
  • 网络Fast Food Culture;fast-food culture;Fast-food Restaurants
  1. 现如今的社会,快餐文化太过严重。

    Today 's society of fast food culture too seriously .

  2. 不管它是否已经变成禅宗的快餐文化,它仍然作为一个外道人认识佛教的一个开端,能让我们通过它认识和理解佛教真理。

    No matter whether it has become zen fast food culture , it still as beginning of a man of understanding the Buddhism , can let us through it understanding and the understanding buddhist truth .

  3. 有人把今天的文化描述为“快餐文化”。

    Today 's culture is described as " fast-food culture " .

  4. 快餐文化的危害及图书馆人的应对

    Danger of " Fast-food Culture " and the Responsibility of Librarians

  5. 近几年,经济大潮澎湃,快餐文化流行。

    In recent years , the economic tide rushes , fast-food culture pop .

  6. 快餐文化对大学生思想教育的挑战与对策探析

    Challenge and Countermeasures of " Fast Food " Culture on Ideological Education of College Students

  7. 当然,觉得我们所处的环境与我们体重增加有关联的这一想法没什么新鲜。但是,过去的种种讨论都把“环境”所扮演的角色主要聚焦在快餐文化上。

    The idea of our surroundings contributing to weight gain is nothing new , of course .

  8. 新武侠、红色经典以及快餐文化的出现都有其必然性。

    So it is inevitable that new gongfu stories , red classics and snack culture have appeared .

  9. 随着现代人们生活节奏的加快,快餐文化在生活中的重要性逐步提高。

    With quick life rhythm of modern people , the importance of fast-food culture in human life is improving gradually .

  10. 现代生活对快节奏、高效率的诉求,使得人们越发地青睐快餐文化、大众消费。

    Modern life requires rapid rhythm and high efficiency , thus people become more and more interested in snack-culture and mass-consumption .

  11. 在快餐文化充斥的新时代,英语专业学生的学习动机中融入了更多的功利主义因素。

    The popular " fast food culture " greatly influences the way English majors learn English by making their motivation more Utilitarianism-oriented .

  12. 它是电子传播技术高度发达、各种传媒激烈竞争、快餐文化成为时尚的当今时代的必然产物。

    It is highly advanced electronic communication technologies ; intense competition in various media , fast food culture has become fashionable inevitable product of our times .

  13. 在一些量身定制产品的诱惑下,手头拮据的欧洲人按捺住对美式快餐文化“教父”麦当劳的疑虑,小心翼翼地迈进了这家连锁餐厅的大门。

    Cash-poor Europeans swallowed their misgivings about the godfather of American-imported fast-food culture and stepped gingerly inside McDonald 's restaurants - lured by some tailored offerings .

  14. 第三部分论述了图像时代绘画的美学转向,从消费时代所带来的审美泛化和快餐文化两方面阐述。

    The third part discusses the painting of the Image era aesthetic turn , made it clear from the consumer era aesthetic generalization and fast food culture .

  15. 当前的文化消费也大部分是一种快餐文化。电影、电视等图像信息代替了文字阅读。

    A large part of snack pattern culture occupies the current consumer in culture and image information such as movies and TV and so on substitute reading .

  16. 然而,由于人们远离经典多时,以及快餐文化的侵袭,使得经典文学的教学未能取得可观的效果。

    However , since people away from classical for long time , and fast-food culture to invade , makes the teaching of classic literature fails to win considerable effect .

  17. 网络传媒的开放性、快捷性和包容性决定了网络文化是数字文化、“快餐文化”和多元文化。

    The features of openness , fastness , and inclusiveness of network media decide that network culture is kind of digital culture ," fast food culture " and multiculturalism .

  18. 但是美声唱法在中国的发展存在不少问题。歌唱语言的差异,声音至上意识,快餐文化的冲击都制约、障碍了美声在中国的发展。

    But its development in China is hindered by such problems as the discrepancy between music languages , putting voice above everything else and influence of quick meal culture .

