
  • 【机】high speed forging hydraulic press
  1. 论述从德国PAHNKE公司引进的16-25/30MN快速锻造液压机液压控制设备的机械技术方面的消化与吸收。

    The article describes the technical understanding on the mechanical part of hydraulic control of16-25 / 30MN Quick Forging Hydraulic Press imported from German PAHNKE Company .

  2. 进口快速锻造液压机液压控制设备的消化吸收

    Technical Understanding about Hydraulic Control of Imported Quick Forging Hydraulic Press

  3. 快速锻造液压机的结构与控制

    Structure and Control of High Speed Forging Hydraulic Press

  4. 快速锻造液压机是实现自由锻生产精密化和快速化的压力加工设备。

    High speed forging hydraulic press is one kind of metal forming machine to carry out precise and fast open-die forging .

  5. 通过将仿真结果与实际采样曲线进行比较可知,仿真模型正确,这为进一步分析快速锻造液压机的性能和参数优化提供了一个可靠工具。

    Compared the simulation result with the sampling , the conclusion is the modeling is correct . So a credibility tools provide for analyzing the performance and optimizing the parameters of high-speed hydraulic press .

  6. 快速锻造液压机已成为重要锻造设备之一。本文建立了125MN双柱下拉式快锻液压机机架三维有限元模型,对其应力及位移分布进行了静动态分析。

    This paper created three-dimensional finite element model for the frame of 12.5 MN twin columns pull-down high speed hydraulic forging press , analyzed the stress and displacement laws of the frame under static and dynamic loads .