
cí huà
  • Ci Hua;notes and comments on ci poetry;novel with parts in verse common in the Ming Dynasty
词话 [cí huà]
  • (1) [notes and comments on ci poetry;novel with parts in verse common in the Ming Dynasty]

  • (2) 评论词的内容、形式或记载词的作者事迹的书

  • (3) 散文里间杂韵文的说唱文艺形式,是章回小说的前身,起于宋元,流行到明代。明代也把夹有词曲的章回小说叫做词话

词话[cí huà]
  1. 论王国维《人间词话》中与境界说相关的几个概念

    Some Concept Related to Boundary in Wang Guo-wei 's Talk on World

  2. 从《人间词话》看王国维的人生态度

    Wang Guowei 's Attitude Towards Life from Comments on Ci

  3. 王国维《人间词话》例评

    Comments on Examples from " Ren Jian Ci Hua " by Wang Guo-wei

  4. 《金瓶梅词话》的宗教描写与作者的艺术构思

    The Religious Description of The Golden Lotus and the Author 's Art Idea

  5. 《人间词话》中秦观词三个特点的辨析

    Analysis on the Three Characteristics of World Digests

  6. 词话与女性词的保存和传播

    Comment on Song Words and Preservation and Spread of Women ′ s Song Words

  7. 论王国维《人间词话》中的境界说

    On the Realm Theory of Wang Guowei 's " Human Words and Language "

  8. 论《金瓶梅词话》的服饰文化

    On the Culture of Dress and Personal Adornment in Jin Ping Mei Ci Hua

  9. 西北方言词语在近代俗语词考释中的价值略论&以《金瓶梅词话》、《醒世姻缘传》和《聊斋俚曲集》为例

    The Value of Northwestern Dialect for the Explanation of the Vernacular Words in Modern Times

  10. 《人间词话》无我之境的道家文化阐释

    Interpretation on Taoist Culture of Selfless States in Comment on Ci and Poetry of Human World

  11. 这是《红楼梦评论》和《人间词话》在中国文论史上的共同意义和价值。

    The latter is the common value of the two books in the history of Chinese literary theory .

  12. 《金瓶梅词话》中的服饰描写在它同时的小说中无与伦比。

    The description of dress and personal adornment in Jin Ping Mei Ci Hua is unparalleled in those days .

  13. 清词话中的翻新传播、修改传播、理论传播、趣味传播等一些传播途径也值得我们关注。

    The recreation spreading , modification spreading , theory spreading and interest spreading were also worthwhile paying attention to .

  14. 清代词学理论文献的主要形式有词话、词选、论词诗词、词律词韵、序跋批注、书札专论文等。

    Qing documents of ci theories are represented by comments , selections , prefaces , epilogues , notes and essays .

  15. 《金瓶梅词话》第三十一回中保存了一段有关唐代王勃的笑乐院本。

    There was a comical drama on Dang Dynasty 's WAGN Bo in the31th chapter of Jin Ping Mei Cihua .

  16. 本文从词论、词评、考证三个部分全面评价了《惠风词话》在词学理论中的地位。

    This paper evaluates Hui Feng 's on a from discussion on Ci , comment on Ci and textual research .

  17. 《金瓶梅词话》中描绘了丰富的传统文化现象,数术描写正是其中之一。

    Jin Ping Mei contains lots of Chinese traditional culture phenomenon , among which is the conception of fortune and alchemy .

  18. 他们的主业往往并非绘画,而是政治、诗文词话、文物考证等文化专家。

    Their main business is often not the painting , but political , poetry Words , research , and other cultural heritage experts .

  19. 《人间词话》是王国维重要的美学著作,也是清代尤其是近代以来词学研究的代表作。

    Ren Jian Ci Hua is the important aesthetic work of Wang Guowei and a representative work in Ci study in the Qing Dynasty .

  20. 《金瓶梅词话》中和类虚词用法差异计量考察

    A Survey of the Differences in the Usage of the Functional Word Group of " HE " in The Plum in the Golden Vase

  21. 《金瓶梅词话》中带“儿”尾现象十分常见,尤其是动词重叠后“儿”尾现象更见特色。

    The " Er " suffix is very popular in Quotations in Jin Ping Mei , especially when it is put after a double verb .

  22. 《金瓶梅词话》作为我国第一部以描写家庭生活为主要内容的章回小说,涉及到大量的宴饮描写。

    " Jin Ping Mei Ci Hua " is the first traditional novel describing family life in China , which involves massively description of feasts .

  23. 《金瓶梅词话》使用了大量诗词,其中有一些来源可考。

    " Notes and Comments on Ci Poetry-The Golden Lotus " was written in large number of poetry language , of which some origin could be traced .

  24. 因此,以中国诗话词话的观念为主线,以西方诗学为参照,可以论证中国诗学的基本特性。

    Therefore , on the basis of the Chinese poetic conception the basic characteristics of Chinese society can be demonstrated in the light of the western poetics .

  25. 王国维的词学研究既继承传统,如采用词话的形式,不强调系统,却又明显受到西方哲学思想和文艺思想的影响。

    Wang Guowei 's theory accepted the traditional Ci criticism form which was rather random than systematic and was obviously influenced by western philosophical thoughts and artistic thoughts .

  26. 《金瓶梅词话》对人物服饰的描写不下于百处,充分展示了明代端庄、宏美的服饰风貌。

    More than one hundred of description of characters'dress in Jin Ping Mei show us the beautiful and elegant dress style in the Ming Dynasty , especially of women .

  27. 对《金瓶梅》两大主要版本系统&词话本与说散本差异的研究不可谓不多。

    Two big main edition systems to " the Golden Lotus " & Word with speak scattered copies of research of difference may be said more script for story-telling .

  28. 词话作者在词话中大量记述自己的作品,这一文学现象包含着古代文人学者朴素的传播意识。

    The author of Ci poetry wrote lots of works in Notes and Commentaries On Ci Poetry , this literature phenomenon includes the simple spreading consciousness of ancient scholar .

  29. 中西诗学传统之差异:《论批评》与《人间词话》的比较分析传统华校生抱怨年轻人不懂唐诗宋词,传统英校生则怪他们不懂莎士比亚。

    The Chinese-educated complain that young people know nothing about poetry from the ancient Tang and Song dynasty while the English-educated gripe about them not knowing the works of Shakespeare .

  30. 本文拟将这一书一地的特殊性联系起来做对比研究,由此认定山西介休当是《金瓶梅词话》中尼姑宣卷本事来源地。

    This essay attempts to trace the original place of this form of entertainment to Jiexiu Shanxi through the comparative studies on the unique connection between the place and the book .