
kuài shū
  • clapper ballad;quick-patter
快书 [kuài shū]
  • [clapper ballad;quick-patter] 曲艺的一种,用铜板或竹板伴奏,词儿合辙押韵,节奏很快

快书[kuài shū]
  1. 山东快书发源于山东省临清、济宁、兖州一带,已有百年以上的历史。

    Shandong clapper ballad originates from Linqing , Jining and Yanzhou of Shandong , with a history over 100 years .

  2. 第二章主要从文化背景、创作源起、多家共鸣、文化内涵四个角度简单分析山东快书的主要特点。

    The second chapter analyzes main characteristics of Shandong story-telling from the cultural background , creative origin , several resonance and cultural connotation .

  3. 但去年10月,有位用户发言询问,快书包能否把一本书送到他当时所在的咖啡馆里。

    But last October , a user posted a message asking if he could get a Book delivered to the coffee shop where he was right at that moment .

  4. 笔者通过对原有资料的梳理和艺人口传资料的整理,分析研究了陕西快书的发展脉络。第二章:艺术特征。

    I combed through the original data and the Art of population transfer data collation , analysis of the development of the book soon in Shaanxi context . Chapter ⅱ: Art features .

  5. 新浪的sub-microblog让他可以推广特定的产品或话题,他说,而微博上的图书广告可以把用户引导至快书包网站,然后用户可以用微博登录信息在快书包购买图书。

    Its sub-microblogs allow him to push certain products or themes , he says , while book ads on the microblog lead users to his website where they can buy using Weibo login details .

  6. 进入21世纪,电信行业迅猛发展,在拉动国民经济快书发展,促进结构调整起着至关重要的作用。

    In the 21st century , the rapid development of the telecommunications industry , driving the national economy in the fast development of the book , the promotion of structural adjustment plays a vital role .

  7. 山东快书是起源于鲁西北、鲁西南地区,以山东大鼓源起,后经不断改进发展形成的一种地方说唱形式。

    Shandong story-telling is a kind of a local rap form formation after the continuous improvement during the development , which has originated in the northwest , the Southwest region and originated from Shandong drum .