
  1. 目的:观察电针对糖尿病性认知功能障碍患者学习记忆的改善作用,并与尼莫通作对照。

    Objective : To observe the effect of electroacupuncture ( EA ) on the learning and memory ability in diabetic cognitive dysfunction patients .

  2. 形体分析法中具体讨论了偏旁分析形符通用通作等问题。

    In the part of Structural Analysis , it discusses such problems as the analysis of character components and structural sign in common use specifically .

  3. 贮氢合金MlNi5x(CoMnAl)x通常用作氢电池的电极材料。

    Hydrogen storage alloy as MlNi_ ( 5-x )( CoMnAl ) _x is usually used as negative electrode material in Ni & H cell .

  4. 未污染的水通常用作真空泵的密封水和压缩机的冷却水以及供保健用。

    Uncontaminated water is normally used as seal water for vacuum pumps and for compressor cooling as well as for sanitary use .

  5. 地埋石油管道,通电作阴极保护,效果比不通电的要好。

    As the petroleum pipe are burried under earth , the effect of cathode protection with power supply is better then that without it .

  6. 方法:取出口咽通气管作牙垫用的扁形铁圈,插入8号~9号一次性气管导管接头。

    Method : Taken away the flat iron circle used as a tooth pad from an ordinary oropharyngeal airway , the new device is made by fixing an air pipe in size 8 or 9 at the connector .

  7. 含氯氟烃通常用作空调机和冷冻机的冷却剂,而哈龙则用作灭火器的补充剂。自20世纪30年代以来,含氯氟烃被广泛应用在制冷设备上,比如冰箱和空调。

    CFCs are commonly used as refrigerants in air conditioners and freezers , and halons as reagents in fire extinguishers . CFC 's have been widely used since the 1930s in cooling devices such as refrigerators and air conditioners .

  8. Pi-Sigma网络分类器的输入为一个常Q带通滤波器组作特征提取形成的特征向量。

    The inputs of the Pi-Sigma net classifier are the feature vectors which are extracted by a constant Q bandpass filter bank .

  9. 当通入氩气作保护气时,到1173K才开始发生明显的化学反应。

    The temperature of obviously oxidation will be delayed to 1173K when Argon is used as the protecting gas ;

  10. 本文将Barnes-Shapiro类的低通滤波方法作了改进,成为带通滤波分析方法,它具有较好的中尺度带通响应。

    A low-pass filtering method of Barnes-Shapiro 's type has been improved to obtain a band-pass filtering method , which has the good response to the selected mesoscale wave length .

  11. 本文解剖了100侧小儿大隐静脉,对其主干形态,长度,外径,隐股点,瓣膜和穿通支数目作了观察和测量。

    Anatomizing the long saphenous veins of children in 100 sides , we observed the shape of the vein and measured the length , outside diameter , saphena - femoral point , numbers of valve and perforating branch . The results were as follows .

  12. 大调为人声4,合唱队,双簧管2,弦乐组和通奏低音而作的弥撒曲。

    Mass for4 voices , chorus , 2 oboes , strings & continuo in G major .

  13. 大调为合唱队,小号3,定音鼓,双簧管2,弦乐组和通奏低音而作的圣哉经。

    Sanctus , for chorus , 3 trumpets , timpani , 2 oboes , strings & continuo in C major .

  14. 两旁有塔形建筑的门道以一对平头金字塔形式出现的纪念性的通口,用来作通往古埃及庙宇的入口。

    A monumental gateway in the form of a pair of truncated pyramids serving as the entrance to an ancient Egyptian temple .

  15. 本文讲述了高阶有源带通滤波器的组成原理,对正反馈二阶带通滤波器和多阶谐振型带通滤波器作了全面的分析;

    The principle of higher-order active band-pass filter is narrated , and positive feedback two-order band-pass filter and higher-order resonance band-pass filter are analyzed in this paper .