
  • 网络rapid software development;Rapid development;RAD
  1. 软件项目管理与快速软件开发实践

    Software Project Management and Implementation of Rapid Software Development

  2. 提出了一种新型的、面向小型企业的快速软件开发方法。

    A new fast developing method for small business is put forward .

  3. 界面编辑器是进行快速软件开发必不可少的工具,它是实现可视化编程的基础。

    GUI Editor is essential for today 's software development , and it is the basis of visual programming .

  4. 基于OpenGL的快速成形软件开发技术

    The Technology of Rapid Prototyping Software Development Based on OpenGL

  5. 面向对象的整体式翅片管换热器快速仿真软件开发

    Using object oriented programming approach in fast simulation of finned-tube heat exchangers

  6. 快速成长软件开发组织在相当短的时间内快速成长,习惯于使用的非正规的软件开发环境已经不再适用。

    Rapid growth . A software development organization has grown quickly over a relatively short time , and what used to be a sufficient , informal software development environment is no longer adequate .

  7. 采用面向用户的快速原型软件开发方法,基于B/S与C/S模式的体系结构,给出一种车辆管理信息系统的设计思想与实现方案。

    Using the software development method of users-Oriented rapid prototype , based on the framework of B / S and C / S pattern , a designing concept and implementing scheme of the vehicles management information system is given .

  8. 基于WINDOWSnt的通用快速成形控制软件开发

    The development of general-purpose control software for Rapid Prototyping system based on Windows NT

  9. 肾移植供受者HLA快速配型软件开发与研究

    The Development and Study of a Fast HLA Matching Software Used for Rental Transplant

  10. 软件配置管理(SCM,SoftwareConfigurationManagement)是一项基本的软件工程任务,用于管理当今复杂和快速发展的软件开发环境。

    Software Configuration Management ( SCM ) is a basic task of software project , which is used in the complicated and developmental environment of software development .

  11. 现代灌区管理快速评价及软件开发研究

    Management of modern irrigation districts : fast evaluation and software development

  12. 计算机软件产业的快速发展和软件开发技术的变迁必然要求为其提供保护的法律制度做出回应,并相应调整其保护模式。

    Technology of computer software has been developing rapidly since the past media century , and the legal protection mode of computer software should be adjusted according to this kind of rapid development .

  13. 为了研究能够用于实现某自主运动平台快速原型技术的软件开发、调试平台与系统实时仿真技术,设计了基于MATLAB软件平台的DSP控制系统仿真平台。

    For researching on software design platform and system real-time simulation technology of auto-guide platform for rapid prototyping controlling system , a new MATLAB simulation platform for DSP control system is presented .

  14. 服务计算(Service-orientedComputing,SOC)是一种新的计算范型,它使用服务作为基础构造去支持快速、低成本软件开发和简易组装等分布式应用。

    Service-Oriented Computing ( SOC ) is a new computing paradigm that utilizes services as the basic constructs to support the development of rapid , low-cost and easy composition of distributed applications even in heterogeneous environments .

  15. 快速工程可视化应用软件开发研究

    Research on Developing Quickly Engineering Visual Application

  16. 采用快速原型法进行软件开发设计。

    PROTOTYPE was used to exploit program .

  17. 基于VC++的图像快速雕刻自动编程软件开发

    Development of image automatic programming software used in rapid laser carving based on VC + + Studio

  18. 采用快速开发工具后软件开发效率得到提高,代码的重用和稳定得到增强。

    Rapid software development tool is used to enhance the efficiency of the development , as well as the code reuse and stability has been strengthened .

  19. 软件是快速成形技术的灵魂,第三方软件介入是当前快速成形技术软件开发的一个明显趋势。

    Software is the core of rapid prototyping technology . The field of rapid prototyping technology where commercial software involved is an obvious trend of software technique development at present .