
  • 网络The Happy Housewife
  1. 你知道,玛莎斯图尔特——快乐家庭主妇推荐“用碳酸氢钠刷牙”,但你真的需要有人告诉你,在家里做饭比在饭店吃便宜吗,或告诉你仿制的比知名品牌便宜吗?

    You know , that Martlm Stewart / Happy Homemaker brush your teeth with baking soda " stuff . Do you really need someone to tell you that cooking at home is cheaper than going out , or that generics are cheaper than name brands ?

  2. 快乐的家庭主妇和心满意足的黑鬼都是由歧视产生的典型人物。

    The happy homemaker and the contented darky are both stereotypes produced by prejudice .

  3. 现在是一位快乐的家庭主妇。

    Now she is a happy housewife .

  4. 在那里,她成了一个快乐的家庭主妇,因为有了生命中最爱的荷西。

    There , she became a happy housewife , because of the love life of the jos .