
  • 网络Fast-paced life;Life in the fast lane;a rapid pace of life
  1. 在但进的快节奏生活下它已成为一种趋势。

    In today 's fast-paced life of it has become a trend .

  2. 导视系统设计,在快节奏生活的今天,越发显得重要起来。

    Great importance has been attached to guide system design in the presence of a fast-paced life of today .

  3. 快节奏生活的故事

    a tale of life in the fast lane .

  4. 适合快节奏生活的人们的实践方法。

    I think , Your life moves fast , you can also use this method .

  5. 牙刷的电动程序中被设置了30秒的间隔时间,还具有美白牙齿的功效。飞利浦称该电动牙刷适合商旅人士及现代快节奏生活使用。

    Furthermore , it has a30-second interval timer that encourages even brushing and whitens teeth .

  6. 她花了几个月时间才城里的快节奏生活。

    It took her several months to adapt to the quick pace of city life .

  7. 汽车是当下快节奏生活的象征,代表时间的速度。

    The images of automobiles symbolize the speed of time and the accelerated pace of life .

  8. 但是,话说回来,现在快节奏生活方式越来越普遍了。

    But , then , the quick fix lifestyle today is getting more and more popular .

  9. 他说快节奏生活刺激,我也赞同。

    When he told fast pace adds more spice to life , I agree without second thought .

  10. 你是怎样做到在快节奏生活的同时保养得这么好(仍然这么好看)的?

    How do you manage to look so good and live life in the fast lane at the same time ?

  11. 去大城市令人兴奋,却也被充满活力的快节奏生活弄得筋疲力尽。

    A trip to a big city can leave us exhilarated but also drained by the energetic whir of life there .

  12. 简便快餐,价廉味美,工薪阶层快节奏生活的选择。

    Light snacks with good taste at low prices , wage earner 's Best choice to match the quick life tempo .

  13. 而今,农民们的耕作生活已成为过去,取而代之的是有世界影响的商业城市的快节奏生活。

    The life of self-sacrificing farmers has become history and given way to the faster-paced life of a new business district with world influence .

  14. 在今天的快节奏生活方式中,人们有着更多的工作和更少的社交,与宠物的互动会将玩耍时间和创造力重新带回到你的生活中。

    In today 's fast-paced lifestyle , with more work and less socializing , interacting with a pet brings play-time and creativity back into your life .

  15. 网络购物的出现改变了人们传统的购物方式,为现代人的快节奏生活提供了便利条件。

    The appearance of online shopping provided a new way to purchase , and made it easy for modern citizen who live a rapid pace of life .

  16. 随着人们生活水平逐步提高,足不出户完成工作、学习、娱乐、购物等已经成为人们对快节奏生活方式的一种需求。

    As people 's gradually raising standard of life , it has become a requirement working , studying , entertainment , shopping at home in people 's fast-paced lifestyle .

  17. 现代社会的快节奏生活和日趋激烈的竞争,使心理压抑成为21世纪最严重的健康问题之一。

    Fast-paced life of modern society and the increasingly fierce competition , so that the " psychological depression " into the 21st century , one of the most serious health problems .

  18. 然而,有件事是毋庸置疑的:在快节奏生活方式的现代社会中,花点时间静坐和做些放松身体的运动,绝不是件坏事!

    One thing , however , is certain : In our modern world of fast-paced lifestyles , taking time out to meditate and do some relaxing exercise cannot be a bad thing !

  19. 健美操是在音乐伴奏下,把基本体操和舞蹈融为一体,反映现代人快节奏生活特征的表现体操,深受大学生的欢迎。

    Aerobics is the combination of gymnastics and dance with the accompaniment of music . It has received an increasing welcome among the college students for its accordance with the rapid rhythm of modern life .

  20. 我喜欢上海的生活,喜欢在世界商业中心的快节奏生活,但是回归自然的感觉是那么的轻松。

    I love the city life in Shanghai and the fast pace of living in a business capital of the world , but ever so often it is so refreshing to go back to nature .

  21. 两位研究者认为,我们的进化方式和我们今天的快节奏生活之间可能并不匹配——我们的头脑和身体不得不努力跟上如今的社会发展。

    The pair believe there may be a mismatch between the way we have evolved and the rapid lives we lead today - where society has left our minds and bodies struggling to keep up .

  22. 随着社会、政治、经济和科学技术的发展及国际跨文化交流的不断扩大,对现代社会的快节奏生活尤为敏感的新词现象受到人们广泛的关注。

    With the development of social politics , economy , and science and technology , neologism phenomenon which is particular sensitive to the fast-paced life of modern society is attracting widespread interest with inter cultural communications growing .

  23. 而现代社会日益发展的政治、经济、文化所带动的快节奏生活状态,使人们对健康的保持和疾病的预防投入更多的关注,健康信息传播的重要性也越发凸显。

    The quick development of politic , economy and culture in the modern society have been bringing the fast-paced life , which makes people take more and more attention to health . So the communication of health becomes more and more important .

  24. 当今时代是一个高速发展、充满竞争的时代,具备扎实的基本技能、丰富的科学文化知识、良好的心理调适能力、优秀的个性品格是适应高效率生产和快节奏生活的必然要求。

    This is a high-speed development and competitive era . Only by possessing well-knit basic skills , rich scientific and cultural knowledge , good psychological adjustment ability and excellent personality character can people well adapt to the high efficiency production and fast-paced life .

  25. 同时,工业化、城市化进程的加快也给人们带来快节奏生活的疲惫,这也让人们不再满足于物质生活的享受,而去回归自然、追求健康和谐的人地关系。

    At the same time , the fast process of industrialization and urbanization brings a lot of pressures to people , and this is the reason why people do not just pursuit the enjoyment of material life any more but return to nature .

  26. 而商业英语新闻导语,商业英语新闻的灵魂,更是处在现代社会快节奏生活中的人们获得商业信息的快捷渠道。

    With the speeding of the life tempo in the modern society , people have to turn to the alternative , the business English news lead , the soul of the news , to get the main information of the news only , due to their being short of tme .

  27. 与之共同创办午餐约会的VioletLim也认为新加坡快节奏的生活方式使得结婚变得很难。

    Violet Lim , co-founder of dating agency Lunch Actually , agreed Singapore 's fast-paced lifestyle has made it hard for couples to connect .

  28. 现代快节奏的生活方式对于传统图书来说已经不太适应了。

    Modern fast-paced lifestyle to traditional library is not too orientation .

  29. 如今,快节奏的生活方式使得人们对排队等待愈发无法忍受。

    Nowadays , people can 't tolerate to queue up any longer .

  30. 但是快节奏的生活就意味着幸福么?

    But does that faster life translate into greater happiness ?