
  • 网络Lose weight fast;rapid weight loss;Quick Weight Loss
  1. 我读到了最新的减肥方法,它承诺仅用一星期就可快速减肥。

    I read about the latest diet that promises rapid weight loss in only one week .

  2. 他们非常肯定地点头,眼睛因期待我即将展示的快速减肥秘诀而闪亮。

    They nodded their head affirmatively as their eyes lit up in anticipation of the rapid weight loss secrets I was about to reveal .

  3. 一些公司建议我们用来快速减肥。

    That some companies say will make us lose weight fast .

  4. 切忌极端节食以求快速减肥。

    Don 't try extreme dieting to lose weight fast .

  5. 有快速减肥饮食必须包括定期运动能奏效。

    Any fast weight loss diet must include regular exercise to be effective .

  6. 谢谢收看本期快速减肥节目

    Thanks for watching video How To Lose Fat Quickly

  7. 这个小短片将教你快速减肥的秘诀!

    This film will help you lose weight quickly !

  8. 许多女士都在采用的追求完美的快速减肥食谱来说。

    Take the example of the perfectionistic crash diet that many women go on .

  9. 可说到底,快速减肥是不是有风险的呢?

    After all , isn 't it risky to lose a lot of weight fast ?

  10. 你想知道如何如何快速减肥?

    Okay , so you want to know how to get rid of fat quickly ?

  11. 快速减肥的人也会经常快速增肥。

    Often , those who quickly lose a lot of weight rebound to a higher weight .

  12. 有没有更好的办法,比快速减肥健康饮食和经常运动。

    There 's no better way to lose weight fast than a healthy diet and regular exercise .

  13. 如何快速减肥

    How to Lose Fat Fast

  14. 今天我会告诉你要快速减肥必须做的五件事。

    And today I 'm going to tell you five things you must do to lose weight fast .

  15. 不推荐快速减肥,因为那样会让你营养不良,并会伤害你的身体,以后也无法弥补。

    Drastic dieting is never recommended since it can leave you malnourished and damage your body in an unredeemable manner .

  16. 所有的人,不分性别和年龄,都有个共同之处&要减轻体重,而且要快速减肥。

    All , regardless of sex and age , have something in common - losing weight and losing it fast .

  17. 她的影响力所及,从在电视上大谈自己的婚姻问题的总统候选人,到风行一时的快速减肥食谱,无所不包。

    Her legacy can be seen in every presidential candidates who discuss their marital problems on TV to the fad for crash diets .

  18. 一个人的心跳率在一定的范围内,可以更快速减肥。这个范围叫”脂肪燃烧区“。这是个颇具争议的话题。

    The highly disputed " fat burning zone " refers to the target heart rate range that is supposed to help a person lose weight faster .

  19. 妇女们最好不要快速减肥,而应该被鼓励吃得健康些、保持积极主动和用母乳喂养她们的孩子。

    Women should be advised that it 's best not to lose weight too quickly and should be encouraged to eat healthily , keep active , and breastfeed their babies .

  20. 丰田普锐斯顶部本列表,这样像卡梅隆·迪亚兹计数快速减肥法,莱昂纳多,卡罗尔?国王,比利·乔尔和大卫杜卡夫尼在其著名的名单的主人。

    The Toyota Prius tops this list , counting such A-listers like Cameron Diaz , Leonardo DiCaprio , Carole King , Billy Joel and David Duchovny in its list of famous owners .

  21. 2013年,发表于《新英格兰医学杂志》的一篇文章中写道,实验表明,那些快速减肥的人往往在减肥之后的长期内体重依然会有少许的减少。

    According to a 2013 New England Journal of Medicine article , experimental trials showed that people who achieve rapid weight loss actually tended to weigh less at the end of longer-term follow-ups as well .

  22. PruHealth保险公司的营销总监凯蒂•罗斯韦尔说:“如今越来越多的人开始崇尚一种长期的健康生活方式,而不再选择流行饮食计划等不健康的快速减肥法,这是件好事。”

    Katie Roswell , marketing director at PruHealth , said : " It 's encouraging to see a common move towards long-term healthy lifestyles , rather than people opting for more short-term fixes , such as unhealthy , fad diet plans .

  23. 对于大部分人来说,一个月之内减肥10磅是很困难的。但是健身教练DanRoberts可以指导你通过不同的方法和技巧达到一个月之内快速高效减肥的目的。那么,跟随下面的建议,做到健康减肥。

    Losing 10 pounds in a month is difficult to most people , but Dan Roberts , the fitness trainer , guides you through various steps and techniques to lose the weight effectively within a month . So , follow the guide and be fit .

  24. 其理由是,激进而快速的减肥减缓了身体新陈代谢的速度。长此以往,一旦恢复饮食,你还是会迅速复胖。

    The reasoning was that rapid weight loss slowed down your metabolism , so over the longer term , you 'd stop losing weight and even start gaining it again .