
  • 网络exchangeable cation;CEC
  1. 模拟酸雨对果园土壤交换性阳离子迁移及其对土壤酸化的影响

    Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Exchangeable Cation Transplant and Acidifying Potential in Litchi Orchard Soils

  2. 交换性阳离子组成、养分全量及速效含量可作为评价红粘土红壤化学肥力演化的指标。

    The composition of exchangeable cation and the soil nutrient content can be used as the indexes to evaluate soil chemical fertility evolution , especially the former is more important .

  3. 仅发育于石灰岩的土壤具适宜的pH和交换性阳离子量。

    Development ; Only the soils originated from limestone have adequate pH and cation concentrations .

  4. 总钾含量较高,达到了10.5-18.1g/kg;交换性阳离子含量差异大,为3.86-50.6mmol/kg;

    The contents of total potassium were relatively high , up to 10 . 5 - 18 . 1 g / kgjthe content of exchangeability cation were widely different , ranging from 3 . 86 - 50 . 6 mmol / kg ;

  5. 膨润土的交换性阳离子组成及其属性分析

    Composition and property of exchangeable cations in bentonites

  6. 结果表明:土壤交换性阳离子含量因元素种类、森林类型和季节不同而异。

    Results showed that concentrations of exchangeable cations varied depending on cation types , forests and sampling dates .

  7. 高岭石的可交换性阳离子数量较少,Cd2+难以与高岭石晶层间的阳离子发生交换吸附,即主要以表面吸附为主。

    Kaolinite has less exchangeability cations , Cd2 + was difficult into the crystal layer , which mainly by surface adsorption .

  8. 两种沸石的交换性阳离子主要是Ca~(2+)和Na~+,其次是K~+,还含有少量的Mg~(2+)。

    The predominant exchangeable cations on the two zeolites are Ca2 + and Na + , along with small amounts of K2 + and Mg2 + .

  9. 对这两步都有影响的因素为:粘土的矿物成分、交换性阳离子、分散度和颗粒间结合力等;

    The factors influencing the both two stages are : clay mineralogy , kinds of exchangeable cations , joining forces among particles , and dispersion degree .

  10. 免耕与常规耕作潮棕壤交换性阳离子的剖面分布特征不同施肥模式下潮棕壤微量元素含量及其变化状况

    Profile Distribution of Exchangeable Cations under No-till and Conventional Tillage in An Aquic Brown Soil Effects of Different Fertilization Treatments on Contents and Changes of Trace Elements in Aquic Brown Soil

  11. 交换性阳离子的分布随土层深度和森林生长、休眠季节的更替而发生变化,体现了营养元素在森林生态系统中的迁移性和循环性。

    The different distribution patterns of exchangeable cations with soil depth and change between the growing and dormant seasons were very clear , reflecting the nutrient mobility and cycling in the forested peatland ecosystem .

  12. 马尾松林、混交林和阔叶林土壤可交换性阳离子含量在1997年6月份分别为:58.3、84.5和118.7mmolc/kg,盐基饱和度分别为:5.5%、3.2%和4.5%。

    CECe in June 1997 was estimated to be 58.3,84.5 and 118.7 mmolc / kg for the pine , mixed and broadleaf forest , respectively , and corresponding BS was 5.5 % , 3.2 % and 4.5 % , respectively .

  13. ISS与红色黏土表面交换极性阳离子和极性水分子进行离子交换,从而降低土颗粒表面电荷,减薄黏土扩散层厚度,提高水稳性,增加强度。

    ISS can exchange with polarity water molecules and exchangeable cations of the red clay surface , thus ISS can decrease the charge of the soil particle surface , thin the thickness of diffusion layer , improve water stability and the intensity of red clay .

  14. 137Cs放射强度与土壤有机碳、土壤全N、交换性K和阳离子交换量呈极显著的正相关。

    The content of soil organic matter , total soil N , soil exchangeable K and soil CEC showed the highest positive correlation with ~ ( 137 ) Cs .

  15. 膨润土阳离子交换容量和交换性阳离子的测定方法研究

    A Method of Rapidly Determining Cationic Exchange Capacity and Extractible Cations

  16. 从四个盐基的交换结果组成来看,红色黏土的交换性阳离子以交换性Ca2+为主,而且交换性阳离子盐基总量低于或远低于阳离子交换量。

    From the results of cation exchange of four components , the exchangeable cation of the red clay is mainly Ca2 + , and the total amount of exchangeable cations is lower or much lower than the cation exchange capacity .