
  1. 探讨泰国王室的华人政策,有助于深刻理解华人高度融入泰国的历史和现实。

    Third , studies on the policies of Thai royal court to Chinese will help to fully understand the Chinese assimilation in Thailand in both historical and realistic perspectives .

  2. 20世纪之前,为了学习中国先进的生产技术,泰国王室对华人的政策一向非常友好。

    The policies about overseas Chinese made by the imperial court of Thailand were very friendly in order to study the advanced technological from China before the twentieth century .

  3. 泰国王室认为华人是来抢夺泰人的地盘和钱包的,于是制定严厉的政策来限制华人。

    They thought the overseas Chinese were coming for forcibly occupy turf and money from Thai . So the imperial court of Thailand made many harsh policies to restrict the overseas Chinese .

  4. 在泰国王室的高度重视和亲自推动下,手足情深的中泰传统友谊和友好合作关系在21世纪一定会有更美好的前景,并将永远发扬光大,世代相传。

    The Sino-Thai traditional friendship and cooperation , valued and backed by the Thai Royal family , will surely embrace a more brilliant future in the21th century and be handed down from generation to generation .

  5. 一位分析师表示:无论阿杜德的健康状况如何,人们都有一种风雨欲来的感觉,某个时候风暴将会爆发。由于涉及到泰国王室的敏感性,这位分析师拒绝透露姓名。

    Whatever is happening with his health , there is the perception of a storm brewing and that at some point it is going to burst , said one analyst who declined to be named because of the sensitivity surrounding the royal family in Thailand .

  6. 这位现年51岁的公主,开设了泰国第一个王室网志,她表示此举目的是希望说服泰国民众接受英语。

    The51-year-old Princess launched the country 's first royal blog , which she says is aimed at persuading her fellow citizens to embrace english .

  7. 根据严格的泰国法律,侮辱王室是一种犯罪。14日,当一名工厂员工被指控诋毁国王的爱犬“通丹”时,这项法律进入了一个新境界。

    Thailand 's strict laws making it a crime to insult the monarchy entered new territory on Monday , when a factory worker was charged with disparaging the king 's dog " Tongdaeng . "