
  • 网络thai literature
  1. 泰国文学中有一种独特的现象:以历代国王为首的皇室成员作家群体在近代以前的泰国文学中占有举足轻重的地位。

    There are some special Chinese terms used in Thailand which reflect the influence of the Thai religion , the Thai Royal Family and the local life and environment .

  2. 专职的消遣与业余的政治&论泰国古代文学

    Characteristics of ancient Thai Literature : professional pastime and amateur politics

  3. 泰国近代文学的起因与发展

    The Origin and Development of Modern Thai Literature

  4. 《佛本生故事》与泰国古代文学

    Influence of Jataka on the ancient Thailand literature

  5. 通过对泰译本中国武侠小说的考察发现,它们全部基于直译法,常见之于泰国当代文学作品中。

    By researching Thai edition Chinese swordsman novels , they are all from literal translations and appears frequently in the Thai Contemporary literature work .

  6. 研究泰国近代文学的起因与发展历程,有助于我们把握亚洲各国近代文学的发展规律。

    The research into the origin and development of modern Thai literature helps to understand the principles underlying the development of modern Asian literature .

  7. 泰国近代文学是古代文学向现代文学过渡的转型期,这一时期的文学发展以“离异”形式出现,表现出文化的外求。

    As the transition from ancient literature to contemporary literature , modern Thai literature was characterized by " deviation " and borrowing from foreign cultures .

  8. 在泰国学习文学文化都是在大学阶段,因为学生的汉语基础能力水平高了,适合学习文学文化了。

    In the Thai study literature cultural aspect is , because the student in university of Chinese foundation ability level is high , for learning a literary and cultural aspects .

  9. 泰国近代文学起因是内因与外因的综合作用,其中统治体系的剧变和文学形式的衰变是关键因素。

    It originated as a result of the interaction of intrinsic and extrinsic factors , among which the drastic change of political infrastructure and the decline of literary forms played a decisive role .

  10. 本文对泰国古代文学的功能性质进行了论述,指出它的消遣性质十分突出,同时说明它并非与政治完全绝缘,并对产生这一现象的原因等进行了分析。

    This paper expounds the most prominent characteristics of nature of pastime in ancient Thai literature , points out that it is not wholly separated from politics , and analyses the causes that lead to the phenomenon .

  11. 泰国华文文学的文化特质及与政治之关系

    The Culture Feature of Tai-Hua Literature and its Relationship with Politics

  12. 泰国的皇家文学

    On the Thai Royal Literature

  13. 在东南亚华文文学中,泰国华文文学的本土性较强。

    With its strong link to the native situation , Tai-Hua Literature is different from Chinese Literature and Thailand Literature .

  14. 泰国华文文学作品语言指通过泰国华文文学作品这种书面语体,反映出的泰国华语句法、词汇、语义、语篇等方面的语言面貌。

    The language of Chinese literature in Thailand refers to the language outlook of Thailand Chinese syntactic , vocabulary , semantic , discourse , etc. , which is reflected through the written form of Thailand Chinese literature works .