
guò yā
  • overvoltage;overpressure;overtension
过压 [guò yā]
  • [overvoltage] 离子在电极上放电所需要的超过电极平衡电位的电压

过压[guò yā]
  1. 具有过压保护功能DMA方式下的高速数据采集系统设计与实现

    Design and Application of Overvoltage Protection Data Acquisition System with DMA Mode

  2. TCSC的基本控制与过压保护数字仿真

    Digital simulation of basic control and overvoltage protection for TCSC

  3. 集成电路过压保护用ZnO压敏电阻的研制

    Development of ZnO Varistors Used for Overvoltage Protection of Integrated Circuits

  4. 同时DSP控制器开发平台提供了必要的保护电路:过压保护、过流保护、缺相保护、电机过热保护、IPM模块故障等保护电路,以及相应的故障信号处理电路。

    DSP 's developing platform of controller offers the essential protection circuit which protect the circuit electrical machine .

  5. 针对这个问题,文中研究了一种能够实现LED的过压断路及温度保护的芯片,用来提高LED串联的数目。

    According to this issue , a protection chip is researched to improve the number of LED series , which can realize LED over-voltage , open circuit and temperature protection .

  6. 通过将已经过压水试验、钻孔取芯和面波等方法检验注浆已合格断面的电磁波CT测量数据进行统计分析,得出适用于南广铁路岩溶路基注浆质量电磁波CT检测评判标准。

    The measured data by electromagnetic tomography method in the sections are statistically analyzed , whose grouting tests have passed the examinations of over water pressure tests , coring and surface wave .

  7. 轮胎压力监测系统(TirePressureMonitoringSystem,TPMS)可以实时监测轮胎的压力和温度,当轮胎出现过压、欠压、温度过高时报警,以避免爆胎事故的发生。

    TPMS ( Tire Pressure Monitoring System ) can monitor the tire 's interior temperature and instantaneous pressure , which can alarm to avoid accidents when high-pressure , low-pressure or high-temperature occurs .

  8. 确定了过压保护的重要元件MOV的过电压保护水平和最大允许能耗。

    Overvoltage protection level and maximum allowable energy dissipation of MOV are ascertained .

  9. 其次,分析了UPS电源系统过载、过流、过压现象产生的原因及影响。

    Second , the reason and the impact were analyzed of which the phenomenon of overload , the over current and overvoltage aroused in UPS system .

  10. 内置的过热保护电路、过压保护电路、低压锁定电路,不仅提高了芯片的集成度,也使得芯片在非正常工作状态下能够自动的关断,保护芯片的同时也防止了对LED的破坏。

    The over-thermal protection circuit , the output over-voltage protection circuit and the low-voltage shutdown circuit built-in not only make integrity increase , but also make chip automatically shutdown in the non-normal operation and protecting LED .

  11. 输入单元采用EMI滤波,输出端采用LC串联滤波,保护电路采用输出过压保护和输出过流保护。

    The input modules use EMI filtering circuits , the output modules use LC filtering circuits . The protection modules use output over-voltage output over-current protection circuits .

  12. 消除35kV电网谐振过压的方法

    Discussion on method of resonance over-voltage elimination in 35 kV electric network

  13. 概述了桥式脉冲宽度调制(PWM)功率源的工作原理,以及开关元件IGBT的驱动、过压、过流保护等问题。

    The operating principle of a bridge type Pulse Width Modulation ( PWM ) power source , driving of switch element IGBT , overvoltage and overcurrent are briefly described in the paper .

  14. 测试结果表明,TX&KA101输出驱动电压合理,具有IGBT过流三段式保护,慢关断时间和过压保护阚值可调。

    The results were that TX-KA101 's its driving voltage is reasonable , have three-sect current protection , its soft turn-off time and over-current protect threshold value can be regulated .

  15. 另外,设计了启动保护电路和过压保护电路,保护电路进一步提高了功率器件IGBT工作的稳定性,从而增强了处理故障的能力。

    In addition , startup protection circuit and overvoltage protection circuit is also designed , which raise stability of power device IGBT further , thus strengthen the ability to deal with trouble .

  16. 另外,本文介绍了几种常见的保护电路,包括过温保护、过压保护、低压锁存保护、过流保护和ESD保护,通过加入保护电路进一步提高了芯片的可靠性。

    In addition , several common protection circuits are introduced in this paper , which include thermal shutdown , overvoltage protection , under voltage lockout , overcurrent protection and ESD protection .

  17. 系统采用交流采样,并通过LCD显示器显示频率、电压、电流的实时值,在过压、欠压时,可以进行声光报警。

    The proposed system employs LCD to display the real-time values of frequency , voltage and current with AC sampling , and what ′ s more , it can make a sound-light alarming for overvoltage and undervoltage .

