appearing in bistatic radar based on FM broadcast transmissions , then introduces a solution based on adaptive fractional delay estimation to deal with this problem . Finally an experimental bistatic radar system based on FM broadcast transmission is discussed .

  29. 本算法可以计算各向同性介质和横向各向同性介质中直达波、反射波和透射波的旅行时,并用来模拟地面地震勘探、VSP、井间地震。

    The improved algorithm is applicable to the estimation of the travel times of direct , reflected and transmitted waves in isotropic medium or transversely isotropic medium ; besides , it may be taken to model surface seismic exploration , VSP and borehole seism .

  30. 万吨级江海直达肥大型散货船线型优化设计30000t大湖型散货船有害振动的诊断及治理

    Optimum Design for Line Form of River-to-sea Chubby Bulk Carrier Above 10,000 Tons Level Diagnosis and treatment for harmful vibration of 30000t great lake bulk carrier