
  • 网络Trading Plan;cap-and-trade program;Cap-and-Trade scheme;transaction scheduling
  1. 这次即将发生的股票转让是一项10b条款交易计划的一部分。按照这一计划,主管需汇报其股票转让打算,并放弃对抛售时间的控制权。

    The expected sales were disclosed as part of a 10b trading plan , under which executives report their intended disposals but give up control over the timing of when the sales are made .

  2. 计及辅助服务的发电市场日交易计划的研究

    Research on daily trading plan considering ancillary service in power market

  3. 如果当前的合并交易计划流产,按照英国收购委员会(uktakeoverpanel)的规定,嘉能可可能在一年内无法再次提出报价。

    UK takeover panel rules would probably prevent a bid within a year should the current proposed deal collapse .

  4. 而欧盟(EU)将航空业纳入其排放交易计划的决定,却偏偏催生了一个由对手结成的联盟。

    But the decision by the European Union to extend to the aviation industry its emissions trading scheme has brought about an alliance of rivals .

  5. 欧盟(EU)将推迟把外国航空公司纳入欧盟碳排放权交易计划,以避免美国和欧洲摊牌。

    The inclusion of foreign airlines in the European Union 's carbon emission trading scheme is to be delayed to head off a transatlantic showdown .

  6. 欧盟交易计划的第二阶段将于2008至2012年间实施,其目标与《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)的目标相一致。

    The second phase of the EU Trading Scheme - between 2008 and 2012 - coincides with the objectives of the Kyoto protocol .

  7. 京都议定书(kyotoprotocol)之后,该行业一直受到冷遇,被排除在大多数补贴及碳交易计划之外。

    The industry got short shrift in the wake of the Kyoto Protocol , being excluded from most subsidy and carbon trading schemes .

  8. CME首席执行官克雷格•多诺霍(CraigDonohue)表示,他预计监管机构不会反对这一交易计划,交易预计将于2007年年中完成。

    CME chief Craig Donohue said he did not expect regulators to block the proposed deal , which is forecast to close in mid-2007 .

  9. TCX董事长助理、芝加哥气候交易所(ChicagoClimateExchange)全球副总裁黄杰夫(JeffHuang)表示,该交易所已开始为一项限量及交易计划招集成员,该计划预期将在6至12个月内启动。

    The exchange had started recruiting members for a cap-and-trade scheme which it expects to begin in six to 12 months , said Jeff Huang , assistant chairman of Tianjin Climate Exchange and vice-president of Chicago Climate Exchange .

  10. 交易计划制定方法在保证系统安全稳定的前提下,以三公调度为原则,以全网购买AGC辅助服务费用最低为目标,利用市场机制使发电公司积极提供AGC辅助服务,资源配置。

    With the premise of system safety and stability , the goal of buying service at lowest cost , based on justice dispatch principal , the method makes good use of market mechanism to induce power plants to supply AGC service initiatively .

  11. 最后一项威胁是:这个幽灵将与东道国——中国对抗。欧洲委员会针对航空业温室气体排放制定的排放交易计划(ETS)遭到到30多个国家的反对,其中来自中国的抗议最为强烈。

    The final threat pits ghost against host . The European Commission 's inclusion of greenhouse gases from aviation in its emissions-trading scheme ( ETS ) is opposed by over 30 countries , of which China is the most defiant .

  12. 基于遗传算法的区域电力市场日交易计划

    Daily Transaction Schedule under Regional Power Market Based on Genetic Algorithms

  13. 电力市场交易计划中的发电调度规约研究

    Study on stipulations of generation dispatching in electricity transaction scheduling

  14. 该交易计划于9月底完成。

    The deal is scheduled to close by the end of September .

  15. 电力市场短期交易计划新模型及其求解策略研究

    A novel model of short-term trade planning in a deregulated power system

  16. 欧盟的排放交易计划有不少可取之处。

    There are many good things about the EU scheme .

  17. 直接货币交易计划宣布后,市场反应积极。

    The markets responded favorably to the plan after it was announced .

  18. 电力市场日前交易计划的分布式协同算法

    A Distributed Approach for Day-ahead Trade Schedule in Electricity Market

  19. 以价格为控制变量的交易计划和阻塞管理算法

    Algorithm of Transaction Planning and Congestion Management Using Price as Control Variable

  20. 考虑网络约束的区域电力市场交易计划

    Transaction Scheduling Considering Transmission Network constrains in regional electricity market

  21. 电力市场竞价交易计划模型初探

    A study on bidding transaction model in electricity market

  22. 交易计划的制定和执行是电力市场运作的核心。

    The development and execution of generation scheduling is the key in electricity market .

  23. 电力交易计划的关键信息及合理性判据

    Key Information and Rationality Criteria of Electricity Trade

  24. 排放权交易计划使市场机制进入污染控制

    Trading Plans Inject Market Smarts into Pollution Control

  25. 不遵守“交易计划”是外汇交易失败的一个要素。

    Fail to plan is a ingredient for plan to fail in forex trading .

  26. 基于合作对策论的电力交易计划

    Transaction strategies based on Cooperative Game Theory

  27. 排放交易计划向大型污染者发放许可证,允许它们排放一定量的二氧化碳。

    Emissions trading schemes give large polluters permits to emit a set amount of carbon dioxide .

  28. 编制直调火力发电单元月度电能交易计划的负荷率偏差法

    Load ratio deflection method for making monthly trade schedule of directly dispatched thermal power generation units

  29. 你必须每天写日记,提前一天写下你的交易计划。

    You have to make daily notes and write down your plans for the day ahead .

  30. 在他撤回本国排放交易计划的提案后,他的民意支持度掉到了谷底。

    When he withdrew a bill to introduce a domestic emissions trading scheme , his ratings collapsed .