
shù jí
  • Number set;manifold
数集[shù jí]
  1. Fuzzy数集上的度量结构

    A Metric Structure on the Set of Fuzzy Numbers

  2. f的回归点集的闭包中的非回归点的集合为可数集。

    R is countable , where R denotes the set of recurrent points .

  3. 自然数集的(a,b,k)型可加划分

    On Additive Partitions of Type ( a , b , k ) of the Set of Natural Numbers

  4. 显然,C1表示通常的Carmichael数集。

    Clearly , C1 is the ordinarily Carmichael numbers .

  5. 为了实现多维数据到一维数据的转换,本文首先考虑两个集合:自然数集N和笛卡尔积N×N。

    In order to transform n-dimensions data into one-dimension data . The author first considers two sets : the natural number set N and the cartesian product N × N.

  6. 数集构成4n阶泛对角线幻方的充分条件

    Sufficient condition of number set constructing pandiagonal magic square of order 4N

  7. 引入一种新筛法,通过在素数模的完全剩余系中划掉与起点同余的参数集,组合出经由n次筛减后的剩余数集。

    This paper introduces a new method of sieve , after deleting those parameter set from complete residue system of prime modulus which are congruent with starting points , combined to last residual set sifted n times .

  8. 利用经验模式分解(EMD)方法,任何复杂的数集都能够被分解为有限且通常数量较少的本征模式函数。

    By using the empirical mode decomposition method , any complicated data set can be decomposed into a finite and often small number of intrinsic mode functions that admit well-behaved Hilbert transforms .

  9. 采用分割自然数集的思想,给出了用此算法求解n个盘子的五柱Hanoi塔问题的时间复杂度(最少步数)公式及分次移动的剩余盘子数公式。

    Based on the idea of cutting natural number set , a time complexity formula and the number of remaining disks are put forward to calculate step numbers of movements necessary for the 5-pole Hanoi tower problem , and the time complexity formula using mathematical induction are proved .

  10. 自然数集扩充的意义和公理化

    The Meaning and the Truth of the Collected and Expanded Natural Number

  11. 自然数集的泛可加划分

    On universal additive partitions of the set of natural numbers

  12. 若Γ-R≠φ,则Γ-R为不可数集;

    If Γ - R is not empty then it is uncountable .

  13. 自然数集扩充后的基数理论

    Theory of Cardinal Number after the Expanding of Natural Number

  14. 两个群速度都是有界数集。在热力无耦合情况下,一个群速度蜕化为具有恒定数值的膨胀波速,即第一声速;

    One group speed degenerates to expanding wave speed without thermo-mechanical coupling , i.

  15. 关于数集与奇偶矢量集的对应问题;

    The correspondence of numbers with parity vectors .

  16. 算术数集的一种构造

    A Construction of the Set of Arithmetic Numbers

  17. 计算机数集的性质

    The Properties of the Set of Computer Numbers

  18. 该方法基于迭代评估,利用随机数集作为输入。

    The method is based on iterative evaluations using sets of random numbers as inputs .

  19. 许多数学对象,例如数集和函数集合,表现出内部结构。

    Many mathematical objects , such as sets of numbers and functions , exhibit internal structure .

  20. 负数概念引进后,整数集和有理数集就完整地形成了。

    With the introduction of negative numbers , the whole numbers and rational numbers became complete .

  21. 2004年李敏[5]提出下整和图的概念.令Q+表示正有理数集。

    In 2004 , Li min [ 5 ] introduced the concept of lower integral sum graph .

  22. 而《控制》一片真正的功臣要数集编导与一身的毕国智。

    But the real star of Control is Bi , who 's both the writer and director .

  23. 本文讨论计算机数集的性质与机器数运算特点,给出了设计算法时必须注意的几个问题。

    In this paper , the properties of the set of computer numbers and computation char-actersitic of computer numbers are discussed .

  24. 结果表明边值问题的特征值构成一个可数集,并且特征值趋向于无穷大。

    The results show that the eigenvalues of the boundary-value problem form a denumerable set , and the eigenvalue approaches infinity .

  25. 给出算术数集的一种构造,并证明算术数集的有关性质。

    This paper gives a construction of the set of arithmetic numbers and proves some qualities of the set of arithmetic numbers .

  26. 音乐有限运动过程矢量在无限数集系统中的闭合区间&《音乐数控理论》导言

    The Closed Interval of the Vector of the process of the Limited Movement of Music Within the System of the Infinite Collection of Number Series

  27. 在函数概念教学中,往往容易忽略其定义域为非空数集这一要素。

    People are likely to overlook in teaching the essential factor that the domain of definition of function concept is just the nonempty set of number .

  28. 在他们的歌曲中,人们最喜欢的可能要数集歌剧、摇滚和古典于一体的《波希米亚狂想曲》了,这首歌在当时风靡一时。不过,他们的其他歌曲表明,作为一支摇滚乐队,他们是多才多艺的。

    Their most popular song may be the smash hit Bohemian Rhapsody , with its opera-rock-classical fusion , but their other songs mark their versatility as a rock band .

  29. 把有限集中的置换推广到可数集上,引入基轮换、轮换及变换的可数次合成等概念的定义。

    The permutation of the finite set is introduced into the denumerable set as well as the definition of the basic rotation , the rotation and the composition of the countability .

  30. 在数集的基础上,在整数域上建立了一个新的交换半群,并在有理数域、实数域和复数域上进行了推广;

    Based on the number set , a new commutative semi-group is established in the integer number and extended in number fields of rational number , real number and the complex number .