
  • popular literature and art
  1. 通俗文艺研究会的会议也是今天。

    The Society for Research on Popular Literature and Art is also meeting today .

  2. 这就到了通俗文艺研究会的会场。

    Soon he arrived at the meeting of the society for research on popular literature and art .

  3. 这种四不像的叙事形态乃是典范的通俗文艺的叙事形态。

    The " four dissimilar " narrative style is a model popular literature and art .

  4. 天才时代的终结&倡导一种新通俗文艺

    The End of the " Genius " Era ─ To Propose a New " Popular " Literature and Art

  5. 其原因主要在于启蒙哲学思潮、市井世俗观念、新的文学批评思想的影响以及通俗文艺的繁荣。

    The main causes of this phenomenon are the Enlightenment secular sense , new literary critical idea and the prosperity of popular literature .

  6. 文协期间的通俗文艺、戏剧等,主要具有宣传意义、教育意义和文学史意义。

    Works of popular literature and art and others written in the period of the association are of propagation , education and literature history .

  7. 由于市场经济条件下利润的驱动,通俗文艺被推上了主流文艺形态的王座。

    Driven by the profits of the market economy , the popular literature and art has been pushed to the dominant position of the mainstream cultural formations .

  8. 民间文艺、通俗文艺和大众文艺是历史上曾经依次出现过的审美文化形态,它们都是特定历史时期的产物,具有那个时代的独特烙印。

    The civilian literature and art , popular literature and art and mass literature and art are all aesthetic cultural forms that appeared in turn in history .

  9. 首先回首过去,访查历史剧的诞生历程,分别从历史、韵文文学、通俗文艺对历史剧的影响的方面考察;

    At first reviewing the past , we investigate the naissance course of the historical drama respectively from the influence of the three ( the history , the verse literature and popular literature ) to the historical drama .

  10. 作为一位放弃仕途,选择卖赋以糊其口的文人,李渔的小说、戏曲创作体现出了较为浓厚的商业色彩,而这又影响着他对通俗文艺理论的总结。

    As a scholar , he gave up his career and chose " selling articles for living " . All of his novels , drama creations reflected a relative strong character of business , which in turn influenced his theoretical summary of popular literature .

  11. 明代中后期的统治者对于通俗文艺的喜爱,尤其是清代的帝王们对《三国演义》的推崇,使得这部小说在明清时期的传播并没有受到政策上的太多影响。

    Rulers in the late Ming popular literary favorite , especially the Qing emperors like the " The Three Kingdoms " and praised the novel made the spread of the Ming and Qing Dynasties , so the novel was not much affected by the policy .

  12. 曲艺作为一种通俗的文艺样式,在《红楼梦》的传播过程当中所起的作用不可忽视。

    Acrobatics take one kind of popular literary style , in " A Dream in Red Mansions " in the middle of the spreading process plays the role is noticeable .

  13. 中国的报纸副刊自诞生之日起一直是通俗性的文艺副刊。

    Chinese newspaper supplement has been a popular literary supplement since the date of its birth .

  14. 电影和电视的通俗性与文艺的大众性相关联。

    Movie and TV , as a whole , have close relation to the popular art in the aspect of popularity .