
  • 网络digital domain;Digital Realm
  1. 最近,数字领域公司承担的项目包括电影《铁甲钢拳》(RealSteel)和《变形金刚2:卷土重来》(Transformers:RevengeoftheFallen)。

    Recent digital domain projects include real steel and Transformers : Revenge of the fallen .

  2. 随着CMOS制造工艺的不断进步,越来越多的信号处理功能在数字领域内完成,以较低的成本实现高速、低功耗。

    With the rapid development of CMOS process , more and more singnal processing is processed in digital domain to achieve high speed and low power with low cost .

  3. 随着固态硬盘(SolidStateDisk)在高端数字领域的广泛应用,用户数据的存储安全成为一个重要课题。

    With the solid-state disk ( SSD ) widely used in the high-end digital field , the security issue of the user data becomes a very important topic .

  4. 《财富》的选择是腾讯(Tencent)创始人马化腾,原因是他对数字领域和国际市场的了解。

    Fortune selected Tencent founder Pony Ma for his digital and international know-how .

  5. 数字领域分析机构康姆斯科(comScore)提供的数据显示,黑莓在美国智能手机市场中的份额只有2.3%,而安卓(Android)和苹果公司(Apple)的份额分别为52.1%和41.9%。

    BlackBerry 's U.S. market share among smartphones is an anemic 2.3 % versus Android 's 52.1 % and Apple 's 41.9 % , according to comScore .

  6. 作为连接模拟领域和数字领域之间的桥梁&模数转换器(ADC)伴随着数字化技术的发展也同样成为研究的热点。

    As the connection between the fields of analog areas and digital areas - Analog to Digital Converter ( ADC ) has also become a hot research along with the development of digital technology .

  7. 研究机构eMarketer称,明年它将在美国首次超过电视广告,最大的份额可能将流向数字领域的双寡头Facebook和谷歌。

    It will eclipse television in the US next year for the first time , according to eMarketer , the research firm , with the lion 's share likely to go to the digital duopoly of Facebook and Google .

  8. 实际上,松下电器在招聘营销团队经理时也使用了这种说法,但具体要求是至少10年的“实际工作经验”,5年管理经验,5年数字领域经验,而且最好有MBA学位。

    In fact , Panasonic 's ad for a marketing group manager calls for a " digital native , " even while requiring that candidates have a minimum of 10 years professional " hands-on experience , " five years management experience , five years digital experience and preferably a MBA .

  9. 广告公司实力传播集团(ZenithOptimedia)称,同三年前相比,这是一个重大转变。那时候,近一半的广告投入流向了电视,而用于数字领域的广告投入仅占14%。

    It is a stark shift from three years ago when nearly half of the advertising dollars went to television and just 14 percent went to digital , according to ZenithOptimedia , an advertising agency .

  10. 麦克琼金称,对Grindr来说,和北京昆仑搭档是合理的,因为后者拥有数字领域的专长,且同意让Grindr的创始人保留当前的运营结构和团队。

    Mr. McJunkin said the pairing made sense for Grindr because of Beijing Kunlun 's digital expertise , and its agreement to let Grindr 's founders continue its operating structure and retain its current team .

  11. 在数字领域中图像数据和文本数据一样常见。

    Image data is as common as textual data in digital world .

  12. 亚马逊在数字领域执行的非常好。

    On the digital side , Amazon executed fantastically .

  13. 抖动和新的数字领域

    Jitter and the New Digital Regime

  14. 数字领域新技术、新概念、新方法的不断涌现,使数字技术基础课的教学内容发生变化,这些变化要求教学方法亦有革命性变革。

    New technology , new concepts and new methods affect directly teaching contents and teaching methods .

  15. 容许行业领先者在数字领域进行竞争,这点很关键。

    It is critical that the brand leader be allowed to compete in a digital world .

  16. 这家以严格工艺著称的公司不情愿地进入了数字领域。

    The company , known for its painstaking craftsmanship , has grudgingly entered the digital game .

  17. 2010年数字领域最激动人心的发展动态之一,便是电子书阅读器之间的军备竞赛。

    One of the most thrilling digital developments of 2010 was the arms race between e-book readers .

  18. 以反盗版为例:数字领域存在作者希望保护自己作品版权的新问题。

    Take anti-piracy : the digital sphere presents new problems for authors wishing to protect their works .

  19. 我管理着数字领域一家发展迅猛的出色企业,它的工作有趣又有价值。

    I run a cool , rapidly growing company in the digital field , where the work is interesting and rewarding .

  20. 其实跟看起来一样没甚麽关西,整合是关于统一品牌的行为,尤其是在数字领域。

    Integration is less about things looking the same and more about a consistent brand behaviour , specially on the digital arena .

  21. 返回数字领域的成功转换和分配,返回值不包括那些读取但不能分配领域。

    Returns the number of fields successfully converted and assigned ; the return value does not include fields that were read but not assigned .

  22. 这个新厂牌的主要工作,就是将滚石的版权作品重新包装,在数字领域发行。

    The main job of plate of this new plant , it is the copyright work repackage that will roll stone , issue in digital domain .

  23. 在本世纪的头一个十年,在数字领域几乎没有任何较量,但如今,信息想要变得昂贵的观点正在占据上风。

    Too often in the century 's first digital decade there was no fight at all , but now the information-wants-to-be-expensive mantra is gaining the upper hand .

  24. 与在美国和欧洲一样,广告商必须学会适应数字领域的变化。在中国,这种变化的速度的可谓一日千里。

    As in the United States and Europe , advertisers have to learn to adapt to changes in digital landscape , which in China can unfold at breakneck speed .

  25. 阿里巴巴并没有把注意力完全放在数字领域,而是收购了许多和电商无关的业务,包括电影公司、家电制造商和足球俱乐部。

    Rather than concentrating solely on digital , it is buying lots of unrelated businesses , including a movie studio , an appliance manufacturer , and a soccer team .

  26. 他说:“我们与数字领域公司的合作将带来制作能力和技术转移方面的跨越式发展,因此,这一合作将“产生颠覆性的影响”。

    He argues that the company 's deal with Digital Domain will be " a game-changer due to the significant leap in available capacities and technology transfer " it will allow .

  27. 发达市场的消费者刚刚转入数字领域:目前,几乎所有的日本家庭和至多60%的欧美家庭拥有平面电视。

    Consumers in developed markets have just been through the switch to digital : virtually all Japanese households and up to 60 per cent of us and European homes now own a flat-screen TV .

  28. 这篇评论充分注意到由于微处理技术迅速的发展,对通讯和控制信号的各种算法已能在数字领域内方便地实现。

    This review is particularly motivated by the that microprocessor technology is advancing rapidly to the extent that sophisticated and flexible signal processing algorithms for communications and control can be realized in the digital domain .

  29. 于是我和好友斯坦·温斯顿创立了一家公司,叫做“数字领域”。

    So , I started a company with Stan Winston , my good friend Stan Winston , who is the premier make-up and creature designer at that time , and it was called Digital Domain .

  30. 自然界是一个模拟的世界,人们以模拟的方式对其进行感知和改造,作为数字领域与模拟世界的连接桥梁,模数转换器已成为现代电子系统必不可少的关键部分。

    The nature is a world of analog , people perceive and transform it in a manner of analog , as the connection bridge of the digital field and analog world , A / D converter become an essential key part of modern electronic system .