
  • 网络DTTB;dvb-t
  1. 本文介绍了COFDM传输原理和数字电视地面广播系统的COFDM实现方案。

    This paper gives the COFDM transmission principle and DVB-T COFDM scheme .

  2. 该文介绍了数字电视地面广播(DVB-T)激励器的原理及其实现过程,对于数字电视发射端给出了一个比较详细的概述。

    In this paper , the principle of transmitter of DVB-T system and its realization is introduced firstly , and also give a more detail on transmitter of DVB-T.

  3. 该文对基于OFDM技术的数字电视地面广播信号的各种特性进行了深入的分析、研究,重点讨论了采用OFDM信号做为非合作式照射源的双基地雷达探测系统的理论可行性。

    A comprehensive research on digital terrestrial TV signal based on OFDM is conduct , especially the theoretics feasibility of non-cooperative illumination using OFDM signal is analysed .

  4. 数字电视地面广播COFDM传输中的软判决技术

    Soft decision technique in digital video broadcasting COFDM transmission system

  5. DVB-T数字电视地面广播之移动接收

    Mobile Reception of DVB-T

  6. 本文以中国数字电视地面广播传输标准为背景,主要研究了定时同步技术,并重点实现了基于PN的定时恢复技术。

    Under the background of the Chinese standard of DTV terrestrial broadcasting , this paper focus on timing synchronization , and then finish FPGA complementation process of timing recovery using PN .

  7. 本文将介绍数字电视地面广播标准成功经验,并结合这一标准着重介绍了DVB-H的发展。

    This paper introduces DVB 's flagship terrestrial standard , and then introduces some exciting developments in DVB-H and other related areas .

  8. 深入研究了数字电视地面广播COFDM解调方案中的解映射软判决技术,提出了适用于该系统的信道状态信息CSI提取方法。

    This paper investigates the soft decision of de-mapping technique in COFDM de-modulation scheme . It proposes a new method suitable for the scheme for extracting CSI from communication channel .

  9. 中国数字电视地面广播国家标准(DTTB)中规定了两种相互独立的信号传输模式即多载波模式和单载波模式。

    In China national standard Digital Television Terrestrial Broadcasting ( DTTB ), there are two independent transmission modes : the multi-carrier mode and the single-carrier mode .

  10. 有关ETV,D2-MAC及数字电视地面广播系统的CCIR建议书,以及美国全数字HDTV的发展也作了介绍。

    The CCIR recommendations on ETV , D2-MAC and digital TV terrestrial broadcasting systems , and the development of the all digital HDTV systems in USA , are also introduced .

  11. 介绍数字电视地面广播传输(DTTB)系统(GB20600-2006)发射端的系统结构,给出了基于FPGA的实现方案,重点介绍数字逻辑部分的FPGA设计。

    In this article , the structure of transmitter of Digital Television Terrestrial Broadcasting System is introduced , and the implementation scheme base on FPGA is given . The design of logic module on FPGA is spatially emphasized .

  12. 介绍了数字电视地面广播(DVB-T)发射端的原理,给出了基于FPGA的实现方案,重点阐述了信道编码、OFDM调制、数字上变频三个模块的设计。

    In this article , the principle of transmitter of DVB-T system is introduced first , and the implementation scheme based on FPGA platform is given . Finally , we emphasize the design of three key units such as channel coding , OFDM modulation and digital upconverter .

  13. 数字电视地面广播(DTTB)从1998年11月在北美和欧洲开播以来,在许多国家已经进入业务运营阶段。

    From Nov , 1998 , when the Digital TV Terrestrial Broadcasting ( DTTB ) was transmitted in the North America and the Europe , it has been accepted by many countries .

  14. 本文针对中国数字电视地面广播标准(DTMB)研究与设计数字电视传输系统中的发射端与接收端的基带处理模块,并且探讨多载波系统和单载波系统的融合设计方案。

    This paper described the algorithm and design of the baseband data processing of digital television transmission system based on Chinese Digital Television Terrestrial Broadcasting Standard , and supplied an integration scheme of single carrier modulation system and multicarrier modulation system .

  15. 2006年8月18日,中国国家标准化管理委员会正式发布了我国的数字电视地面广播国家标准GB20600-2006,该标准自2007年8月1日起开始强制实施。

    The Standardization Administration of China published the Chinese National Standard GB 20600-2006 on Terrestrial Digital Television Broadcasting on August 18 , 2006 . The standard has been mandatory since August 1 , 2007 .

  16. 数字电视地面广播加密标准及实现

    Standard on encryption of digital TV terrestrial broadcasting and its implementation

  17. 移动电视的梦想&数字电视地面广播的实践

    The Dream of Mobile TV & Practice of Digital Television Terrestrial Broadcasting

  18. 不同数字电视地面广播传输系统在多径衰落信道下的性能比较

    Performance Comparison of Digital Television Terrestrial Broadcasting Transmission Systems over Multipath Fading Channels

  19. 目前,中国已制订了具有自主知识产权的数字电视地面广播标准。

    Recently , China has issued its own digital television terrestrial broadcasting standard .

  20. 数字电视地面广播编码方法的探讨

    Discussion on Coding Method of Digit TV Ground Broadcasting

  21. 湖南省数字电视地面广播网方案讨论

    Discussion on Scheme of Hunan Provincial DTTV Broadcasting Network

  22. 分级传输技术在数字电视地面广播中的应用研究

    Study on the application of hierarchical transmission technique in terrestrial digital TV broadcasting

  23. 一种应用于数字电视地面广播的信道编码调制方法

    A Novel Channel Coding and Modulation Scheme Adopted in the Digital Television Terrestrial Broadcasting

  24. 数字电视地面广播的技术研究一直是无线领域重要研究方向之一。

    Digital Television Terrestrial Broadcasting technology is one of hot areas in wireless domain .

  25. 数字电视地面广播系统的截止率求解

    Cutoff Rate of Digital TV Terrestrial Broadcasting System

  26. 数字电视地面广播信道的均衡技术

    Equalization technology in digital television terrestrial broadcasting channel

  27. 一种用于数字电视地面广播的编码调制方案

    Modulation scheme for digital TV terrestrial broadcasting

  28. 数字电视地面广播系统标准的比较

    Comparision of Digital TV Ground Broadcasting Standards

  29. 为了适合恶劣信道环境,提出一种符合欧洲数字电视地面广播标准的正交频分复用同步系统。

    To adapt to the severe channel environments , an OFDM synchronization system for DVB-T is presented .

  30. 国标规定了数字电视地面广播所采用的帧结构、信道编码方案和调制方案。

    The national standard defines the framing structure , channel coding and modulation for digital television broadcasting system .