
  • 网络Tynan;Kenneth Tynan
  1. 一经总统提出,泰南就坚决支持。

    Once the President originated it , Tynan got right behind it - !

  2. 泰南在朦胧中端详着他。

    Tynan studied him in the gloom .

  3. 浅议泰南民族分离运动

    A Tentative Analysis on Ethnical Separatism Movement in Southern Thailand

  4. 泰南四府民族问题的历史进程

    On the Historic Process of Ethnic Issues in the Four Provinces of South Thailand

  5. 菲律宾摩洛人与泰南马来穆斯林的分离主义运动比较研究

    Comparative Studies of the Philippines 's Moro and Thailand 's Malay Muslim Separatist Movements

  6. 我认为这是让跨国公司缴纳更多税款的整体趋势的一部分,泰南说。

    I think this is part of an overall drive to try to get international companies to pay more tax , Mr. Tynan said .

  7. 他的家庭阴郁乏味,父亲乔治经常被上司毕夫•泰南欺侮,母亲洛莲邋遢臃肿、嗜酒如命。

    His father , George , is constantly bullied by his supervisor Biff Tannen , and his slobbish overweight mother , Lorraine , has a drinking problem .

  8. 泰南表示:为了确保长期供应安全、英国制造业价值和增加就业岗位,英国需要利用各种技术建设新核电站。

    The UK needs diverse technologies for new nuclear in order to ensure security of supply , value for UK manufacturing and more UK jobs for the long-term , says Mr Tynan .

  9. 马蒂调查出博士是被毕夫•泰南的祖先&绰号“疯狗”的布福德•泰南杀害的,于是他决定回到1885年去救出博士,再一起回到未来。

    Learning Doc was killed by Biff Tannen 's ancestor , Buford " Mad Dog " Tannen , Marty decides to go back to1885 to save Doc and bring him back to the future .

  10. 合艾位于泰国南部宋卡府,是泰南十四府的交通、商贸、咨询和教育的中心,有泰南心脏之称。

    Hat Yai is located in Songkhla of South Thailand , it is the center of transportation , trade & commerce , information and education in fourteen provinces of South Thailand , so it is called " South Thailand ' heart " .