
  1. 根据本构原理与功共轭原理,采用第二Piola-Kirchhoff应力张量与Green应变率张量建立了纤维束挤压阶段的斜交本构方程。

    On the basis of the constitutive principle and power conjugate principle , the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor and Green strain rate tensor are ursed to construct the oblique constitutive equation , in which , incompressibility and inextensibility conditions are used .

  2. 客运专线斜交刚构连续梁支架设计与施工

    Scaffolding Design and Construction of Skewed Rigid Continuous Girders for Passenger Special Line

  3. 高速铁路斜交刚构连续梁桥车桥耦合振动分析

    Coupled Vibration Analysis of Vehicle and Skew Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge on High-speed Railway

  4. 钢筋混凝土斜交刚构连续梁桥的实验与数值分析

    Experimental and Numerical Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Slanting Crossed Bridge with Rigid Continuous Beam

  5. 斜交框构桥开裂系统分析及结构补强处理

    Analysis of the Cracking of an Oblique Crossing Frame Bridge and Its Reinforcing Structure

  6. 大跨度斜交框构桥既有线路加固及顶进工艺

    Strengthening and jacking technology of large-span oblique crossing Frame Bridge on existing railway line

  7. 大跨度斜交框构桥顶进技术

    Jacking Technology of Large-span Oblique-crossing Frame-shaped Culvert

  8. 计算结果表明斜交刚构连续梁桥具有足够的刚度和良好的整体性,可以满足高速列车行车时的安全性和舒适性要求。

    Results show that skew continuous rigid frame bridge is of enough stiffness and good unity , the safety and comfort of moving high speed train can be guaranteed .

  9. 介绍了大跨度斜交框构桥顶进施工中既有线路加固工艺,以及顶进施工方法、技术措施、预防偏差和纠偏方法。

    This paper introduces the technology for the reinforcement of the existing railways , as well as the construction methods , technical measures , deviation prevention methods and deviation correction methods taken during the jacking of the large-span oblique-crossing frame-shaped culvert .

  10. 大变形下初始斜交异性本构方程

    Constitutive equations for initially-oblique-crossing anisotropic materials under finite deformation