
cí yì kuò dà
  • widening of meaning
  1. 词义扩大与缩小的研究由来已久。

    The research on widening and narrowing of word meaning has a long history .

  2. 顺应理论视角下词义扩大与缩小的语用研究

    Studies on Broadening and Narrowing of Word Meaning from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory

  3. 语体色彩的通俗化使词义扩大或泛化;

    ( b ) the popularize of stylistic meaning can broaden or extensive the concept ;

  4. 另外,结构顺应也是造成词义扩大和缩小的原因之一。

    What is more , adaptation to structure is another reason of the occurrence of broadening and narrowing .

  5. 下篇,词义扩大与缩小的认知语义分析。

    The second part is the cognitive semantic analysis for the amplification and the narrowing of the meaning of words .

  6. 这是目前关于汉语词义扩大与缩小关系的最直观、最理性的描述。

    This is the most intuitive and rational description about the relationship of widening and narrowing of Chinese word meaning .

  7. 针对传统词汇学的词义扩大、缩小、转移的逻辑分类旧模式,可以采用语义脱落+语义创新的新模式进行全面的义素转写。

    To the logic classification of old mode of the traditional lexicological word meaning expansion , narrowing and changing , a new mode of semantic drop & semantic innovation can be used to carry out full word meaning rewriting .

  8. 第二部分阐述了英语委婉语的主要构成方法:包括借用外来语,词义扩大或缩小,隐喻转换,降格陈述,语音畸变,语义转换,借用压韵俚语和省略。

    Part II lists some frequently used ways of formation of English euphemism , including loanwords , widening or narrowing of meaning , formed by rhetorical application-metaphorical transfer , understatement and rhyming slang , phonetic distortion , semantic shift , and omission .

  9. 纵观语言发展的历史,可知没有词的泛用,就没有词义的扩大,也就没有语言的发展。

    The extended use of a word results in the extension of meaning , which is the specific reflection of Language development .

  10. 论文研究表明,该理论观点能够对一些语言现象,如语义变化中词义的扩大、缩小与转移等作出解释。

    The thesis has shown that this theory can explain some language phenomena such as broadening , narrowing , and shifting of word meaning and so on in semantic changes .

  11. 词义的扩大和缩小正是语言选择不可避免的结果,是心理、社交和文化世界顺应的必然结果。

    Broadening and narrowing of word meaning are the inevitable results of choice making , and the necessary outcome of adaptation to factors of mental , social and physical worlds .

  12. 最后,在语义分类和语义编码研究的基础上,从认知入手,深入探讨词义的扩大与缩小。

    Third , it probes into the amplification and the narrowing ofthe meaning of words from the cognitive way basing on the research of semantic category and the semantic encoding .

  13. 本文对日语古语中相对语义共词现象进行了考察,通过考察发现,这些词大多都是在漫长的语言生活中通过词义的扩大、缩小、变迁而形成的。

    After studying , the author comes to a conclusion that during the long history of the development of languages , the meaning of a word may be expanded , contracted or changed , so this phenomenon appears .

  14. 词义的扩大和缩小一直以来都是传统语义学的研究对象,词汇语用学产生以后,词义扩大和缩小的研究纳入到了语用研究的范畴。

    Broadening and narrowing of word meaning have long been a research subject of traditional semantics . However , as the emergence of lexical pragmatics , studies on broadening and narrowing of word meaning have been brought into the scope of pragmatic research .

  15. 语言发展过程中的词汇化、双音化趋势以及词义、词性的扩大是这类词产生的主要原因。

    Language vocabulary of the development process , two-tone trend , and meaning , part of speech of the expansion are the main causes of such words .

  16. 在词义的缩小、扩大、转移等三种词义变化中,可以看到法律术语的语义变化大部分是缩小或转移,这是由于法律术语的单一性特点而产生的。

    Three types of meaning change are narrow , expand , and transfer . Because of singularity in legal terms , narrow type or transfer type is popularly surveyed in meaning change of legal terms .