  19. 首先说,庄稼只能在一年中的某些时间收割,因此找到合适的地块搞农业,肯定不是什么代替要吃肉就有肉的快餐文化的好路数。

    For a start , crops could only be harvested at certain times of the year , so arable farming was certainly no substitute for the fast-food culture of meat on demand .

  20. 文章以美国近年来出现的新词为切入点,从速食时代的快餐文化、无孔不入的广告营销文化、现实世界的物质文化、情感世界中的关系文化四个层面解读当代美国大众文化。

    The author tries to interpret American pop culture from the perspectives of fast food culture , creeping advertising and marketing culture , material culture and relationship culture through analyzing the American neologism .

  21. 举例说明了快餐文化的盛行,并分析其原因,最后提出了图书馆解决文化快餐的盛行问题应采取的措施。

    The paper has cited examples to illustrate the prevailing situation of snack culture , analyzed its reasons , and finally put forward measures to solve the prevailing situation of " snack culture " .

  22. 但在时尚文化、快餐文化的冲击下,中学中国古典小说教学遭遇了诸多困境。

    But faced with the culture shock , " fashion culture " and " snack culture " for example , the teaching of Chinese classical novels in middle schools has encountered a lot of problems .

  23. 然而,快餐文化在改变人们行为模式时,其背后的心理机制是什么?我们推测,快餐概念的启动将会自动地导致人们产生节约时间的行为。

    However , what are the psychological mechanisms behind the behavioral changes brought on by fast food culture ? We believe that the fast food concept automatically triggers the behavior of " time saving " .

  24. 尤其在快餐文化的今天,欣赏者反而去刻意追寻一些更耐人寻味的东西,而对于很多艺术作品中那些直白的说明或讲述则感到厌倦。

    Especially in fastfood culture today , the observers to pursue some more deliberately instead of intriguing thing , and for many art works of that kind of almost dull descriptions or tells is tired of them .

  25. 受如今快餐文化的影响,英国人等餐时间超过8分38秒就会开始冒火,此时用餐者通常会开始怀疑他们点的食物到底还会不会上。

    In today 's fast food culture , restaurant rage kicks in after only eight minutes , 38 seconds , when the average diner will start to wonder whether the meal they have ordered will ever arrive .

  26. 很多人认为我在攻击麦当劳,但我的初衷并非是要攻击麦当劳,而是抨击美国人的生活方式:它已经变成了十足的快餐文化。

    A lot of people think I 'm attacking McDonald 's , but I didn 't come into this to attack McDonald 's ; I came into this to attack the American way of life , which has become a real fast-food culture .

  27. 中国社会在经历了漫长的农耕社会之后,在刚刚踏入工业文明不久,又被全球一体化的浪潮推到了现代信息时代,优秀的传统文化和现代的快餐文化之间产生了激烈碰撞和思考。

    After a long agriculture times and with a short connect with industry civilization , China society is pushed into modern information times by the tidal wave of globalization , which aroused fierce conflicts and consideration between excellent tradition culture and modern snack culture .

  28. 如今,我们身处一个眼球经济、快餐文化迅猛发展的社会中,科学技术高速进步的同时,人们的精神食粮却日渐匮乏,社会的风气也日益浮躁。

    Today , we live in an " eyeball economy " society with rapid development of the fast-food culture . The progress of science and technologies is in high-speed . However , the spirit of the people is growing shortages . And the social atmosphere has become increasingly impetuous .

  29. 用先进文化的思想武装全民族的头脑、有效地遏制快餐式文化的发展、加强网络文化的管理、进行文化的创新、以各种方式宣传中华民族光辉灿烂的文化,是打造强势文化的必由之路。

    We should construct our culture by means of arming the whole people 's mind with progressive thought , staying the process of fast-food culture , strengthen management of net culture , and propagating brilliant national culture .

  30. 通过对具体现象的分析使我们认识到,90年代美的转变绝非偶然,它是大众流行文化和快餐式消费文化发展的必然趋势,也是艺术家对时代发展的个性感悟。

    Through the analysis of typical examples , I realized that this kind of transformation not happened accidentally , but an inevitable trend of popular culture as well as development of fast-food consuming culture , and artists ' personal realization of development of passing time .