
  • 网络Swap space;paging space;CCTV;Linux swap
  1. e–交换空间的总大小

    E – total size of the swap space

  2. 不同的UNIX变体以不同的方式使用它们的交换空间。

    Different UNIX variants use their swap space in different ways .

  3. n阶矩阵的可交换空间的维数

    The Dimension of the Exchangeable Space of Matrix of Order n

  4. 作为一种存储和交换空间信息的XML编码格式,已逐渐被普遍接受并广泛使用。

    GML is gradually accepted as an XML encoding form for the exchange and storage of spatial information .

  5. 所有UNIX系统都有多种类型的交换空间。

    All UNIX systems have multiple types of swap space .

  6. 所有UNIX系统通常都有一个主交换空间分配。

    All UNIX systems usually have one allocation of primary swap space .

  7. 有些管理员认为,您的交换空间决不应该少于物理RAM。

    Some administrators believe you should never have less swap space than physical RAM .

  8. 在桌面系统上,至少分配与物理RAM一样多的交换空间。

    On a desktop system , allocate at least as much swap space as physical RAM .

  9. 如果所配置的交换空间小于物理RAM,此类转储就无法实现。

    If the configured swap space is less than the physical RAM , such dumps are not possible .

  10. 一种常见的经验法则是创建与实际RAM大小相同的交换空间。

    A once common rule of thumb was to create swap space equivalent to the amount of real RAM .

  11. 在大多数UNIX变体下,交换空间都是作为内核初始化的一部分在启动时自动添加的。

    Under most UNIX variants , swap is added automatically at boot time as part of the kernel initialization .

  12. 在Solaris上,您可以使用swap命令来将交换空间添加到系统

    On Solaris , you use the swap command to add the swap to the system

  13. 最简单的调优措施是确保RAM足以容纳应用程序,而不需要使用交换空间。

    The simplest is ensuring that you have enough RAM to hold your application without needing to use swap space .

  14. 它所提供的相关信息更像是uptime、交换空间和ps工具的组合。

    The information provided is like a combination of the uptime , swap space , and ps tools .

  15. 如果整个工作区超出了系统中的物理RAM量,那么Linux可以使用磁盘空间作为RAM的虚拟扩展,即交换空间(swapspace)。

    If your entire working set exceeds the amount of physical RAM in the system , then Linux can use disk space as a virtual extension to RAM , known as the swap space .

  16. 对于服务器来说,除非需要运行建议不同值的应用程序,否则您可能希望使用大小约为RAM一半的交换空间。

    For a server , you might want to use a swap space of about half of your RAM , unless you are running an application that recommends a different value .

  17. 较低的空闲列表值可能表示使用了大量的活动RAM,如果您向该系统中添加更多的进程,那么可能引起交换空间的使用。

    Low free list values might indicate that you have a lot of active RAM in use , which might trigger swap space use if you add more processes to the system .

  18. 分页空间(或交换空间)是一种逻辑卷,用来存储不使用随机存取存储器(RAM)进程的临时区域。

    Paging space , or swap space , is a type of logical volume that serves as a staging area for processes that are not using active random-access memory ( RAM ) .

  19. vmstat命令可以提供虚拟内存使用情况的长期视图,包括提供有关交换空间与RAM之间正在活动地交换的内存量的信息。

    The vmstat command provides a long-term view of virtual usage , including providing information on the amount of memory being actively swapped between swap space and RAM .

  20. 有时您可能会用尽已配置的交换空间分区,从而在短时间内需要更多VM,直到您能够组织某种更永久性的解决方案。

    There are times when you can run out of configured swap space partitions and , for a short period , require more VM until you can organize a more permanent solution .

  21. 选择正确的交换空间量很大程度上取决于您所配置的平台&其预期用途和您希望如何处理可用VM缺乏的情况。

    Choosing the right amount of swap space is highly dependent on the platform you are configuring & it 's intended use and how you want to cope with a lack of available VM .

  22. 限制:由于物理RAM只有1GB,数据库共享内存集只能映射到它在物理上可以使用的那些空间,即1GB+交换空间。

    Limit : Because the physical RAM is only1GB , the database shared memory set can only map to what is physically available to it , which is1GB + swap space .

  23. 虽然与Ubuntu相比,这个系统的表现更好,但是它依然使用了大量的交换空间,这个机器依然有些缓慢(只稍微比Ubuntu好一些)。

    The system is still much better off here than with Ubuntu , but it is still using significant amounts of swap , and the machine is still a bit sluggish ( albeit less so than under Ubuntu ) .

  24. 若要删除额外的交换空间,您可以使用对应的swapoff或swap-d命令来禁用该交换分区。

    To delete additional swap , you can use the corresponding swapoff or swap-d command to disable the swap partition .

  25. 可以看到现在只使用了128MB内存,已经开始使用交换空间了,并且现在实际上还没有开始执行任何操作。

    You can see now that with128MB , I am already eating into swap , and I haven 't actually started doing anything yet .

  26. 在制作该表时,并没有记录这些值,这是因为对于我们的测试来说,交换空间中并没有什么进程,因此,对于这些列,exmap命令输出结果的值均为0。

    I did not record these values in the ensuing tables because , for all of my tests , none of the processes were in swap , and so the output of the exmap command had a value of zero for those columns .

  27. 一个磁盘用于操作系统和交换空间。

    One disk for the operation system and the swap space .

  28. 其他变体则对所有非活动的应用程序和未使用的页面使用交换空间。

    Others use swap space for all inactive applications and unused pages .

  29. free&显示空闲的交换空间量

    Free & shows the amount of free swap space

  30. 有些变体仅在已经使用完物理内存时才使用交换空间。

    Some only use swap space when the physical memory has already been used .