  18. 110KV变压器中性点过压保护中阀式避雷器和间隙的配合问题及措施探索

    Arresters and rod gaps are used together on over-voltage protection for neutral of 110 kV graded insulated transformers

  19. 外旁通柜是ITER整流电源系统中的重要组成部分,它是对磁体和电源进行过流和过压保护的重要设备。

    ITER external bypass cabinet is an important component of the rectification power supply system , it is an important equipment that protect magnet and power from over-current and over-voltage .

  20. 这些高精度的微电子计算机设备内置了大量的CMOS半导体集成电路,导致过压、过流保护能力极其脆弱,无法保证在特定的空间遭受电涌时仍能安全运行。

    These the high-accuracy microelectronics computer equipment has had large amount of CMOS semiconductor IC built-in , energy safety has still worked when have led to , the fault stream protect extremely fragile , unable guarantee of ability suffering an electricity in specially appointed space pouring .

  21. 本文阐述了波前校正器的过压损坏机理,提出了利用分压网络避免波前校正器过压损坏的方案,介绍了基于可编程ASIC的过压保护电路的实现。

    The overvoltage damage mechanism for the wavefront corrector is described and a scheme for avoiding overvoltage damage of the wavefront corrector with voltage dividing network is proposed . The implementation of an overvoltage protective circuit based on programmable ASIC is introduced .

  22. 分析了一阶RL电路在正弦交流电压源激励下,电路直接进入稳态响应的条件和产生过流、过压的原因。

    The response of RL first-order circuity switching on simple sinusoidal alternating voltage source is discussed . The conditions of RL circuitry directly accessing stationary response and the reason why the excess current and excess voltage generate are also analysied .

  23. 该低压差电源可提供输出电流为1A的33V固定输出(压差为06V)和1A可调输出,并具有短路保护和过压保护等功能。

    The low voltage dropout regulator is capable of providing both a 3.3-V fixed-output and an adjustable output with 1 A current and 0.6 V dropout voltage . It also provides short-circuit and over-voltage protections .

  24. 介绍了采用功率IGBT模块研制成功的大功率串联谐振型激光器用开关电源的工作原理及IGBT的过压、过流保护方法,给出了该电源主回路、驱动电路结构及电源系统的相关波形。

    The operation principle of switching power supply based on IGBT for high power series resonant laser and the method of over voltage / overcurrent protection of IGBT are described . The structure of main circuit , main control circuit and the waveform of charge / discharge are given .

  25. 与传统的漏电保护芯片相比,该设计功耗低(10mW),数字延时响应确保控制保护的精确性,且实现了多功能集成(如漏电/过压/过流的检测与保护,自动切换)。

    This chip has the advantages of low power dissipation ( 10mW ), accurate protection control based on digital response delay time and integration of multi-functions such as leakage current / over-voltage / over-load detection and protection , auto switch-on and so forth .

  26. 本文介绍了一种只用一块NE555时基电路和少量分立元件,就能制作一个具有过压、欠压和断电延迟三种保护功能的全自动电冰箱保护器。

    The author introduces the process of using NE555circuit and a few fittings to make a tutamen of automatic refrigerator with functions of over-pressure , deficient pressure , and delay .

  27. 以LKJ2000型监控电源插件为例,介绍模块化电源的功能,阐述了模块化电源的过压、欠压保护电路的工作原理及各路输出过流保护电路的工作原理。

    Taking the power board of type LKJ2000train monitoring and recording device as an example , the paper describes the function of the modular power supply .

  28. 在此基础上,本文设计了性能满足用户要求的,基于ESOI衬底结构的功率开关集成电路,该集成电路可承受60~80V的反向过冲电压,并具有过流,过压等保护电路。

    We designed the power switch IC based on epitaxial SIMOX substrate , satisfying the requirements of the user . This IC can sustain 60 ~ 80V shutdown voltage overshot .

  29. TKB-2自检测系统在地面飞机不用开车的情况下,即可完成TKB-2的欠压、过压、欠频和调压四个模块的自检测。

    The TKB-2 self-testing system is capable of self-testing the under-voltage , over-voltage , under-frequency and voltage-regulating modules of the TKB-2 device when the engine of the plane on the ground does not start .

  30. 现有的220kV变压器,中性点一般装有棒-棒间隙,其间隙间的距离取多少为合理,并如何与零序过流保护及过压保护配合,是当前运行单位易忽略的问题。

    Generally , neutral on existing 220 kV transformer is equipped with a stick-stick type gap . Currently , there are two problems ignored by the operator , which are how to properly determine the gap distance and how to coordinate between neutral point discharge gap and neutral current protection .