
  • 网络digitized battlefield
  1. 数字化战场是现代军事发展的必然趋势。

    The digitized battlefield is the inevitable trend of modern warfare .

  2. 地理信息空间数据生产,是建设数字化战场地理环境的前提和重要内容。

    Geographical information and spatial data has become the premise and restriction factors in digitized battlefield .

  3. 在信息作战条件下,军事地理信息系统(MGIS)作为作战指挥自动化、数字化战场、辅助军事决策和现代武器系统的战场地理环境平台备受世界各国的重视。

    Under the condition of information campaign , Military Geographic Information System ( MGIS ) is attached importance to as battlefield geographic environment platform for C3I , digitalized battlefield , auxiliary military decision and modern weapon system .

  4. 数字化战场防空兵作战指挥面临的困难和对策

    Difficulty and Countermeasure of Air Defense Battle Command in Digital Battlefield

  5. 数字化战场环境是实现战场数字化的基础。

    The digital battlefield environment is foundation of battlefield digitalization .

  6. 数字化战场中实时视频传输的研究与实现

    The Study and Realization of Real-Time Video Transmission in Digital Battle Field

  7. 数字化战场指挥控制系统的发展

    The Development of the Command and Control System on the Digital Battlefield

  8. 没有军事测绘不可能形成数字化战场。

    Digital battlefield can 't be formed without military survey .

  9. 从战略上讲,发达国家的军队正在研究数字化战场。

    Strategically , the armed forces of the developed countries are studying the digital battlefield .

  10. 数字化战场侦察-监视装备

    Digital battlefield reconnaissance & monitoring equipments

  11. 数字化战场的视频传输初探

    Video Transmission in Digital Battle Field

  12. 数字化战场与可穿戴计算机

    Digitized Battlefield and Wearable Computer

  13. 雷达电磁态势的三维表现是未来数字化战场的必然要求。

    The 3D representation of Radar electromagnetic situation is a crucial requirement in the future Digital Battlefield .

  14. 着眼信息传输,减少繁杂指挥程序等对策,使防空兵作战指挥适应数字化战场要求。

    The air defense battle command adapts the needs of digital battlefield , which based on those countermeasures .

  15. 信息时代的战场是数字化战场,而战场可视化则是数字战场的一种表达手段。

    Battlefield becomes digitized in the information age . Battlefield visualization is thus an effective way to represent the digitized battlefield .

  16. 单兵计算机系统体系结构&数字化战场与单兵数字化系统系列论文之三

    An Architecture of Individual Soldier Computer System & The Third of Series of Papers on Digitized Battlefield and Individual Soldier Digitization System

  17. 简述了数字化战场的特点,分析了地炮射击指挥系统数字化改造的必要性;

    This paper briefs the characteristics of digitized battle field analyse the necessity of digitization upgrade in field artillery fire command system ;

  18. 利用现代的计算机仿真技术,构建战场的三维数字地图模型是数字化战场建设的一项重要内容。

    Using modern virtual reality of computer to build 3D maps is one of the most important taskes in " digital battlefield " .

  19. 随着快速发展的信息革命对未来军事影响的不断加深,许多国家提出以计算机为主体数字化战场建设。

    With the fast development of information technology affects to the future military , more country want to build " digital battlefield " .

  20. 研究了综合利用卫星图像信息、定位信息和其它信息建立三维数字化战场环境的技术,并对技术应用前景进行了综合分析。

    In this paper , we study a Technique of building3D digital battlefield environment by satellite image information , satellite surveying station information , and others .

  21. 研究数字化战场对传感器的要求及数字化战场综合侦察系统的发展状况和前景。

    The requirements of the sensors for the digital battlefield , the developing status and prospect of the composit reconnaissance system in the digital battlefield are researched .

  22. 单兵系统战场信息库及信息管理&数字化战场与单兵数字化系统系列论文之四

    The Battlefield Information Base and It 's Information Management in Individual Soldier System & The fourth of Series of Papers on Digitized Battlefield and Individual Soldier Digitization System

  23. 本文介绍了数字化战场建设中用于提高部队作战能力的嵌入式战场信息处理终端系统的设计与实现。

    This thesis introduces the design and realization of a embedded battlefield information processing terminal system which is for improving the army combat capabilities during the constructor of digital battlefield .

  24. 军用电子地图是军事指挥、作战训练和情报侦察等方面必不可少的基础信息,在数字化战场环境建设中占有十分重要的地位。

    Military electric map plays an important role in building digital battlefield environment under the condition of modern high tech , which is the base of information reconnaissance and military directing .

  25. 面向未来信息化战争的需求,建立高性能的数字化战场环境系统,是战场信息保障系统的首要任务和决定战争胜负的关键因素。

    To meet the need of future information warfare , setting up the high efficient digitized battlefield environment system is the principal mission and the key factor of the battlefield information safeguard system .

  26. 战术互联网就是移动自组网在战场指挥通信领域的一个典型应用,它是以分组无线网络技术为基础的战术级数字化战场支撑平台。

    Tactical internet is a typical application of mobile adhoc network in the battlefield command and communications . It is a support platform for the tactical digital battlefield based on packet radio network technology .

  27. 最后着重论述国外数字化战场指挥控制系统的现状和发展趋势,特别是对未来数字化战场指挥控制系统发展的四个方向进行了重点阐述。

    Finally it is discussed that the present status and the development tendency of the command and control system on the battlefield both home and abroad , especially the four important aspects of this development tendency .

  28. 它可以将数字化战场上的各种探测器、武器系统、指挥控制系统以及地理上分散的部队等链接在一起,实现信息共享、实时掌控战场态势、缩短决策时间、提高指挥速度和协同作战能力。

    It can link the various sensors , weapons , Command and Control systems and the isolate forces in battlefield together . It can make them share their information , master the battlefield situations in real time .

  29. 基础地理信息数据是作战指挥和一切军事行动的基础,它的获取与生产是数字化战场基础设施建设的重要内容。

    The acquisition and production of basic geographic spatial information are the important part of the basic establishment for joint operations digital battlefield , and are the basic of the base for the campaign command and all the operations .

  30. 数据链是链接数字化战场上的指挥中心、作战部队和武器平台之间的一种信息处理、交换和分发的综合信息处理系统,是未来武器装备的生命线。

    Tactical Data Link , defined as an integrated system for information processing , exchange and distribution , is widely applied to bridge the information among commanding centers , battle forces and weapon platforms in the modern digital battle field .