
  • 网络data privacy
  1. 我们已有一些数据隐私法律,并且为了防止个人数据影子被滥用,还有更多法律正在制定当中。

    Data privacy laws exist and more are being created to prevent abuse of a person ’ s data shadow .

  2. 有效的数据隐私保护对Internet产业的发展极为重要。

    Effective data privacy protection is very important to internet industry .

  3. DataPrivacy选项卡包含实际的数据隐私信息和元数据。

    The Data Privacy tab contains the actual data privacy information and metadata .

  4. Internet用户对数据隐私问题日益关注,对隐私的担忧是用户使用的主要障碍。

    Internet users are paying more attention to data privacy and privacy uncertainty whith is a major barrier to internet using .

  5. 在数据隐私问题上,Facebook面临政界人士和监管机构的压力。

    Facebook is under pressure from politicians and regulators over data privacy .

  6. 执行《亚太经合组织跨境隐私规则体系》(APECCrossBorderPrivacyRulesSystem),以减少信息流动障碍,加强消费者隐私保护,促进整个地区数据隐私保护体系的互通性;

    Implement the APEC Cross Border Privacy Rules System to reduce barriers to information flows , enhance consumer privacy , and promote interoperability across regional data privacy regimes ;

  7. 昨天中国国家媒体援引中国互联网协会(internetsocietyofchina)秘书长黄澄清的话,列举了系统查验身份、确保博客服务机构保护数据隐私的种种困难。

    Yesterday , state media quoted Huang dengqing , general secretary of the Internet Society of China , as citing difficulties in setting up systems to verify identities and to ensure blog hosts maintained data privacy .

  8. 开发人员可以通过ODS利用该数据隐私元数据创建OptimTDM请求。

    Developers can use ODS to leverage this data privacy metadata to create an Optim TDM request .

  9. 该计划还应该表明,提供方是否提供了备份服务和SLA,以及它是否遵守数据隐私法律。

    The plan should also indicate whether the provider offers both back up services and SLAs and whether it complies with data privacy laws .

  10. 但是,当基于SaaS模式的服务形式普及后,影响其可用性和有效推广的重要因素之一就是SaaS的安全性问题,具体包括SaaS身份认证、访问控制和数据隐私等等。

    But security of SaaS is one of the important factors in availability and universality . The security issue includes SaaS identity authentication , access control , data privacy and so on .

  11. 如何防止租户的数据隐私泄露,不被服务运营商非法使用,是SaaS模式亟待解决的问题。本文首先介绍了SaaS模式的相关概念。

    How to prevent the data privacy of the tenants from being disclosed is an urgent problem of the SaaS model . First , this paper introduces the concept of SaaS model .

  12. 他为开发人员使用的GSDB数据库定义了数据隐私屏蔽规则和方法。

    He has defined the data privacy masking rules and methods for the GSDB database that his developers use .

  13. 作为对该事件的一个回应,这家AlphabetInc.旗下子公司日前宣布了一系列数据隐私措施,其中包括永久性关闭Google+的所有消费者功能。

    As part of its response to the incident , the Alphabet Inc. unit announced a sweeping set of data privacy measures that include permanently shutting down all consumer functionality of Google + .

  14. 它应该表明提供方提供了备份服务和服务水平协议(SLA),并且遵守联邦隐私法和电子文档法等数据隐私法律。

    It should indicate the provider offers both back up services and service level agreements ( SLAs ) and complies with such data privacy laws such as the Federal Privacy Act and Electronic Documents Act .

  15. 科文顿•柏灵律师事务所(CovingtonandBurling)数据隐私小组主管丹尼尔•库珀(DanielCooper)表示,即使如此,还存在员工因感到隐性压力而勉强同意的可能性。

    Even then , there is a risk employees would feel implicit pressure to agree , says Daniel Cooper , head of the data privacy team at the law firm Covington .

  16. 这是因为数据隐私和数据安全在今天很重要,存储在AMEE中的所有数据都是匿名的,因此不能根据个人信息检索配置文件数据。

    This is because privacy and security of data are of utmost importance ; all data stored in AMEE is anonymized , so you cannot retrieve profile data based on personal information .

  17. 但是,数据隐私可能最终会促使投资者,并终将促使更多的客户用他们的钱包做出表决,因为“这是一个直接涉及公司业务的问题”,麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院(M.I.T.SloanSchoolofManagement)教授迈克尔·库苏马诺(MichaelCusumano)说。

    But data privacy may eventually motivate investors - and ultimately more customers - to vote with their wallets because " it 's an issue that speaks directly to the business , " said Michael Cusumano , a professor at the M.I.T. Sloan School of Management .

  18. doubleclick交易使人们更加抱怨,谷歌一方面没有善待其用户(侵犯他们的数据隐私,还在搜索结果中加入越来越多的广告),另一方面不尊重潜在的商业伙伴。

    The doubleclick deal has amplified complaints that Google has on the one hand abused its users invading their data privacy as well as adulterating search results with increased advertising and on the other trampled over potential business partners .

  19. 该机制的主要贡献有:首先,给出了一种匿名的数据隐私保护方法。

    First , an anonymous data preserving method is provided .

  20. 建模分析E2EMPT的稳态吞吐量和数据隐私性。

    Modeling and analyzing the steady-state throughput and data privacy .

  21. 黑客行为与个人计算机数据隐私权的保护

    Hack and the protection of the right to privacy in PC data

  22. 美国和欧盟的数据隐私保护策略

    The Data Privacy Protection Strategies of US and EU

  23. 通过测试、从建模实施数据隐私要求

    Enforcing data privacy requirements from modeling through test

  24. 网络个人数据隐私权保护研究

    The Study of Protection of the Right to Personal Data Privacy in the Internet

  25. 其中一个例子实私有云具备成熟的、获得监管部门批准的安全防护与数据隐私控制操作和流程。

    Established , regulator-approved security and data privacy controls and processes are one example .

  26. 分布式数据隐私保护聚类算法的研究

    Research of Privacy-Preserving Clustering Algorithm over Distributed Data

  27. 其中,数据隐私保护是首要问题。

    Data privacy is a key problem .

  28. 最后,基于匿名的数据隐私保护方法和隐私保护向量,提出了一种分布式机制。

    Finally , a distributed scheme based on the designed methods and Vector is proposed .

  29. 黑客行为随着计算机网络的发展,已对个人计算机数据隐私权构成了严重威胁。

    Hack has threatened the right to privacy in PC data with the development of Internet .

  30. 第三,更广泛地说,消费者对于数字化数据隐私的态度可能在发生变化。

    Third , consumer attitudes to the privacy of digital data more broadly may be changing .