
  • 网络on state;On-State;MCGS
  1. 双向晶闸管通态电压特性曲线分析

    Analysis of On State Voltage Characteristics for TRIAC

  2. IGBT极限电流与通态极限功耗的研究

    Research on IGBT limiting current and on state limiting power loss

  3. 三电平变换器PWM控制通态损耗分析

    Analysis of Conduction Losses in Three-level Converter with PWM Control

  4. 模拟结果表明,P基区的掺杂浓度和宽度对门极换流晶闸管通态压降有着重要的影响。

    Simulation results show that the doping profile and width of P base region are important to the on-state voltage drop of Gate Controlled Thyristor .

  5. 功率MOS场效应晶体管的通态压降一定比普通双极晶体管的大吗?

    Is Higher the Turn on Voltage Drop of Power MOSFETs than the One of Common Bipolar Transistors ?

  6. 阐述了关于协调IGBT通态压降和关断时间的最佳关系。

    In this paper , the optimum interrelation coordinated in forward drop and turn off time of IGBT is presented .

  7. 缓冲层与透明阳极结构对GCT通态特性的影响

    Influence of Buffer Layer and Transparent Anode in GCT on On-State Characteristic

  8. 漂移区均匀掺杂SOILIGBT通态电阻模型

    Modeling on-state Resistance of SOI LIGBT with Uniform Doped Drift Region

  9. 分析了P发射区杂质总量QE对晶闸管通态压降VT的影响,导出了QE与VT的关系式。

    The effect of total doping amount QE of emitting region P on on-state voltage drop VT is discussed and the expression for the relationship between QE and VT is derived .

  10. 功率器件(包括IGBT和二极管)在工作时要产生损耗,包括通态和开关损耗。

    When power devices are working , there is loss in them , like the state loss and switch loss , including IGBT and diode .

  11. 该系统上位集成管理采用个人PC与国产优秀工控组态软件昆仑通态MCGS的组合,下位分散控制的构成方式采用了三菱FX2N系列PLC。

    In the system PC and homebred excellent configuration software MCGS are used in the integration management , and MITSUBISHI FX series of PLC is used in distributed control .

  12. 根据实验数据给出了双向晶闸管(TRIAC)的通态电压特性曲线。

    On-state voltage characteristics curve of TRIAC are given based on the experimental findings , and analysis of the curve .

  13. 同时对器件的N基区设计则综合考虑了耐压、载流子寿命、迁移率、载流子的扩散长度和通态压降等,得到了RSD在不同耐压需求下的掺杂浓度和主要阻断区域的优化设计。

    Taking account of carrier lifetime , carrier mobility , carrier diffusion length and its on stage voltage drop , then the optimization design of doping concentration and the width of n base region required in different withstand voltage can be getted .

  14. IGBT(绝缘栅控双极型晶体管)是电力电子技术中的主流开关功率器件,由于开通/关断速度快、通态压降小等优点,在电力电子装置中得到广泛的应用。

    IGBT ( Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor ) is the main switch power device in the power electronics . Due to the fast switching speed and low dropout voltage , it is widely used in power electronic devices .

  15. 当DVR处于补偿模式时,需要计算多重变压器的铜耗和铁耗、整流电路损耗、逆变器和Boost电路开关器件的通态损耗和开关损耗。

    In the compensation mode , both core and copper losses of multi-winding transformer , loss of diodes in rectifiers , switching loss and conducting loss of IGBT in the Boost circuits and in the inverters should be calculated .

  16. 模拟结果表明,引入缓冲层的GCT结构能够很好地调节阻断特性和通态特性,使GCT的综合特性得以优化。

    The results show that the introduction of a buffer layer structure of the GCT can adjust blocking characteristic and on-state characteristic well , and optimize the integrated characteristic of GCT .

  17. 同步整流技术采用通态电阻极低的电力MOSFET来取代整流二极管,能大大降低整流电路的损耗,提高DC/DC变换器的效率,满足低压、大电流整流器的需要。

    The technology of synchronous rectification is to replace rectifying diode with power MOSFET which has low turn-on resistance , so it can decrease the dissipation of rectifier circuit greatly , improve the efficiency of DC / DC converter and meet the needs of low-voltage and large current rectifier .

  18. 在器件性能上,LPL-IGBT不仅具有比NPT-IGBT更低的能量损耗(包括通态损耗和开关损耗),而且其余性能如器件耐压、电流密度、安全工作区以及制造成本等相对现有NPT-IGBT均有明显改善。

    Not only possesses LPL-IGBT lower power loss but also the other capacities are no better than NPT-IGBT such as break down voltage , current capacities , safe operation area and cost .

  19. 介绍了一种新型大功率开关器件IEGT的结构、原理、通态特性、开关特性、开关效率以及有关工艺特点。

    A new kind of high power device IEGT and its structure as well as its principle have been presented in this paper . Its structure , principle , on - state features , switching characteristics , switching efficiency and related process also have been discussed in detail .

  20. 开管镓扩散技术改善快速晶闸管通态特性

    Improvement on the On-state Characteristics of Fast Thyristor by Using Open-tube Ga-diffusion

  21. 双束质子辐照降低快速晶闸管通态压降的研究

    Research of Dual Energy Proton Irradiation to Reduce Thyristors Voltage Drop in the On State

  22. 最小原边通态损耗高压输入多谐振推挽变流器

    High Voltage Input Zero Voltage Switch Multi-resonant Push-pull Topology With Minimized Conduction Loss for Primary Side

  23. 运用同步整流器工作方式,同时尽力削减变换器中的循环能量,降低了变换器的通态损耗。

    Moreover , synchronous rectifier operation and less circulating energy make conduction losses of the converters reduced .

  24. 新型低损耗快速薄发射极晶闸管关断时间和通态压降的分析

    Analyses on Turn-Off Time and On-State Voltage Drop of a New Type of Thin Emitter Thyristors with Low Loss and High Speed

  25. 由于在零状态中一次电流为零,减小了通态损耗,因此可以提高变换效率。

    As the primary current reduces to zero , the conduction loss is eliminated during zero state , which increases the efficiency .

  26. 在分析晶闸管通态压降产生的机理的基础上,从协调开关时间与通态压降关系入手提出了采用双束质子辐照晶闸管。

    In this paper we analyzed the mechanism of thyristor voltage drop in the on state , then irradiated semi product thyristors by dual energy proton .

  27. 在这种逆变器中,由半导体开关通态压降产生的开关损耗仅为全桥结构逆变器的1/2。

    The power loss caused due to the semiconductor switch-on cross voltage in this inverter is only half of the power loss in full bridge inverter .

  28. 推挽正激三电平直流变换器及其控制策略最小原边通态损耗高压输入多谐振推挽变流器

    Push-pull Forward Three-level DC / DC Converter and Its Control Strategy High Voltage Input Zero Voltage Switch Multi-resonant Push-pull Topology With Minimized Conduction Loss for Primary Side

  29. 器件的功率损耗与很多因素有关,比如通态电流,阻断压降,门极电压,门极电阻,工作温度等。

    The power losses of the devices are related to several parameters , such as device current , breaking voltage , gate drive voltage , gate drive resistance and operating temperature .

  30. 此外,智能控制单元采用过零触发方式开通晶闸管,并应用先进的晶闸管和接触器并联的机电一体结构,较好地解决了单纯采用晶闸管结构而引起的通态损耗。

    Furthermore , the control units have zero crossing triggering circuit and adopt a novel structure of SCR in parallel with contactor to solve the problem of on-state power loss in SCR .