
  • 网络Thongchai;Pak Thong Chai
  1. 通猜说,曼谷有许多人也担心,同样情况会发生在这里。

    Thongchai says many here are worried about the same thing .

  2. 通猜说,人们都感到惶急,恐惧和深刻焦虑。因为他们不知道他们的雇主将来还会不会雇用他们。

    Thongchai says the people are agitated and frightened and deeply anxious because they will not know if their employer will still have a job for them in the future .

  3. 这一次,西门通猜到了真凶,却对背后的黑手无能为力。

    This time , Simon tong guessed the kidnapper , but to the black hand behind can do about it .

  4. 一名艾滋病安养院及社区福利中心的残障照顾人员通猜说,社区里的居民都感到惶恐不安。

    Thongchai Parawat , an aid worker assisting the disabled at an Aids hospice and community welfare center , says people in the community are fearful and anxious .

  5. 她乱猜一通,但是全猜错了。

    She made a wild guess , but it was completely wrong .