
Third , studies on the policies of Thai royal court to Chinese will help to fully understand the Chinese assimilation in Thailand in both historical and realistic perspectives .
The policies about overseas Chinese made by the imperial court of Thailand were very friendly in order to study the advanced technological from China before the twentieth century .
They thought the overseas Chinese were coming for forcibly occupy turf and money from Thai . So the imperial court of Thailand made many harsh policies to restrict the overseas Chinese .
The Sino-Thai traditional friendship and cooperation , valued and backed by the Thai Royal family , will surely embrace a more brilliant future in the21th century and be handed down from generation to generation .
Whatever is happening with his health , there is the perception of a storm brewing and that at some point it is going to burst , said one analyst who declined to be named because of the sensitivity surrounding the royal family in Thailand .
The51-year-old Princess launched the country 's first royal blog , which she says is aimed at persuading her fellow citizens to embrace english .
Thailand 's strict laws making it a crime to insult the monarchy entered new territory on Monday , when a factory worker was charged with disparaging the king 's dog " Tongdaeng . "